簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李庭葳
Lee, Ting-Wei
論文名稱: 不同路面狀態慢跑之足底衝擊力差異
Evaluation of Plantar Impact in Different Conditions
指導教授: 相子元
Shiang, Tzyy-Yuang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動競技學系
Department of Athletic Performance
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 36
中文關鍵詞: 實地跑跑步機坡度著地期推蹬期
英文關鍵詞: overground, treadmill, slope, landing, push-off
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202992
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:224下載:20
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  • 前言:跑步機是跑者常見的訓練器材,相較於實際路面慢跑更不受氣候等外在因素的影響,因為容易於室內操作並控制速度,因此跑步機也常被研究作為模擬實際跑步的研究工具。在跑步機與實際路面慢跑可能存在足底衝擊力的差異,而足底衝擊力是預測慢跑運動傷害的指標之一。目前比較跑步機與實地跑相關的研究皆在平面上進行,但跑者在訓練或比賽甚至實驗的控制皆會面臨不同的坡度變化,因此我們希望能使用鞋內力量量測鞋墊觀察跑者在不同狀態下跑步時的足底衝擊力變化,了解狀態與坡度對足底衝擊力的影響進而做為未來訓練的參考,降低下肢受傷的風險。目的:本研究想探討 (一) 實地慢跑時在不同坡度下的足底衝擊力變化。(二) 比較跑步機與實地坡度跑的足底衝擊力差異。方法:招募12名有慢跑習慣的健康男性作為實驗參與者,運動過程中穿戴Podoon鞋墊,分別在跑步機上與實際路面進行上坡、平地與下坡跑,受試者以7km/hr速度完成上坡、平地與下坡跑,每個實驗收取穩定速度的1分鐘資料進行數據整理,並比較足底不同坡度狀態下的著地以及推蹬衝擊力差異。統計使用二因子重複量數變異數分析,比較不同坡度與狀態之間足底衝擊力的差異。結果:坡度的部分,在實地跑的狀態下,上坡跑會有顯著較大的推蹬期衝擊力,下坡跑則會有較大的著地衝擊力;狀態的部分,相較於實地跑,在跑步機上跑會有較大的著地衝擊力峰值、推蹬衝擊力峰值與著地最大負荷率。結論:如果欲避免下肢承受過大的足底衝擊力,建議避免於下坡的狀態進行慢跑;而跑步機與實際路面相比,在實際路面慢跑會有較小的著地衝擊力。

    Treadmill is a common training instrument which can reduce the effect of weather and other factors compared to running overground. The treadmill, also frequently used in the laboratories, can simulate different running speeds, wind and other factors. However, previous studies found that running on treadmill and overground may cause different plantar impacts. Plantar impact is an indicator that concerning with lower limb injuries. Current experiments about comparison of treadmill and overground running were operated at level without different slopes. In order to understand the effect of different slopes during training and competition, impact measurement insoles were applied to detect the changes of plantar impact in different conditions. The study aimed to find out (1) plantar impact differences while running uphill, level, and downhill. (2) plantar impact differences between treadmill and overground running with different ground slopes. Methods: Twelve male participants wore in-shoe impact measurement system on their left feet. Each participant randomly ran 500 meter 5% uphill, 5% downhill and level with speed 7 km/hr on treadmill and overground. Repeated measured two-way ANOVA was used to determine the difference of plantar impact in different conditions. Result: For different slopes, the uphill running has significantly greater push-off impacts, and the downhill running has significantly greater landing impacts. For different conditions, running on treadmill had significantly greater landing impacts, push-off impact loading rate and landing maximum loading rate. Conclusion: Running downhill, the runner will suffer greater loading impacts that may increase lower limb injuries. Compared with running on treadmills, running overground have lower landing impacts.

    中文摘要......................iv 英文摘要......................v 目次..........................i 表次..........................iii 圖次..........................iii 第壹章 緒論....................1 第一節 研究背景................1 第二節 研究問題................2 第三節 研究目的................3 第四節 研究假設................3 第五節 研究範圍................3 第六節 研究限制................4 第七節 名詞操作定義............4 第八節 研究之重要性............4 第貳章 文獻探討........................5 坡度跑的動力學參數差異...................5 坡度跑對著地形態的影響...................5 坡度跑對足底衝擊力的影響.................6 相關文獻探討總結........................8 第參章 研究方法.......................9 第一節 實驗參與者.....................9 第二節 實驗設備.......................9 第三節 實驗設計.......................11 第四節 實驗步驟.......................12 第五節 資料處理.......................13 第六節 統計分析.......................14 第四章 結果……..........................15 第一節 Podoon信效度檢驗.................15 第二節 衝擊力峰值.......................20 第三節 衝擊力平均負荷率..................22 第四節 衝擊力最大負荷率..................24 第五章 結論與討論……....................26 第一節 坡度探討........................26 第二節 狀態探討........................27 第三節 結論與建議......................28 引用文獻.................................30 附錄一 實驗參與者須知....................33 附錄二 實驗參與者同意書..................34 附錄三 實驗參與者基本資料表...............35

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