研究生: |
吳建林 Wu, Chien-Lin |
論文名稱: |
「修辭翻譯」:艾儒略《聖夢歌》研究 “Rhetorical Translation”: Giulio Aleni’s Shengmeng ge |
指導教授: |
Li, Sher-Shiueh |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
翻譯研究所 Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 170 |
中文關鍵詞: | 《冬夜寂靜時》 、修辭翻譯 、屬靈翻譯 、神聖翻譯 、信望愛 |
英文關鍵詞: | Noctis sub silentio tempore brumali, rhetorical translation, spiritual translation, sacred translation, faith, hope, love |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204598 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:229 下載:41 |
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本論文探討晚明義大利籍耶穌會士艾儒略(Giulio Aleni)一六三七年所譯《聖夢歌》。《聖夢歌》為辯論詩,所據文本為西方中世紀歐洲廣為流傳之拉丁語靈肉辯論詩《冬夜寂靜時》(Noctis sub silentio tempore brumali)。本論文按屬字、屬靈二層面比較中、拉文本,其中所謂屬「字」意義,就其字義而言,亦包括本義與轉義。在屬字層面上,乃借用雅各布森(Roman Jakobson)所言隱喻(metaphoric)、借代(metonymic)兩軸為分析工具,藉以說明中文敘事者如何透過相似性(similarity)與鄰近性(contiguity)之操作,翻譯、改述並重塑拉丁文本。在屬靈層面上,則「挪用」卡西安(John Cassian)四義解經法(fourfold exegesis),以之為分析模型,藉以顯示中文敘事者無論有意或無意,明知或不知,其翻譯乃啟示《冬夜寂靜時》隱藏之託喻、上升、倫理意涵。此三層屬靈意義之翻譯,將讀者重新導向信、望、愛三德,其翻譯行為本身亦為此三德之具體行動。信、望二德關乎天主與天堂不可見之事,愛之對象則為天主與人。天主愛人,人以愛還愛,因愛主而愛人,行之於善工。因此,愛乃不可見信、望二德之徵驗。神聖翻譯為愛之言語行動,述行並象徵基督宗教屬靈生活與愛之倫理。
This dissertation discusses the Shengmeng ge 聖夢歌 (Cantica sanctorum somniorum), a debate poem translated into Chinese by the late-Ming Italian Jesuit Giulio Aleni 艾儒略 in 1637 based on the Latin body and soul debate Noctis sub silentio tempore brumali widely circulated in Medieval Europe. The Chinese and the Latin texts are compared at two levels, one literal and one spiritual. The “literal” sense, in its literality that denotes both the proper and the figurative, is discussed along the metaphoric and metonymic poles of Roman Jakobson to show how the Chinese narrator translates, re-narrates, and re-figures the Latin text through the operations of similarity and contiguity. At the spiritual level, I “appropriate” John Cassian’s fourfold exegesis as a model to demonstrate how the Chinese narrator, consciously or unconsciously, knowingly or unknowingly, reveals the allegorical, anagogical, and tropological senses hidden in the Noctis. The translation of these spiritual senses re-directs the reader towards the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love and is itself an acting-out of these virtues. Just as love, effected and evidenced by one’s good works for God and for the neighbor in response to God’s love for him or her, is an outward sign of invisible faith and hope that are based on the invisible things of God and heaven, so too is sacred translation a loving speech act performing and symbolizing Christian spirituality and ethics of love.
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