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研究生: 吳小菲
Indra, Intricity
論文名稱: 初級兒童華語印尼語雙語教學影片設計-以恩中文頻道為例
Chinese Indonesian Bilingual Teaching Video Design for Beginner Level – For Instance En-Mandarin Channel
指導教授: 林振興
Lin, Zhen-Xing
口試委員: 蔡雅薰
Tsai, Ya-Hsun
Lin, Chien-Hung
Lin, Zhen-Xing
口試日期: 2022/07/13
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系海外華語師資數位碩士在職專班
Department of Chinese as a Second Language_Online Continuing Education Master's Program of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: YouTube教學影片華語數位教學印尼兒童華語教學印尼學習者水果教學影片食物與飲料教學影片
英文關鍵詞: YouTube Teaching Video, Chinese Digital Teaching, Chinese Language Teaching for Indonesian children, Indonesian Learner, Fruit Teaching Video, Food Beverage Teaching Video
研究方法: 行動研究法調查研究文獻資料蒐集研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201241
論文種類: 代替論文:專業實務報告(專業實務類)
相關次數: 點閱:125下載:12
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  • 本研究是以設計及製作初級兒童華語印尼語雙語教學影片,影片設計主要的目的是創造出有特色、有趣、豐富內容,並具有吸引力的教學影片,輔助實體課程教學,達到學習成效。教學影片的主角是由研究者的五歲的女兒扮演,因為女兒的華語及印尼語說得很流利及標準,加上她本身的格性很外向及活潑,由她來當主角拍攝初級兒童的華語印尼語雙語教學影片非常適合。在研究過程中也發現這個經歷成為我們母女「親子共同共學的創造」,除了可以用來教學祝福學習者以外,這也將是我與女兒姜好的回憶。



    This research is used to design and produce a bilingual Chinese-Indonesian instructional video. The main objective of this instructional video is to produce a video with distinctive qualities, engaging, rich content, and attention-grabbing virtues that facilitate learning and increase learning effectiveness. The researcher's daughter serves as the main character in this instructional video. Considering, this girl speaks Chinese and Indonesian fluently and precisely, and she has an outgoing and lively personality, she is an ideal choice for the role in this bilingual Chinese-Indonesian instructional video. During the course of this research, it is discovered that this effort evolved into a shared learning and invention that, in addition to being able to bless those who are learning languages, also serves as a lovely memory for the researcher and her own daughter.

    Through the use of multimedia theory, data collecting and definition theory for Chinese language education, and analysis of videos currently available on the YouTube platform, specifically Chinese beginner level learning videos for Indonesians with the themes of "fruit" and "food and drink," The process of compiling and creating a chinese learning YouTube channel involves using the expertise of undergraduate researcher majoring in multimedia design to design, shoot, and edit videos. The resulting instructional videos are then uploaded to the YouTube channel, and through standardization of making videos, the researcher conduct video analysis. As well as, the researcher applies her own instructional videos to teach in her basic Mandarin class, that she carries out learning and research, and after the teaching and learning process is complete, the researcher distributing feedback forms to the student parents’ and doing analysis afterwards.

    In accordance with this study's findings, instructional video that has precise and engaging content consistently grabs children' attention and improves learning efficiency. Using standardization while creating instructional videos can improve the quality of the work. The instructional videos that we produce and incorporate into the teaching and learning process can prompt us as teachers to reflect and improve the quality of our teaching and our abilities.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 8 第二節 研究問題 10 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 多媒體定義與學習認知理論 11 第二節 兒童華語教學 12 一、兒童習得理論 12 二、第二語言習得理論 15 三、兒童華語視聽教學 16 第三節 多媒體教學與YouTube平台 17 一、多媒體教學 17 二、YouTube平台簡介 18 三、教育界使用YouTube影片的優勢 18 第三章 研究方法 21 第一節 研究方法 21 第二節 研究步驟 22 第三節 研究工具 24 一、語言教學影片分析與評量的指南 24 二、Social Blade社交媒體用戶的表現 27 三、教學回饋 29 第四章 分析與評量印尼華語教學影片 34 第一節 水果詞彙的教學影片 34 第二節 食物和飲料詞彙的教學影片 39 第三節 兩個頻道的啟發及反思 43 第五章 製作教學影片過程 45 第一節 設立YouTube頻道 45 第二節 拍攝準備 46 第三節 拍攝和編輯影片的過程 49 第四節 分析與評量自己拍攝的教學影片 55 一、分析第一部教學影片「水果」 55 二、分析第二部教學影片「食物、飲料和零食」 59 三、其他人針對我拍攝的影片評量與分析 63 第六章 教學影片融入課堂實施 67 第一節 教案設計內容 67 一、水果教案設計 67 二、食物、飲料與零食教案設計 71 第二節 教學過程 77 一、第一節課 77 二、第二節課 80 三、第三節課 81 四、第四節課 82 五、第五節課 83 六、第六節課 84 七、第七節課 85 八、第八節課 86 第三節 問卷調查分析 87 一、問卷內容 87 二、問卷分析結果 88 三、教師觀察和評量 94 第七章 結論 100 一、研究結論 100 二、未來期望 101 參考文獻 104 附錄 107

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