研究生: |
許明欽 Hsui Min-ching |
論文名稱: |
國中校長時間管理之研究 A Study of Management by Junior High School's Principal |
指導教授: |
Wu, Ching-Ji |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
畢業學年度: | 86 |
語文別: | 中文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 時間管理 |
英文關鍵詞: | Time Managemant |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:404 下載:0 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
本研究之主要研究目的有四:1.分析國中校長工作時間的分配情形。2.探討國中校長時間管理的干擾及困難因素。3.探討國中校長時間管理的策略。4.研擬改進國中校長時間管理的建議。為達成上述目的,本研究編製「國中校長時間管理調查問卷」,研究樣本係以台灣省二十一個縣市、台北市及高雄市之公立國中校長為對象,實施抽樣調查,共抽得學校472所,回收率81.14%,可用率78.39%,蒐集的資料均加以統計分析。本研究除問卷調查外,另設計「國中校長時間管理紀錄表」,請九位校長實施為期兩週的時間管理紀錄,與問卷調查結果相對照,以便深入了解其實況。綜合文獻探討、問卷調查與軼事紀錄,歸納以下主要研究發現:一.國中校長工作時間的分配情形:.以學校處室來分,國中校長分配在訓導處的時間最多,其次為教務處、總務處、輔導室、人事室、會計室。.國中校長分配在學校各處室的時間,因「年齡」、「服務地區」、「學校規模」不同而有顯著差異。.以「工作內容」來分,國中校長分配在教學視導的時間最多,其次為行政領導、事務管理、組織發展、學生輔導、公共關係。.國中校長分配在工作內容的時間,因「年齡」不同而有顯著差異。.以「交際對象」來分,國中校長分配在學校同事的時間最多,其次為學生家長、社區民眾、校長同仁、民意代表、上級長官。.國中校長分配在交際對象的時間,因「年齡」、「校長年資」不同而有顯著差異。二.影響國中校長時間有效利用的因素:.國中校長時間管理的干擾因素,依其干擾程度由高至低依序為「經常參加會議及各項活動」、「不速之客造訪」、「學校偶發事件處理」、「與人溝通協調」、「電話干擾不斷」、「書面資料及公文處理費時」。.國中校長時間管理的困難因素,依其困難程度由難至易依序為「臨時性、突發性的事太多,無法規畫」、「缺乏時間管理的課程或研習」、「教育界歷來沒有時間管理的觀念」、「工作太忙,沒有時間做規畫」、「有事情隨即處理,不必規畫」。三.國中校長時間管理策略:.國中校長時間管理最常使用的策略,依其次數多寡依序為「合理授權,高度信任同仁」、「有效主持會議並加以執行」、 「依目標及優先順序規劃時間」、「建立檔案系統,有效處理文件」。.國中校長對「時間的掌握」、「時間的規畫」、「職務的授權」、「電話及公關管理」、「會議及文件處理」、「作決定」等 六個時間管理策略的層面都掌握得很好,不因受試者變項不同而有顯著差異。根據研究結論,對國中校長時間管理提出下列建議:一.對教育行政主管機關的建議:.因應教育改革之需求,調整學校行政組織。.多開設時間管理課程及舉辦時間管理研習。.減少校長參加開會次數並避免不必要的活動。.訂定校園危機處理流程,增進校長處理偶發事件能力。.辦理教學視導研習,加強校長教學視導專業知能。二.對國中校長的建議:.積極參加時間管理的課程或研習,提昇時間管理能力。.加強運用時間管理策略,減輕時間管理的困擾。.結合訓導與輔導功能,利用時間有效輔導學生。.使用電腦等輔助工具,以節省工作時間。.分配較多時間在管理層面,減少作業層面的時間。
A Study of Time Management by JuniorHigh School's Principal The main purposes of this study are to explore how theprincipals apportion their working hours as well as what thedisturbances are. Besides, it will explore principals' tacticsfor time management and offer proposals for improving themanagement of time in junior high schools. To attain the above purposes, this study has adopted the methodsof historical document analysis as well as questionnaires. Firstly,with theory analysis, to explore the concepts concerned among time,time management, and time disturbance factors. Then to reconstructthe time management tactics presented in literature. Finally tosummarize time management of relevant researches and principles.According to the results of exploring the historical documents, theresearcher formulated questionnaires to understand the currentsituation of time management tactics used by principals. Besides, theresearcher compiled "the records of time management by principals" toshow the daily situation of time management .The records weredistributed to nine principals for two weeks . The researchercontrasted the results of the questionnaire and those of the records.By the contrasts, people can understand the time management situationmore . The objects of this study are principals of junior high schoolin Taiwan Province, Taipei City, and Kaohsiung City. 472 schools havebeen taken as samples. The returning samples are 383 copies, amountsto 81.14%. The effective samples actually acquired are 370 copies,amounts to 78.39%. The datas have been proceeded for statisticalanalysis with the SPSS for Windows 6.0 statistics packaging software. Synthesizing the findings of exploring historical documents andquestionnaires, the conclusions have been reached as follows: 1. The distribution of working hours: (1) For school departments, principals spend most of their time in discipline department, then teaching & learning department, and general affair department, then counseling department, and personnel department, finally accounting department. (2) The time arrangement varies according to their age and the district or size of school . (3) As far as school affairs are concerned, junior high schools' principals spend most of their time in supervision, then administrative leadership, and affairs management, then organizational development, and students concealing, finally public relation. (4) The distribution for working affairs varies according to age. (5) For intercourse objects, principals spend most of their time in colleagues, then students' parents, and district inhabitants, finally representatives or officials. (6) The distribution of time for intercourse objects varies according to age and in- service period. 2. The interfering and obstacle factors : (1) The interfering factors , in order of the disturbance degree, are : too many conferences, unexpected visitors, incidents, communication, phone calls, and paper works. (2) The obstacle factors, in order of the disturbance degree, are: unable to plan in ahead, lack of in-service training and the idea of time management, too busy to plan,and without plan. 3. The tactics of time management: (1) The tactics often used, in order of frequency, are to empower, to hold conference efficiently, to set up priorities ,to formulate the file system. (2) Opinions gathered from different junior high schools with different backgrounds make slight difference. According to the results of this study, the following proposals are suggested: 1. For educational administration: (1) Adjust school administration organization to meet the needs of Education Reform. (2) Set up time management in-service training program.(3) Decrease the numbers of conferences. (4) Establish the process of campus crisis management. (5) Improve principals' professional skills and talents for supervision. 2. For junior high school principals: (1) Attend more in -service training about time management. (2) Use time management tactics more effectively. (3) Combine the functions of counseling department and discipling apartment. (4) Use computer assisted instruments to save time. (5) Apport more time on management, instead of working.