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研究生: 郭羿里
Kuo, Yi-Li
論文名稱: 利用航空攝影測量探討有勝溪河道地形變化與斷流之研究
Morphological change and flow disruption of the Yousheng Creek by using aerial photogrammetry
指導教授: 李宗祐
Lee, Tsung-Yu
口試委員: 沈淑敏
Shen, Su-Min
Chen, Yi-Chin
Lee, Tsung-Yu
口試日期: 2022/12/30
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 98
中文關鍵詞: 斷流河道地形地形變遷極端降水事件地表水與地下水交互作用
英文關鍵詞: flow disruption, channel morphology, morphological change, extreme rainfall, surface water-groundwater interaction
研究方法: 田野調查法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300104
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:93下載:29
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  • 為恢復臺灣櫻花鉤吻鮭的歷史棲地,雪霸國家公園管理處自2009年開始於有勝溪上游的羅葉尾溪進行域外放流,卻因下游頻繁發生斷流,直接衝擊國寶魚的生存。為探討有勝溪部分河段發生斷流的機制,本研究利用歷史航照影像以及無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)空拍影像產製出正射影像以及數值地表模型(Digital Surface Model,DSM),比較2010年至2022年間河道變遷情形,並搭配水文資料歸納出斷流的成因。結果顯示:2012年7月的大豪雨事件後使右岸的廢耕地遭受侵蝕,部分河段堆高1公尺,此後斷流頻繁發生,河道堆高導致地下水位遠離地表是斷流的主因,除此之外,本研究河段為失水河段,部分河段因側蝕加寬導致入滲量增加,則間接加劇了斷流的發生。雨量為驅動河道高程變化的主因,當最大時雨量大於47.5毫米時(大事件),則造成河道側蝕且最低點堆積;最大時雨量小於20.5毫米且有地表逕流產生時(小事件),則造成河道最低點下切。從2018年後,本研究區多為小事件造成的下切作用,然而下切程度有限,平均一年僅下切0.08公尺,至今部分河段的河道高程仍與2010年相差1公尺以上,加上每4~5年可能有大事件造成的側蝕與堆積,有勝溪在短期內似乎無法避免斷流的命運。

    In order to restore the historical habitat of the Formosan landlocked salmons (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus), the offspring have reintrodueced to the Louyewei Creek which is the upstream of the Yousheng Creek by Shei-pa National Park Headquarters since 2009. However, the habitat expansion was hampered by the frequent flow disruption in the upsteram of the Yousheng Creek. In order to investigate the mechanism of flow disruption, this study used historical aerial photographs and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) aerial images to produce orthophotos and digital surface models (DSM) to reveal the morphological changes from 2010 to 2022. Besides, hydrological data were supplemented to summarize the causes of flow disruption. The results showed that after the heavy rainfall event in July 2012, the abandoned agricultural land on the right bank was eroded and part of the channel elevated by more than 1 meter, leading to frequent flow disruption afterwards. The groundwater table under the channel became deeper below the riverbed surface owing to sediment deposition, which was the main cause of the flow disruption. In addition, the study stream reach featured losing reach. Lateral erosion, resulting in wider channel, enhanced the amount of infiltrated stream water to the riverbed and indirectly aggravated the flow disruption. Rainfall intensity was the main driving force of the morphological change. When the maximum hourly rainfall was greater than 47.5 mm (major event), the channel was laterally eroded and the thalweg was elevated. When the maximum hourly rainfall was less than 20.5 mm and surface runoff occurred (minor event), the thalweg was incised. After 2018, the study area was mostly incised by minor events, and the extent of incising was around 0.08 m per year. However, the channel elevations of flow disruption reaches were still >1 m higher than that in 2010. At the given condition that major events might occur every 4 to 5 years, it seems difficult to incise the channel to the condition in 2010 and therefore to avoid flow disruption of the Yousheng Creek in the near future.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第二章 文獻回顧 5 第一節 有勝溪斷流河段之相關研究 5 2.1.1 雨量與斷流之關係 5 2.1.2 流量與斷流之關係 6 2.1.3 地表水及地下水交互作用、物理棲地與斷流之關係 6 第二節 河道地形變遷之相關研究 9 2.2.1 極端降水事件對河道地形的影響 9 2.2.2 均夷與臨界功率閾值的差異 10 2.2.3 洪水堆積河流與洪水清理河流 10 2.2.4 極端降水事件對底岩河道地形的影響 13 第三節 河道地形監測技術之相關研究 15 2.3.1 遙測技術在河流地形研究上的應用 15 2.3.2 無人機在河流地形監測上的優勢 18 第三章 研究區域、材料、方法 20 第一節 研究區域 20 第二節 研究材料 24 3.2.1 大氣水文資料 24 3.2.2 影像資料 24 第三節 研究方法 26 3.3.1 利用UAV空拍資料進行建模與數化 26 3.3.2 利用航照資料建模與數化 29 第四節 研究流程 30 第四章 結果與討論 31 第一節 數值地表模型建置成果 31 4.1.1 數值地表模型精度評估 31 4.1.2 數值地表模型建模成果 33 第二節 有勝溪的河道變遷 42 4.2.1 橫斷面的河道寬度變化 42 4.2.2 橫斷面的高程變化 50 第三節 有勝溪斷流的控制因素 53 4.3.1 有勝溪的歷史斷流事件 53 4.3.2 斷流發生的原因 55 第五章 結論與建議 79 參考文獻 81 附錄 87

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