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研究生: 蘇韋翰
Su, Wei-Han
論文名稱: 中學雙語體育教師之路-教師生涯發展之研究
The Path of Bilingual Physical Education Teachers in Middle Schools: A Study on Teachers' Career Development
指導教授: 掌慶維
Chang, Ching-Wei
口試委員: 掌慶維
Chang, Ching-Wei
Chen, Hsin-Heng
Yang, Chi-Wen
口試日期: 2024/05/29
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育與運動科學系
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 教師生涯發展雙語體育教師
英文關鍵詞: Teacher Career development, Bilingual PE teacher
研究方法: 內容分析法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400709
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:34下載:10
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  • 雙語政策推動下,現今雙語體育教師面臨師資短缺、缺乏標準參照和雙語教學能力不足等問題。師資培育和現職教師產生了解雙語體育教學現況的需求。本研究旨在釐清中學雙語體育教師之生涯發展、歸納雙語體育教師在生涯中,所受到個人與組織層面之正、負面影響,為未來雙語教師和相關組織提供參考。研究方法包括對三位不同背景的教師進行半結構訪談和文件分析。結論如下:一、職前階段:教師對語言有濃厚興趣,國外經驗提升英語能力,T1學習到體育教學方式與文化,影響未來雙語教學設計;導入階段:教師面對行政與教學衝突的困境,T1與學校協調由其他教師接任行政職務,T2、T3透過個人對雙語教學的熱情與動機度過,T3受到行政限制難以參與研習,經投訴與溝通協調解決;能力建立階段:教師透過校內外增能提升雙語教學能力,T1海外研習資格受阻,T2工作負荷大,T3在專業上逐漸受到肯定;熱切成長階段:T2透過諮商輔導提升教學能力,發現疫情後學生能力下降影響教學。二、個人層面對雙語體育教師均為正面影響。分別為語言正向價值觀與出國學習經驗、雙語教學經驗與理念、雙語教學之熱情與動機。三、組織層面對雙語體育教師之正面影響為:師資培育大學端提供之雙語專業成長機會、學校內部雙語社群、政府規劃之增能學分班、海內外研習、學科中心。負面影響為:行政與雙語教學壓力使教師工作負荷增加、學校內部成員對雙語教育態度不一使教師專業成長受阻、政府海外進修機會受阻、大環境的改變影響學生身體能力與說英文的意願。建議教師在職前階段爭取語言學習和海外見習機會,導入階段妥善處理教學與行政衝突,尋找支持自身正向價值觀,能力建立階段以多元方式提升教學能力,熱切成長階段通過分享與輔導學習。未來研究可擴展到生涯後期階段和不同學制,深入探討語言及雙語教學的正向價值觀和工作困境的應對方法,並了解組織對教師專業發展的阻礙因素,學校與政府可針對初任雙語教師工作量、代理專班是否應接任行政、海外進修錄取順序進行調整。

    Under the bilingual policy, current bilingual PE teachers face issues such as teacher shortages, lack of standard, and insufficient bilingual teaching capabilities. There is a need to understand the current situation of bilingual PE teaching for both teacher training and in-service teachers. This study aims to clarify the career development of secondary school bilingual PE teachers and summarize the positive and negative impacts at both personal and organizational levels that they experience throughout their careers, providing a reference for future bilingual teachers and related organizations. The research methods include semi-structured interviews with three teachers from different backgrounds and document analysis. The conclusions are as follows: At the pre-service stage, teachers have a strong interest in languages, and overseas experiences improve their English proficiency. T1 learned PE teaching methods and cultures, influencing future bilingual teaching designs. During the induction stage, teachers face conflicts between administrative duties and teaching. T1 coordinated with the school to have other teachers take over administrative roles, while T2 and T3 overcame challenges through personal passion and motivation for bilingual teaching. T3 faced restrictions from administrative duties, hindering participation in training, but resolved issues through complaints and communication. In the competency building stage, teachers enhanced their bilingual teaching abilities through internal and external empowerment. T1 faced obstacles in overseas learning opportunities, T2 had a heavy workload, and T3 gradually gained professional recognition. In the enthusiastic and growing stage, T2 improved teaching abilities through counseling and found that student abilities declined after the pandemic, impacting teaching. Personal level impacts on bilingual PE teachers are generally positive, including positive language values and overseas learning experiences, experiences and concepts in bilingual teaching, passion and motivation for bilingual teaching. Organizational level impacts on bilingual PE teachers include positive impacts such as professional growth opportunities provided by teacher training universities, internal school bilingual communities, government-planned empowerment credit classes, domestic and international studies, and subject centers. Negative impacts include increased workload due to administrative and bilingual teaching pressures, differing attitudes towards bilingual education among school members hindering professional growth, obstacles to overseas study opportunities, and environmental changes affecting students' physical abilities and willingness to speak English. Recommendations include teachers seeking language learning and overseas internship opportunities during the pre-service stage, properly managing conflicts between teaching and administration during the induction stage and finding support for positive values, enhancing teaching abilities through diverse methods during the competency building stage, and learning through sharing and counseling during the enthusiastic and growing stage. Future research could extend to later career stages and different educational systems to explore the positive values of language and bilingual teaching and methods to address work challenges. It should also investigate organizational obstacles to teacher professional development. Schools and governments could adjust the workload for novice bilingual teachers, consider whether acting teachers should take on administrative roles, and modify the selection order for overseas study opportunities.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 3 第三節 研究範圍與限制 4 第四節 研究重要性 5 第五節 名詞釋義 6 第貳章 文獻探討7 第一節 教師生涯發展相關研究 7 第二節 雙語教育相關研究 22 第參章 研究方法 42 第一節 研究架構 42 第二節 研究參與者與場域 43 第三節 研究方法與工具 44 第四節 研究流程 45 第五節 資料處理與分析 46 第肆章 結果與討論 48 第一節 中學雙語體育教師之生涯發展 48 第二節 中學雙語體育教師所受之個人層面影響 81 第三節 中學雙語體育教師所受之組織層面影響 89 第伍章 結論與建議 102 第一節 結論 102 第二節 建議 104 參考文獻 105 一、英文文獻105 二、中文文獻 108 附錄 117 附錄一、訪談大綱一 117 附錄二、訪談大綱二 119

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