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研究生: 劉蔡權
Liu, Tsai-Chuan
論文名稱: 基於可重組平台之公共運輸組員資源管理系統
A Configurable Platform Based Crew Resource Management System for Public Transportations
指導教授: 洪翊軒
Hung, Yi-Hsuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 114
中文關鍵詞: 組員資源管理人為因素風險管理組員備援機制
英文關鍵詞: Crew Resource Management, Human Factors, Risk Management, Backup Support Mechanism
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:356下載:7
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  • 「組員資源管理」(Crew Resource Management, CRM)為源自民航體系為減少人為因素所導致危險的應用管理概念,至今已被視為改善飛航安全,以及促進整體運作效率的一大利器,並推廣至醫療、消防救災、核能發電廠等多種高風險行業。雖民航公司已普遍採用組員資源管理概念,但在陸上及海上公共運輸系統尚無完整的「組員資源管理系統」,如能將民航公司所採用的組員資源管理概念導入至陸上及海上公共運輸系統,不失為可降低行銷時間及研發成本的最為可行方法之一。然而,此種將運用於飛機系統的組員資源管理概念移植至陸上及海上公共運輸系統的作法,仍有待進一步探討。本文即嘗試以德菲法(Delphi Method)以及基於決策實驗室分析法(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)之網路流程(DEMATEL based Network Process, DNP),邀集來自陸軍航空、民航、高速鐵路及空中搜救等單位之資深從業人員擔任專家,從管理階層上對下支援、組員團隊建立、狀況覺知與緊急事件管控等層面著手,確立管理階層決策指導、營運指揮與管制、組員互動、備援機制、環境效應、資訊分享、風險管理與危機應對等八項準則,針對空用、陸用及海用等三種公共運輸系統載台不同之特性與需求進行評估,並運用VIKOR方法決定妥協之解決方案。最後,以平台為基礎之設計方法,建立一個基於不同系統需求,可重組平台之組員資源管理模組。

    The Crew Resource Management (CRM) system is an applied logical management system initially developed by civil aviation. The aim of the CRM system development is to minimize the risks being caused by human factors. The CRM concept has been widely deployed in many transportation systems being operated in the environment with risks and uncertainties. Although the CRM systems have been widely adopted in airlines, such systems are still rare in the land and sea based transportation systems. Meanwhile, porting the CRM system for the civic aviation vehicles to the land and sea based systems is one of the most feasible ways to minimize both the time to market and the R&D cost. However, how the CRM systems being used in the airplanes can be ported to the land and sea transportation systems is still to be explored. Therefore, this research aims to adopt the Delphi method with DEMATEL based Network Process (DNP) Technique to summarize opinions being provided by experts in the related fields of army aviation, commercial aviation, high-speed rail, and air rescue from the dimensions of top-down support, teamwork building, situational awareness, and emergency control perspectives. From the survey results, the evaluation criterion will consist of four dimensions and eight elements, including leadership guidance, operation command & control, crew interaction, backup support, environment effects, information sharing, risk management, and crisis response for consideration. Then the VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) method is used to determine the alternatives ranking for a compromise solution. Finally, the platform based design method is used to serve as the basis for establishing a configurable platform based CRM system for all public transportations, based on different requirements of various transportation systems.
    From the results of this research, it is found that the final key factors will be selected for the constructing of basic CRM model of high-speed rail transportation system including crew backup support, information sharing, risk management, operation command & control, crisis response, and crew interaction; for sea transportation CRM, there are crew backup support, information sharing, crew interaction, crisis response, and environment effects by sequence; finally, for low elevation operated air carrier (LEOAC) CRM, there are information sharing, crew backup support, crew interaction, and crisis response.

    Abstracts ii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1. Research Background and Motives 1 1.2. Research Purposes 3 1.3. Research Method 3 1.4. Research Scope and Limitation 4 1.5. Expected Results 5 1.6. Thesis Structure 5 Chapter 2 Literature Review 7 2.1. Public Transportation 7 2.1.1. Land-based Public Transportation 8 2.1.2. Air Transportation 9 2.1.3. Sea Transportation 10 2.1.4. Security and Safety Concerns for Public Transportations 11 2.2. Risk Management in Public Transportations 12 2.3. Crew Resource Management 12 2.3.1. The Concept and Definition of Crew Resource Management 13 2.3.2. The Evolution of Crew Resource Management Theories 14 2.4. Platform Based Design 16 Chapter 3 Research Methodology 19 3.1. The Analytical Process 19 3.2. Delphi Method 19 3.3. The DEMATEL Method 20 3.4. The Analytic Network Process (ANP) Method 24 3.5. DEMATEL Based Network Process (DNP) Technique 29 3.6. VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) 34 3.7. Criteria Definitions 37 3.7.1. CRM 37 3.7.2. Public Transportation System 38 Chapter 4 Empirical Study 40 4.1. Decision Structure Derivations by Delphi Process 40 4.2. Causal Relationship by DNP Process 45 4.3. High-speed Rail Causal Relationship by DNP Process 49 4.4. Sea Transport Causal Relationship by DNP Process 53 4.5. LEOAC Causal Relationship by DNP Process 56 4.6. Compromise Ranking by VIKOR for Various Transportations 60 4.6.1. High-speed Rail 60 4.6.2. Sea Transportation 62 4.6.3. Air Transportation / LEOAC 64 4.7. Model Development Process 66 Chapter 5 Discussion 68 5.1. A New Look at the CRM Concept 68 5.2. CRM Requirements for Various Transportation Platforms 68 5.3. Relationship between Criteria and Accident Factor on CRM 69 5.4. Basic CRM Model Design 71 5.5. System Inputs and Outputs 72 5.5.1. Leadership Guidance 72 5.5.2. Operation Command and Control 73 5.5.3. Crew Interaction 74 5.5.4. Backup Support 74 5.5.5. Environment Effects 75 5.5.6. Information Sharing 76 5.5.7. Risk Management 76 5.5.8. Crisis Response 77 5.6. Different CRM Model Designs for Various Platforms 78 Chapter 6 Conclusion 80 References 81 Annex 1 List of experts 89 Annex 2 The survey questionnaire for factors involving CRM 90

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