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研究生: 林晏如
Lin, Yen-Ju
論文名稱: 非營利組織應用戲劇於高齡服務方案之研究
Non-profit Organization’s Service Projects on Drama Application for Elderly
指導教授: 范聖韜
Fan, Sheng-Tao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 表演藝術研究所
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 149
中文關鍵詞: 社區劇場非營利組織高齡者應用劇場戲劇
英文關鍵詞: Applied Theatre, Community Theatre, Drama Application, Elderly, Non-Profit Organization
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201965
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:86下載:21
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  • 臺灣自1993年進入高齡化社會後,隨著醫療科技的進步,死亡率也逐漸降低,高齡族群持續攀升,因此政府及民間組織也日益重視高齡族群,政府部門成立了社區大學及樂齡學堂提供各種學習資源鼓勵高齡者進修,除了成人教育機構之外,在非營利組織方面,亦有不少單位設計了多元的高齡服務方案提供高齡者參與。  而本研究欲探討非營利組織如何應用戲劇於高齡服務方案,以及高齡者之參與情況及歷程。過去的文獻多在探討高齡者參與戲劇活動之動機及對其之影響,較少著重在以高齡者為主體之服務方案在戲劇帶領實務方面的研究,鑑此,本研究旨在分析高齡者參與應用戲劇之服務方案的動機與歷程、瞭解高齡者在參與戲劇相關之服務方案產生的影響、探究方案中帶領人如何帶領高齡者進行戲劇活動。本研究以新光人壽慈善基金會與果陀劇場合作之「活化歷史」方案及弘道老人福利基金會之「社區劇場」方案為研究對象,研究者透過個案研究法、觀察法及深度訪談法,對服務方案帶領人及高齡參與者進行研究。在研究結論中,研究者發現高齡者在參與應用戲劇之服務方案後,除了提升自信心、成就感等自我實現的層面,亦有戲劇的療育作用,以精神層面的影響為多。本研究的貢獻在於:一、分析與歸納 「戲劇應用於高齡者服務方案」之國內實務經驗。二、系統化國內帶領者的培訓過程。三、連結與分析國內外 「應用戲劇之高齡者服務方案」之經驗。

    Ever since Taiwan became an aging society, the death rate of the country has gradually decreased with the advancement of medical technology. As the aged population constantly grows, government policies as well as non-profit organizations have begun to lay increased emphasis on the issue in hand. Governmental efforts include establishing community colleges and college-initiated elderhostel programs, providing various educational resources that aim to encourage further intellectual pursuit of the elderly. In addition to education institutes for adults, a lot of non-profit organizations offer services and programs for the aged population to take part in. This research examines how non-profit organizations apply drama in their elderly programs and the participation of the senior. Existing literature mostly focuses on the motive for the aged population to take part and the influence of such programs, as opposed to the practical aspects of incorporating theater activities in elderly programs. On that account, the purpose of this research is to analyze the motive and process for elderly people to participate in drama programs, understand the impact of such programs and inspect how facilitators lead theater activities. Case studies were carried out on the two following programs: History Alive program in Taiwan, launched by Shin Kong Life Foundation in collaboration with Godot Theater Company, and the Community Theatre program initiated by Hondao Senior Citizen’s Welfare Foundation. Employing research methods including case study, observation and in-depth interview, the researcher conducts studies on the facilitators and participants of elderly theater programs. In conclusion, findings show that in addition to enhanced self-esteem and confidence after the elderly’s participation in such programs, therapeutic effects, mainly psychological, of drama can also be found. The contribution of this research lays in the following: 1) analyzing the practical experience of applying drama to elderly service projects in the country, 2) systemizing the training procedure of facilitators in the country, 3) connecting and analyzing both domestic and international programs that apply drama to elderly service.

    目次 摘要 i Abstract ii 謝辭 iv 目錄 v 圖表目錄 vii 第一章、緒論 1   第一節、研究背景與動機 1   第二節、研究目的 6   第三節、研究問題 7   第四節、名詞釋義 8 第二章、文獻探討 11   第一節、非營利組織與表演藝術 11   第二節、應用劇場 17   第三節、高齡服務 33   第四節、創作性戲劇 41 第三章、研究方法與架構 47   第一節、研究方法 47   第二節、研究流程 51   第三節、研究對象 53   第四節、資料分析架構 67   第五節、研究範圍與限制 70 第四章、個案研究 72   第一節、新光人壽慈善基金會與果陀劇場合作之 「活化歷史」方案 74   第二節、弘道老人福利基金會之 「社區劇場」方案 91 第五章、研究結果分析與討論 101   第一節、高齡者對戲劇應用於服務方案的態度分析 101   第二節、高齡者參與應用戲劇之服務方案的經驗分析 111   第三節、高齡戲劇方案帶領人與帶領實務之綜合分析 116   第四節、戲劇應用於服務方案之經營分析 124 第六章、研究結論 132   第一節、研究結論 134   第二節、研究建議 137 參考文獻 142

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