Author: |
陳孟瑜 Chen, Meng-Yu |
Thesis Title: |
敘事轉移觀點之故事影片設計研究:以新北投觀光景點為例 A Study on Video Design of Narrative Transportation Theory: Taking Hsin Beitou Tourist Area as an Example |
Advisor: |
Hsu, Ho-Chieh |
Committee: |
Chang, Kuo-En 鄧建國 Teng, Chien-Kuo 林美吟 Lin, Mei-Yin 吳淑明 Wu, Shu-Ming 許和捷 Hsu, Ho-Chieh |
Approval Date: | 2022/06/24 |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2023 |
Academic Year: | 111 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 202 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 敘事轉移 、故事性旅遊行銷 、旅遊影片 |
Keywords (in English): | narrative transportation, story-based tourism marketing, travel video |
Research Methods: | 實驗設計法 、 調查研究 、 半結構式訪談法 、 田野調查法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 125 Downloads: 9 |
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過去的十年間新北投政府和當地居民展開一系列對於地方旅遊的改革運動,研究過 程中發現目前觀光旅遊景區的規劃缺乏旅遊前的導覽規劃。旅遊者闡述造訪觀光旅遊景 區時通常不確定景點路線指引,或於抵達景點後才開始搜查資料。透過此研究了解動畫 故事影片、網紅介紹影片和單純景點介紹影片差異,探討不同型態觀光旅遊影片的設計 對於觀者旅遊動機的影響力。本研究透過田野調查、需求調查和訪談,將觀光旅遊景點 串聯成一個完整的故事型導覽影片,依據敘事轉移理論、故事性行銷和動態影像文獻資 料研究分析,設計出一部節省旅遊時間和清晰明確的旅遊指引。此動畫故事影片、網紅 介紹影片和單純景點介紹影片共三部影片讓遊客觀賞,探究景點串聯影片對遊客敘事轉 移的沈浸度,並採用敘事轉移理論的問卷,李克特式五點分析了解受測者對於三部影片 的滿意度與到訪參觀景點的動機。本論文應用敘事轉移理論於觀光旅遊景點,了解影片 的設計對於遊客旅遊動機的影響,本研究中動畫故事影片是為此論文研究所創作的影片, 經文獻研究,將重要景區串聯,設計『新北投旅遊散冊影片』,影片的內容設計是依據 Gerrig 所提出的TIM量表包括11個吸收傾向項目和一個圖像能力項目。研究之結果發現 有故事鋪成的影片對於觀者沈浸程度和到訪旅遊景區皆較高。
Over the past decade, Hsin Beitou government and local residents have initiated a series of reform movements for local tourism. During the research process, it was found that the planning of tourist attractions currently lacks pre-tour guidance and itinerary coordination. Through field research, tourists explained that they are often unsure about the route guidance of attractions, and their itinerary starts after arriving at the destination or through fragmented videos searched before the trip. This study aims to understand the differences between narrative animation travel video, influencer travel video and simple attraction travel video. It explores the influence of different types of travel videos on viewers' attitudes and travel motivations. Most previous studies only focused on one-sided tourism discussion. This study conducted field surveys, demand surveys, and interviews to link cultural and historical tourist attractions into a narrative guided video. Based on narrative transportation theory, storytelling marketing, and travel video literatures, this study designed a narrative animation travel video that is time-saving and with clear intinerary and the other two videos are the influencer travel video, and simple attraction travel video. The study used narrative transportation theory questionnaire and Likert's five-point analysis to understand the satisfaction and motivation of the viewers. Applying narrative transportation theory to tourist attractions, this study explores the influence of video storytelling design on tourists' travel motivation. A narrative animation travel video was created for this thesis research, connecting important scenic spots into a story video called "Hsin Beitou Tourism Brochure Video". The content design of the animation travel video is based on Gerrig's TIM scale, which includes 11 absorption tendencies and one visual ability item. The results of the study show that the immersion level and visitation to tourist attractions are higher with the use of a story-based video.
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