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研究生: 介姿淇
Chieh, Tzu-Chi
論文名稱: 以ETC交通資料探討臺灣都會通勤圈住業失衡現象
Using ETC Traffic Data to Explore Jobs-Housing Imbalance of Urban Commuting Areas in Taiwan
指導教授: 吳秉昇
Wu, Bing-Sheng
口試委員: 陳哲銘
Chen, Che-Ming
Chen, Yi-Chung
Wu, Bing-Sheng
口試日期: 2022/06/20
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 都會通勤住業均衡超額通勤ETC資料視覺化
英文關鍵詞: Urban Commuting, Jobs-Housing Balance, Excess Commuting, ETC data, Visualization
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200916
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:143下載:17
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  • 都會通勤是近代都市發展的一項重要議題。當都市逐漸向外圍擴張,除了造成土地利用型態產生變化,也影響都市居民的通勤狀況,民眾需要花費更多通勤成本往返住所與工作地點。
    住業均衡(Jobs-Housing Balance)理論認為在理想狀態下,就業人口的工作地點與居住地點位於相同區域,以節省通勤時間、距離,減少汽、機車的使用時間,進而降低能源消耗,以及空氣汙染的排放量。既有文獻多使用政府各類年度交通與人口統計資料,應用於Jobs - Housing 比例,衡量住業均衡現象,一地所提供之就業機會數與居住數是否達到平衡。同時搭配超額通勤指數,量化往返住所與工作地點所耗費之額外通勤成本,並進一步推估都會區潛在的最小及最大通勤成本。過往受限於資料時空解析度不佳,在即時交通資料的大數據分析,或都會通勤區之空間視覺化,皆缺乏深入探討。
    臺灣都市區域發展過程中,高速公路建設擔任重要的角色,聯繫著都市、市鎮、郊區、鄉村,增加城鄉與區域間的可及性,帶動高速公路沿線城市與交流道周邊區域之人口以及工商業快速發展。交通部高速公路局將具有不同車輛類型的車行紀錄,去標籤化後,發布自2015年起,不同的電子道路系統(Electronic Toll Collection,簡稱ETC)資料集,而本研究選用的資料集為「各類車種旅次數量(M08A)」。試圖以時空解析度較佳的巨量資料,進行空間視覺化,並區分臺灣不同的通勤圈,以探討各通勤圈內住業分布與通勤現象。

    Urban commuting is one of the most important issues in the development of modern cities. As the cities gradually expand to the suburbs, not only does the land use pattern change, but it also affects the commuting of urban residents, who have to spend more costs on commuting between their homes and workplaces.
    Jobs-Housing Balance theory indicates that the ideal situation would be the supply of jobs and housing in the same region, which will reduce commuting time and distance, the use of automobiles and motorcycles, the energy consumption and air pollution emissions. Scholars before used a variety of annual government transportation and Census data to measure the Jobs-Housing ratio, which measured the balance between the number of employment opportunities and the number of residences in a region. Also, they quantified the additional cost of commuting between home and work via Excess Commuting, and estimated the potential minimum and maximum commuting costs in metropolitan areas. In the past, due to the poor spatial and temporal resolution of the data, there was a lack of analyzing real-time traffic data and spatial visualization of urban commuting areas.
    In the development of Taiwan’s urban areas, highway construction plays an important role. It links cities, towns, and suburbs, increasing accessibility between urban and rural areas, driving the rapid development of population and industry in the cities along the highway and the areas surrounding the interchanges. The Freeway Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) released the Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) dataset on the highway in Taiwan. The dataset records different types of vehicles. The dataset selected for this study is the “number of trips by vehicle type (M08A)”. This study attempts to spatially visualize the big data with better spatial-temporal resolution, and to distinguish different commuting areas in Taiwan. The goal is to explore the distribution of jobs and housing, and commuting phenomena within each commuting area.
    The results of this study divides the cross-town commuting of Taiwan’s highways into five major commuting areas: Pei-Pei-Tao commuting area, Hsinchu commuting area, the middle commuting area, Tainan commuting area, and Kaohsiung commuting area. Analyzing the commuting of the five commuting areas through the Excess Commuting Index, most of the commuting distances are increasing year by year. While the commuting of the Pei-Pei-Tao commuting area, Hsinchu commuting area, Tainan commuting area, and Kaohsiung commuting area are more stable, excepting the middle commuting area which is getting saturated year by year. Through different visualization methods, this study explores the distribution of jobs and housing, commuting areas, and the jobs-housing balance area, and the potential commuting areas. This study is helpful of understanding the main commuting scopes of commuting areas, the spatial distribution of jobs and housing, and the potential development areas. The results of this study could be a reference for the future urban planning.

    謝辭 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii 目錄 v 表目錄 vii 圖目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 研究目的 3 1.4 研究架構 4 第二章 文獻回顧 6 2.1 都市發展與通勤 6 2.2 住業均衡 7 2.3 超額通勤 13 2.4 交通大數據分析及應用 16 第三章 研究方法 18 3.1 研究區域 18 3.2資料來源 18 3.3研究方法 22 3.3.1 資料清洗 22 3.3.2 超額通勤指數計算 23 3.3.3 J/H比率計算與視覺化 25 3.3.4 通勤影響圈繪製 25 3.4研究限制 27 第四章 研究結果 29 4.1 通勤圈劃分 29 4.2 超額通勤 34 4.2.1 北北桃通勤圈 – 超額通勤 34 4.2.2 新竹通勤圈 – 超額通勤 35 4.2.3 中部通勤圈 – 超額通勤 36 4.2.4 臺南通勤圈 – 超額通勤 37 4.2.5 高雄通勤圈 – 超額通勤 38 4.2.6 綜合比較 – 超額通勤 40 4.3 住業現象與分布 44 4.3.1 北北桃通勤圈 – 住業現象與分布 44 4.3.2 新竹通勤圈 – 住業現象與分布 47 4.3.3 中部通勤圈 – 住業現象與分布 49 4.3.4 臺南通勤圈 – 住業現象與分布 51 4.3.5 高雄通勤圈 – 住業現象與分布 53 4.3.6 綜合比較 – 住業現象與分布 56 4.4 通勤影響區 57 4.4.1 北北桃通勤圈 – 通勤影響區 57 4.4.2 新竹通勤圈 – 通勤影響區 60 4.4.3 中部通勤圈 – 通勤影響區 64 4.4.4 臺南通勤圈 – 通勤影響區 68 4.4.5 高雄通勤圈 – 通勤影響區 71 4.4.6 小結 – 通勤影響區 75 第五章 結論與建議 76 參考文獻 78 中文文獻 78 英文文獻 79 附錄 83

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