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研究生: 郭育如
Yu-Ju Kuo
論文名稱: 臺灣國中生英語閱讀中的圖片輔助:對於閱讀記憶及文本感受之影響
Using Picture Cues in EFL Junior High School Reading: Effects on Reading Recall and Text-perceptions
指導教授: 許月貴
Hsu, Yueh-Kuei
Chu, Hsi-Chin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 86
中文關鍵詞: 圖片輔助閱讀記憶文本感受
英文關鍵詞: picture cues, reading recall, text-perceptions
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:198下載:30
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  • 為了提升學生英語學習成效,多樣化的閱讀教材教法在英語學習和教學中已受到關注和重視。本研究旨在探討單一圖片輔助對於臺灣國中學生英語閱讀能力的影響,同時也針對這些國中生對於有無單一圖片輔助的英語閱讀內容理解、記憶能力和看法為何,進行了解。

    To improve the effectiveness of EFL reading, supplementing texts with visuals has been means to boost comprehension. This study aims to investigate the effects of using a single picture cue in English reading passages on the reading recall and text-perceptions of EFL junior high school reading in Taiwan.
    The participants of this study were forty two eighth graders from two classes in a public junior high school in northern Taiwan. They were assigned to four sub-groups to counterbalance the sequence of text topics and the sequence of texts with or without picture cues. Each of the participants read two texts, one with a picture cue and the other one without a picture cue. In this research, written recall for the texts was used to measure the students’ reading comprehension. After reading each text, the students filled out a text-perception questionnaire to understand their text perceptions. Then eight selected students were interviewed to understand the students’ feelings towards using a single picture cue in English reading passages. ANOVA analysis was applied to compare group differences on recall and text-perceptions.
    The major findings of the present study are as follows. First, using a single picture cue improved the students’ recall for the text. Second, using a single picture cue enhanced students’ perceptions of amusement and clarity of the text, and decreased the perception of difficulty level of the text as well. However, the students’ perception of memorability for the text was not significantly improved in the present study. Third, the effects of picture cues on recall and text-perceptions were not varied due to students’ English proficiency levels. Both higher and lower level students could benefit from the use of picture cues in reading. Overall, most of the students in this research held positive attitude towards using a single picture cue in each English reading passage.
    This study indicates that using a single picture cue in reading passages enhances EFL Taiwanese eighth graders’ reading recall and text-perceptions. With the findings of this research, pedagogical implications for English reading material selection and exercises were provided. Suggestions for future research were also drawn.

    Chinese Abstract......................................i English Abstract.....................................ii Acknowledgements.....................................iv Table of Contents.....................................v List of Tables.....................................viii List of Figures......................................ix CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION.............................1 Background of the Research............................1 Purpose of the Study..................................6 Research Questions....................................7 Significance of the Present Study.....................8 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW.......................10 Definition of the Key Terms..........................10 Picture Cues.........................................10 Comprehension........................................11 Recall...............................................11 Text-perceptions.....................................12 The Role of Picture Cues in the Reading Process......12 The Dual Coding Theory...............................13 Mental Model Theory..................................14 Transactional Theory.................................15 Repetition Hypothesis................................15 Visual Input Enhancement.............................15 Noticing.............................................16 Multimodality........................................17 Research on Picture Cues in Reading..................18 Effects of Picture Cues on Comprehension or Recall...18 Effects of Picture Cues on Text-perceptions..........21 Guidelines for the Present Study.....................25 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY...........................27 The Participants.....................................27 The school...........................................27 The Teacher..........................................27 The Students.........................................28 Instruments..........................................30 Reading Passages.....................................30 Text-perception Questionnaire........................33 Recall Sheets........................................33 Follow-up Interview..................................33 Design...............................................34 Pilot Study..........................................36 Data Collection Procedures...........................38 Data Analysis........................................39 CHAPTER FOUR: FINDINGS...............................42 Major Findings from the Students’ Recall............42 Results of the Students’ Text-perceptions...........45 Major Findings from the Students’ Interviews........50 Summary of the Findings..............................57 CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS............61 Effects of Picture Cues on Recall....................61 Effects of Picture Cues on Text-perceptions..........64 Text-perceptions of Amusement........................64 Text-perceptions of Difficulty Level.................65 Text-perceptions of Clarity..........................66 Text-perceptions of Memorability.....................67 Implications.........................................68 Implications for Reading Exercises and Material Selection............................................68 Implications for Future Research.....................69 Conclusion...........................................72 REFERENCES...........................................73 APPENDIX.............................................79 Appendix A: Reading Passages.........................79 Appendix B: Text-perception Questionnaire............81 Appendix C: Recall...................................83 Appendix D: Interview................................84 Appendix E: Recall Units of the Texts................85

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