研究生: |
葉勝維 Yeh, Sheng-Wei |
論文名稱: |
跆拳道不同預備站姿旋踢之生物力學分析 Biomechanical Analyses of Different Preparatory Standing Postures for Roundhouse Kick in Taekwondo |
指導教授: |
Tsai, Chien-Lu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 89 |
中文關鍵詞: | 旋踢 、運動學 、動力學 、牽張縮短循環 、電子護具 |
英文關鍵詞: | turning kick, kinematics, dynamics, stretch-shortening cycle, electronic protector |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:329 下載:24 |
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目的: 本研究針對不同預備站姿旋踢踢撃動作進行生物力學分析,探討不同預備站姿旋踢踢撃動作參數特性及差異。方法:以八名男子跆拳道選手 (身高174±5.9 cm,體重64±6.5 kg) 練習跆拳道已達六年以上為受試對象,利用2塊Kistler (1000Hz) 測力板、10台Vicon MX-13+ (200Hz) 紅外線攝影機和Dae do 跆拳道電子護胸系統,同步蒐集受試者在不同預備站姿旋踢動作過程中的相關力學參數,統計方法以無母數弗里曼二因子等級變異數分析,來考驗跆拳道不同預備站姿與不同踢擊高度之力學參數之差異,顯著水準訂為α= .05,若達顯著則進行事後比較。結果:一、在不同預備站姿旋踢各階段時間分析於攻擊期「跳動中端」顯著快於「原地上端」及「原地中端」動作。二、重心垂直位移量於下蹲期以「跳動上端」、「跳動中端」顯著大於「原地上端」、「原地中端」動作;「跳動上端」、「原地上端」的攻擊期重心垂直速度顯著大於「原地中端」動作。三、垂直和水平地面反作用力、垂直及水平的最大發力率與水平衝量以「跳動上端」及「跳動中端」顯著大於「原地上端」及「原地中端」動作。四、支撐腳的垂直地面反作用力以「跳動上端」顯著大於「跳動中端」;水平地面反作用力以「跳動上端」顯著大於「原地上端」;垂直發力率以「跳動上端」顯著大於「原地上端」、「原地中端」動作。「跳動站姿」的旋踢動作的確有較大地面反作用、水平衝量、發力率及較快的攻擊時間。建議:比賽攻擊時可採用「跳動站姿」較有利於攻擊速度及踢擊力量。
The present study aimed to analyze and investigate the biomechanical characteristics of Taekwondo turning kicks from different ready stances. Eight male Taekwondo athletes (height: 174±5.9 cm; weight: 64±6.5 kg) with six years of training in Taekwondo served as the participants of this study. By using two Kistler (1000Hz) force plates, ten Vicon MX-13+ (200Hz) ultra-red cameras and a Dae-do electronic trunk protect system simultaneously collected the actions of different ready stances Taekwondo turning kicks to attack the upper body and the middle body by the participants. The Friedman two-way analysis of variance by ranks nonparametric statistical test was to investigate the differences among four combinations, the significant level was as α = .05, the Post-hoc comparison was conducted where significant level was attained. The results were as follow, 1. Concerning the time spent on the kick from different stances, that “jumping mid kick” was significantly faster than “on the spot high kick” and “on spot mid kick.” 2., The vertical displacement of the “jumping mid kick” and the “jumping high kick“ was greater than the “on the spot mid kick” and “on spot high kick.” during the stage of squatting stance, while during the defensive stage, “jump high kick” and “on the spot h kick” were significantly greater than “on the spot high kick.” 3. With respect to ground reaction force, vertical and horizontal ground reaction force, maximum vertical and horizontal rate of force development, and horizontal measurement, 4. The support leg ground reaction vertical force of the ”jump high kick” and the “jump mid kick” were significantly greater than “on the spot high kick” and “on the spot mid kick” As to horizontal ground reaction force, “jump high kick” was significantly greater than the “on the spot high kick”, the rate of vertical force development of the “jump high kick” was significantly larger than “on the spot high kick” and “on the spot mid kick”. The study showed that “jump stance” performed greater ground reaction force, horizontal impulse, rate of force development, and faster attack duration time. The turning kick from “jump stance” did have more ground reaction force and horizontal measurement, higher rate of force development, and speedier offense. We suggest that the Taekwondo athletes should do “jump stance” to increase their offense speed and kicking force.
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