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研究生: 蔡佩君
Pei-Chun Tsai
論文名稱: 師生對教科書中使用「產生」表述概念關係論述之語意理解研究
指導教授: 楊文金
Yang, Wen-Gin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 164
中文關鍵詞: 科學文本語意理解科學漢語連接關係
英文關鍵詞: Scientific Textbook, Semantic Comprehension, Scientific Mandarin, Connection Relationship
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:134下載:18
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  • 科學教科書為了將科學知識有組織的呈現,需要藉由很多的詞彙介紹科學概念,除了科學專門詞彙外,科學教科書常使用生活中常用的詞彙,例如:外力作用於物體時,物體「產生」加速度。「產生」不是科學領域的專門詞彙,卻是描述科學事件間關係經常使用的詞彙。

    The scientific textbook appears the scientific knowledge in organizational order that needs many phrases to introduce scientific vocabularies and concept. The vocabularies in the scientific textbook include the vocabularies in the daily life that we usually use. For example, we make the object accelerate. Production is not a specialized vocabulary but it is the vocabulary that we usually use to describe the relationship with the scientific event.
    The goal in the research is to explore the material in the different subject to use the production in order to express the description of the concept and the material in the physics, chemistry and biology that use the production to express the relationship with description of the concept and the semantic meanings. The goal is also to explore the connection relationship of the event the students recognize.
    The tool of the research adopt the simple formula A produces B, A makes C produce B and comparative with the description of the expression concept in physics, chemistry and biology. According to the semantic understanding questionary in the context designation is as the tool of the measurement. The teacher and the student fill in the questionary after reading the article. And using the form of RGT is to explore the semantic understanding between the teacher and the student and compare the different recognition. We choose sixty-six grade eight, one hundred and eighty-three students grade seven in junior high school, one hundred and sixty-one grade ten in senior high school and eighteen scientific teacher to be our models.
    The research in the scientific material that tells us the relationship about the concept of the production. The same semantic formula means to different semantic relationship in the different subject that leads to the confusion about the production in the semantic relationship. The understanding about the expression of the concept description that the teacher and the student use, and the senior grade one can distinguish from the different relationship of the production in the scientific material much better than junior high school grade seven student. Besides, according to the learning before and after that the students use the scientific material to understand the production of the concept relationship. In the connection with the event that we understand, the students recognize the connection relationship of the event that is the reason and the effect relationship that also tend to the relationship at the same time. At last, according to the conclusion and the suggestion, it can make the scientific teachers and the editors think over that how to use the appropriate process to express the relationship of the concept clearly and promote the students ability in the semantic understanding.

    Keywords: Scientific Textbook, Semantic Comprehension, Scientific Mandarin, Connection Relationship

    第一章、緒論............................. 1 第一節 研究動機.......................... 2 第二節 研究重要性................ ....... 5 第三節 研究目的.......................... 6 第四節 研究問題.......................... 6 第五節 名詞釋義.......................... 8 第六節 研究範圍與限制..................... 10 第二章、文獻探討......................... 11 第一節 語言對科學素養的重要性.............. 11 第二節 力學論述使用語言所造成的影響. ....... 17 第三節 漢語的特性................. ....... 20 第四節 理論陳述意義............... ....... 29 第五節 由系統功能語言學探討科學文本語意關係.. 37 第三章、研究方法......................... 45 第一節 研究設計.......................... 45 第二節 研究對象.......................... 47 第三節 文本分析.......................... 49 第四節 研究工具.......................... 60 第五節 研究流程.......................... 65 第六節 資料分析.......................... 66 第四章 研究結果與討論..................... 71 第一節 學生對純語式與不同學科論述之語意理解.. 71 第二節 師生對純語式與不同學科文本語意論述之語意理解... 84 第三節 師生對於不同學科使用「產生」表述概念關係之語意理解...... 99 第四節 學生對物理文本論述之語意理解......... 125 第五章 綜合討論、結論與建議................ 139 第一節 綜合討論.......................... 139 第二節 研究發現與結論..................... 144 第三節 建議.............................. 147 參考文獻................................ 149 中文部分................................ 149 英文部分................................ 152 附錄一 不同學科文本語意理解問卷........... 155 附錄二 物理文本語意理解問卷............... 162

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