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研究生: 張鈺欣
Chang, Yu-Shin
論文名稱: 探究新冠肺炎第一波疫情對經濟不利家庭之衝擊—以某協會經濟不利家庭之消費教育團體為例
Exploring the impacts of the first wave of Covid-19 on economically disadvantaged families—the experiences of members of a family consumption group of a NPO in Taipei.
指導教授: 王永慈
Wang, Yeong-Tsyr
口試委員: 潘淑滿
Pan, Shu-Man
口試日期: 2021/07/12
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會工作學研究所
Graduate Institute of Social Work
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 212
中文關鍵詞: Covid-19新冠肺炎經濟不利家庭家庭資源管理與運用家庭決策消費教育消費教育團體方案
英文關鍵詞: Covid-19, new crown epidemic pneumonia, economically disadvantaged families, family resource management and application, family decision-making, consumer education, consumer education group program
研究方法: 參與觀察法主題分析深度訪談法詮釋現象學
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101150
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:149下載:23
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  • 2019年年底開始蔓延的新冠肺炎(COVID-19),至今已在世界各地盛行,並造成公共衛生、醫療照護等層面的問題,各國為避免疫情蔓延而採取的封鎖、隔離措施,亦造成其他後續問題,如:經濟放緩與衰退、工時縮減、勞工就業問題等。在我國,新冠肺炎疫情對社會整體及醫療系統帶來了極大的風險,同時也使得許多「家庭」不得不在極短的時間內,選擇與採取應對家庭問題的手段,在措手不及的情形之下,可能因此帶來了許多意料之外的挑戰。本研究旨在探索新冠肺炎疫情對於經濟不利家庭的影響,以及經濟不利家庭為因應疫情所引發的家庭問題、危機之策略等,其中並採深度訪談法、參與觀察法,對於某協會消費教育團體成員中的6名家庭主要照顧者,以及4名12歲以上的兒少進行資料蒐集,經過分析後,本研究結果發現如下:

    COVID-19 that started to spread by the end of 2019 has become a pandemic all over the world, and it has caused the issues in public health as well as medical care. The lockdown, along with measures of isolation and quarantine adopted by each country to prevent epidemic, also creates other problems subsequently, such as the slowdown and recession of economic, shortened working hours, labor employment issues, etc. In Taiwan, the epidemic has brought great risks to the whole society and medical system. At the same time, many "families" have to choose and take measures to deal with family problems in a very short period of time. Under this kind of unexpected circumstance, it might further generate a lot of unanticipated challenges. This study aims to explore the impact of COVID-19 on the economically disadvantaged families as well as the family problems and strategies for risks caused to the economically disadvantaged families in order to respond to the epidemic. In-depth interview and participant observation are used to collect data from the 6 main family caregivers among a consumer educational group in one association and 4 children above 12 years old. After analysis, the outcome of the study is as below:
    1. For economically disadvantaged families, COVID-19 is a large-scale pandemic caused by virus; however, rather than the acquisition and understanding of the detailed information about the virus, the respondents care more about the impact of the development of epidemic on the economic aspect towards the family as well as how to avoid family members to be infected.
    2. In addition to the outstanding problems in family finance, employment, and debts, the seemingly unending epidemic and the fear to unknown disease also make the economically disadvantaged families mentally stressed and anxious. However, in terms of the relationship with relatives and friends at the social aspect, the respondents all think the relationship is closer than that of in pre-epidemic times.
    3. During the epidemic, the economically disadvantaged families most often convert one family resource to another resource that can be used and dealt with family problems through the method of resource exchange. Among them, the resource that is easy to be described and exchanged is family finance (economy). However, other family resources are also important.
    4. In terms of family decision, parent-child interaction and the allocation of decision-making power are crucial during the process of decision making and negotiation. Along with the development and growth of children in the family, the degree of participation of children in the family decision will also increase. Particularly, teenagers and children who start to become a provider of family resource are more likely to be asked for the opinion, and their opinions tend to be accepted during the decision making in the economically disadvantaged families.
    5. When family caregivers are willing to disclose the actual family situation and relevant information to the family members during the epidemic as well as to become open to more transparent communication channels, it is helpful for all the family members to develop measures to deal with the problems that the family faces together.
    6. Solutions from the consumer educational group are able to provide the investigation in the flow of family and personal consumption as well as skills in controlling expenditure. It has also become one of the resources that some respondents use to deal with the family issues caused by the epidemic. Child participants especially tend to use the knowledge of consumption management and skills that they learn in the daily life. Parents mostly recognize the value-added effects provided by the solutions from that group, such as “better parent-child relationship”, “better sibling relationship”, “value the opinions and viewpoints of the children in the family more”, and “finding opportunities for implementing the teaching content of mathematics in the school”.
    Moreover, the last part of the article explains the restriction of the study as well as provides suggestions for the future research, relevant policies for COVID-19, and practical aspects. The summary includes the following:
    1. Suggestions for the practical working aspects:
    a. Relationship with relatives and friends, parent-child relationship, and sibling relationship are an important support and resource for members in the economically disadvantaged families during the epidemic.
    b. During the epidemic, stable and long-term social service intervention plays an important role to the economically disadvantaged families.
    c. Education on family finance might be able to enhance the ability of dealing with finance problems among the economically disadvantaged families during the epidemic.
    d. The enhancement of ability in managing family resources will be able to assist the economically disadvantaged families to confirm and use the resources better during the epidemic in order to deal with the subsequent family problems.
    2. Suggestions for the policies related to COVID-19:
    a. The information on the relief package is not clear enough.
    b. The meaning of triple stimulus vouchers to the economically disadvantaged families is “relief instead of stimulus”. Besides, digital gap also causes exclusion for the economically disadvantaged families with digital vulnerability to acquire other stimulus vouchers (such as Arts FUN Go vouchers).
    c. The difficult situation that the near-poor households face during the epidemic shall be paid more attention.
    d. The actual assistance that the short-term relief plan to the economically disadvantaged families is very limited.
    e. The economically disadvantaged families cannot afford the epidemic prevention materials after price increasing.
    f. The support in temporary child care service after announcing the late start of the school is insufficient, and it causes distress to the caregivers
    3. Suggestions for future research:
    a. Having more research objects in different backgrounds.
    b. Suggesting having longitudinal research and long-term research in the future

    第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景2 第二節 研究動機6 第三節 研究目的與研究問題15 第二章 文獻探討16 第一節 疫情的發展與應對政策17 第二節 家庭資源管理與家庭決策理論架構33 第三節 疫情下的經濟不利家庭43 第四節 名詞解釋48 第三章 研究設計51 第一節 研究取向與方法51 第二節 研究對象54 第三節 資料收集方法與研究工具58 第四節 研究分析方法66 第五節 研究嚴謹性69 第六節 研究倫理71 第四章 研究分析與發現73 第一節 新冠肺炎對經濟不利家庭的影響73 第二節 經濟不利家庭應對新冠肺炎疫情影響之策略92 第三節 經濟不利家庭的家庭決策與溝通模式125 第五章 研究結論與建議137 第一節 研究結論137 第二節 研究建議156 第三節 研究限制164 第四節 研究後記165 參考文獻168 附錄183 附錄一 訪談同意書183 附錄二 訪談大綱184 附錄三 先導研究方案執行細部流程規劃及說明185 附錄四 觀察指引201 附錄五 觀察記錄表203 附錄六 第二次消費教育團體研究方案分次辦理流程內容204

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