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研究生: 吳孟德
論文名稱: 以學習環之教學法探討國中學生對於伏打電池相關概念的學習成效
指導教授: 黃寶鈿
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 伏打電池概念示範式群測兩段式診斷測驗錯誤概念學習環教學
英文關鍵詞: Galvanic cell, group demonstration test, two-tier diagnostic test, misconception, learning cycle instruction
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:101下載:0
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  • 本研究的主旨在探討學生對於伏打電池相關概念的認知情況,以及經過學習環教學後學生的學習情形。研究進行時,藉由面談及開放式問卷等方式來瞭解學生對於伏打電池相關概念的想法,再以示範式群測的測試工具收集資料,並根據學習環之教學策略,針對相關概念設計教學活動,藉以幫助學生學習與導正學生既有的錯誤概念。本研究的對象為國中二年級與三年級學生,分成實驗組與控制組,共計466人。主要的研究結果說明如下:

    The research aimed at exploring junior high school students’ recognition of correlated concepts of Galvanic cell, and the learning situations of all students through the learning cycle instruction. Interviews and open-ended questions were applied to know students’ understanding, and then data was collected through group demonstration test. In order to help students to change their prior thinking, we designed teaching activities according to the learning cycle strategy. The subjects of this study were junior high school students in grade 8 and 9. They were divided into the experimental group and the control group according to whether they received the learning cycle instruction. The total numbers of students were 466. The main findings in this research were as the followings:
    1. The definitions of “ionic conduction”、”electric current”、and ”flow of electrons” were confused by students. They tended to explain these phenomenon by their own daily life experiences, and explain the microscopic concepts of particle by means of macroscopic points of view. Most students were unclear about the definition of Galvanic cell, so they have wrong recognition of the correlated concepts of Galvanic cell.
    2. Comparing the difference in the recognition of the concepts of Galvanic cell in grade 8 and 9, students’ recognition of most concepts was progressed with their grades. It implies that the comprehension of Galvanic cell needs students’ mature ability of abstract inference.
    3. Comparing the improvement between the experimental and the control group after the instruction, it proved that the learning cycle instruction is significantly effective in understanding the process of conductivity and particle concept of Galvanic cell. Moreover, this research found that it has better effectiveness for the eighth grade students. It means that the three-phases of learning cycle instruction is more suitable for the eighth grade students. It is correlated with the different concept arrangement sequence in the new and old textbooks in the curriculum reform.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 ………………………………….. 1 第二節 名詞解釋與界定 ………………………………….. 3 第三節 研究的限制 ……………………………………….. 5 第二章 文獻探討與理論背景 第一節 皮亞傑認知發展理論背景 ………………………. 6 第二節 文獻探討 …………………………………………. 10 第三節 學生的錯誤概念與診斷概念之方法 …………… 16 第四節 伏打電池的相關錯誤概念 ……………………… 26 第五節 學習環教學理論 ………………………………… 31 第六節 課程分析 ………………………………………… 41 第七節 影片教學媒體的運用與製作 ………………….. 46 第三章 研究步驟與方法 第一節 研究對象 ………………………………………… 50 第二節 研究工具 ………………………………………… 53 第三節 研究方法與設計 ………………………………… 57 第四節 研究步驟與流程 ………………………………… 60 第五節 學習環教學活動的內容與設計 ………………… 65 第四章 結果與討論 第一節 面談與開放式問卷之結果分析………………… 81 第二節 國中學生對於電池相關概念的認知情況 …….. 93 第三節 八、九年級國中生對電池相關概念 的認知差異…………………………………….. 104 第四節 學習環教學活動對於電池相關概念 的教學成效 ……………………………………. 120 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 ……………………………………………. 136 第二節 建議 ……………………………………………. 141 參考文獻 中文部分 ………………………………………………… 144 英文部分 …………………………………………………. 147 附錄 附錄一 面談問卷 ………………………………………. 152 附錄二 預試問卷 ………………………………………. 162 附錄三 後測問卷 …………………………………… 173

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