Author: |
翁佳吟 |
Thesis Title: |
若立維:《為長笛與弦樂團之協奏曲》詮釋探討 |
Advisor: | 游雅慧 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
音樂學系 Department of Music |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2007 |
Academic Year: | 95 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 143 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 若立維 、長笛 、青年法蘭西 |
Keywords (in English): | Jolivet |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 216 Downloads: 46 |
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法國作曲家安德烈‧若立維(André Jolivet, 1905-1974)對自然世界的原貌,以及人類舞蹈中蘊含之情感,付出強烈的關注。若立維主張新音樂的人道主義,著力於在音樂中探索人類精神的根源。「回歸音樂本身起源,古代的意義,因為它是人類群體宗教信仰中,帶有魔術的、咒語的表達方式」幾乎是若立維貫徹一生的音樂觀。
對若立維來說,長笛在其音樂觀與美學觀中,占了非比尋常的重要地位。若立維認為從遠古時期開始,長笛這樣樂器,就與宗教儀式具備密切關係,象徵神秘的、魔法的力量; 另外,一生中寫過十二首協奏曲的若立維,非常重視此一曲種,並且皆為了主奏樂器不同的性能,而設計不同的協奏樂團編制。《為長笛與弦樂團之協奏曲》(Concerto pour Flûte et Orchestre a Cordes)就是在此背景下產生的。
船山隆 著。林立乘 譯。〈二十世紀的法國音樂〉。《全音音樂文摘》(四月號,1985):92-96。
A. Luce, Brian. “Performing Jolivet’s Concerto.” Flute talk, May/June 1995: 13-15.
A. Sprout, Leslie. “Messiaen, Jolivét, and the Soldier-Composers of Wartime
France.” The Musical Quarterly, Vol.87: 261-279.
Jacobsson, Stig. Notes to A. Jolivet, The Kroumata Percussion Ensenble and Manuela Wiesler, flute play music by Jolivet, Harrison, Cage and Sandstrom (1984). CD (BIS 272, 1984), 2-3.
Jolivet, André. Concerto pour Flûte and Orchestre a Cordes. Heugel, 1950.
Marx Wolfgang. Notes to André Jolivét, Concertino for trumpet, piano and strings
(1993).CD (Teldec, 4509-90846-2, 1993), 6.
Maycock, Robert. Noted to André Jolivet, André Jolivet (1955). CD (DCA 918, 1995),
Méfano, Paul. Notes to André Jolivet, Oeuvres pour Flute (1951-1988). CD
(Adda 581055, 1988), 8-10.
Michael Struck-Schloen. Notes to Andre Jolivet. Bassoon concertos (1993). CD
(Capriccio 10 579, 1996 ), 13.
Pellissier Jérôme. Notes to André Jolivet, Concerto for flute and orchestra (1978). CD
(Erato 2292-45839-2, 1992), 9-10.
Réby Anne-Marie. Notes to André Jolivet, 3eme symphonie /Concerto pour piano et
orchestre/1er concerto pour violoncelle et orchestre (1968/1968/1966). CD (Solstice SOCD 81,1992),5-6.
Sprout, Leslie A. “Messiaen, Jolivet, and the Soldier-Cpmposers of Wartime France.” The Music Quarterly (Nov. 2004): 261-305.
Toff, Nancy. The Flute Book. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Wiesler, Manuela. Notes to Andre Jolivet. Concerto for flute & strings (1993). CD
(BIS-CD-739 Bis, 1996), 7-9.