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研究生: 林耀豐
Yaw-Feng Lin
論文名稱: 工作限制下技能水準差異和訓練對網球正手拍技能表現的影響
Skill Level Differences under Task Constraints and the Effect of Training on Tennis Forehand Skills Performance
指導教授: 林清和
Lin, Ching-Ho
Liu, Yeou-Teh
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 193
中文關鍵詞: 運動發展工作限制不同技能水準
英文關鍵詞: motor development, task constraints, different skill levels
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:111下載:30
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  • 本研究的主要目的在探討:一、比較不同工作限制與技能水準之成熟個體,其技能操控與技能表現的能力。二、探討工作限制下速度與準確性的關連程度。三、探討不同工作限制與訓練歷程,對技能操控與技能表現能力的影響。本研究實驗一為先前研究,主要在確認實驗參與者網球學習週數及工具的信度與效度檢定;實驗二的實驗參與者分別為一般科系(平均身高:171.52±4.78公分、平均體重:68.73±4.48公斤)、體育科系(平均身高:173.23±3.35公分、平均體重:71.27±5.32公斤)及網球選手(平均身高:175.48±3.38公分、平均體重:72.72±4.53公斤)等三組不同技能水準之大學生各四十名,共計一百二十名男性;實驗三是延續實驗二之研究,以相同實驗參與者(N= 120),隨機分派至短拍小拍面組、中拍中拍面組、長拍大拍面組與控制組等四組。在實驗二期間每位實驗參加者需以三種球拍長度(65公分、68公分及71公分)與三種拍面面積(95 平方英吋 、110平方英吋及120 平方英吋)所組合成九種球拍型態的工作限制,分別做6次的正手拍擊球技能表現測試,共形成54次的試做次數,並以混合設計三因子變異數來考驗不同技能水準與工作限制對網球正手擊球之技能表現的影響。實驗三則依不同工作限制下之球拍型態所分配的組別介入四週的影片回饋教學與實際擊球之訓練課程,並以獨立樣本單因子共變數分析來考驗工作限制下之技能表現是否可藉由訓練的歷程而獲得改善。而研究結果指出:
    一、 不同技能水準與不同工作限制對網球正手擊球之技能表現結果與品質有一定程度的影響,且在較適中的球拍長度時出現較佳的技能表現之趨勢;但在不同拍面面積上雖有顯著的差異,最佳的技能表現則呈現出較不一致的狀態,且各動作成分之間的發展並非同步。
    二、 不同球拍工作限制下之正手擊球速度與準確性之絕對誤差間呈現出顯著的負相關,驗證速度與準確性互相交易之觀點。
    三、 不同工作限制下之球拍型態組別在技能表現結果與品質方面,經影片分析回饋與實際擊球練習之介入訓練後皆顯現出其效應;而各肢體之技能表現品質在各組間雖有進步的趨勢,但進步的幅度並非呈現出一致的趨勢,顯示各動作成分之間的發展並非同步。

    The main objectives of this research were: 1) Compare mature individuals at different skill levels under different task constraints, evaluating their motor control and skills performance ability. 2) Investigate speed and accuracy levels under task constraints. 3) Investigate the effect of task constraints and the training process on skills control and skills performance ability. The participants in Experiment 1 of this study were university students at different skill levels, 40 from each of these three categories: 1) general science departments (Height, 171.52±4.78 cm, Weight, 68.73±4.48 kg), 2) the Dept. of Physical Education(Height, 173.23±3.35 cm, Weight, 71.27±5.32 kg), and 3) tennis team players(Height, 175.48±3.38 cm, Weight, 72.72±4.53 kg), for a total of 120 males. Experiment 2 extended the research of Experiment 1. The same participants (N= 120) were randomly assigned to four groups, 1) a short racket and small face area group, 2) a medium racket and face area group, 3) a long racket and large face area group, and 4) a control group. In the time period of Experiment 1, each participant had to perform 6 tests of forehand skills performance at 9 racket types of task constraints. There were 9 constraints by the following multiplication: 3 racket lengths (65 cm, 68 cm, and 71 cm) X 3 face surface areas (95 inches2, 110 inches2, and 120 inches2). 6 tests at nine constraints make a total of 54 tests per participant. By doing this, we could measure their scores should be analyzed by the three-way ANOVA. The objective was to investigate the effect of different skill levels and task constraints on the performance of tennis forehand skills. In Experiment 2, the 4 groups described above entered a four-week training program composed of video feedback teaching and practice hitting. By doing this, we could measure their scores should be analyzed by the three-way ANOVA. This was in order to investigate whether skills performance under task constraints can be improved through the course of training. The results of this study show that: 1) Different skill levels and different task constraints to a certain extent impact the results and quality of tennis forehand skills performance. In addition, there was a trend towards more ideal performance at a racket length more appropriate to the individual. However, although there were obvious differences between rackets of different face areas, there was an uneven relationship between this variable and skills performance. As well, the various components involved in the action of a tennis forehand did not develop simultaneously. 2) There was a clear negative correlation between the absolute variance of forehand speed and accuracy under different racket task constraints, proving the thesis that there is exchanging between speed and accuracy. 3) In terms of the results and quality of skills performance for the different groups under different task constraints, following the film analysis feedback and the practice hitting training, the effectiveness of this training was clear. There was a trend towards improvement in the quality of skills performance for each individual extremity. However, the range of improvement was not the same for each group, showing that the development of the components of each action is not synchronous.

    第壹章 緒論..………………………………………………………1 第一節 前言……………………………………………………….1 第二節 研究背景與重要性……………………………………….2 第三節 研究目的…………………………………………………10 第四節 研究問題與假設…………………………………………10 第五節 研究範圍與限制…………………………………………12 第六節 名詞操作性定義…………………………………………13 第貳章 文獻探討..………………………………………………..17 第一章 基礎理論…..……………………………………………17 第二章 有關工作限制及訓練策略對技能表現影響之文獻..…..31 第三章 有關工作限制概念與費茲定律預測之文獻…………….43 第四章 本章總結.………………………………………….…….46 第參章 研究方法.………………………………………….……..49 第一章 確定實驗參與者學習週數及信度與效度檢定………….52 第二章 不同技能水準與工作限制效應探討…………………….63 第三章 不同工作限制與訓練效應探討………………………….72 第肆章 研究結果………………………………………………....78 第一節 實驗參與者學習週數趨向分析、同質性考驗及檢測 技能表現工具之信度與效度檢定……………………..78 第二節 不同技能水準與工作限制對技能表現的影響分析……85 第三節 工作限制下速度與準確性關係探討...………………...114 第四節 不同工作限制與訓練效應探討………………………..117 第伍章 討論……………………………………………….………122 第一節 實驗參與者學習週數趨向分析、同質性考驗及檢測 技能表現工具之信度、效度檢定…………………...122 第二節 不同技能水準與工作限制對技能表現的影響分析….126 第三節 工作限制下速度與準確性關係探討………….………146 第四節 不同工作限制與訓練效應探討……………………….155 第陸章 結論與建議……………………………………………...161 第一節 結論……………………………….…………………...161 第二節 建議…………………………………………………….163 引用文獻…………………………………………………………….166 中文部份…………………………………………………………166 英文部份………………………………………………………...168 附錄 附錄一 不同網球拍型態規格表……………………………...175 附錄二 體育科單元教學活動設計………...……….………...176 附錄三 網球正手擊球技能表現品質層次表………...………179 附錄四 結果摘要表…………………………………………...180 附錄五 不同技能水準與工作限制下各肢體部位品質層次 得分順位表…………………………………………...193

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