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研究生: 董可偉
Clovis Tung
論文名稱: 委外製造於中國之風險
Risks of Sourcing in China
指導教授: 周世玉
Chou, Shih-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 全球經營與策略研究所
Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 採購和委外製造風險管理中國
英文關鍵詞: sourcing, risk management, China
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:312下載:16
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  • 從中國採購和委外製造是在世界快速成長的現象,由於通訊和交通技術的發展,讓全世界各地的公司一起工作。在這種情況下,因為中國勞動力成本低、高科技製造能力高,加上政府在物流與基礎設施的激勵,中國成為許多公司領先的採購和委外製造的目的地。

    Sourcing is a fast-growing phenomenon in the world, due to developments in communications and transportation technologies, enabling companies from all over the world to work together. In this scenario, China is the leading destination for sourcing activities, mainly because of its low cost labor, high-technology manufacturing capacities, installed logistic infra-structure and government incentives.
    However, companies that source from China face many risks. Past studies about sourcing in China focus mainly on listing its risks and unfavorable outcomes, debating best strategies to minimize risk or successful outsourcing methods, and mostly rely on case studies. This research focused on measuring the frequency of sourcing risks by the use of an online survey, and its importance to the foreign sourcing companies in China, and how they mitigate its impacts, providing a more complete analysis of the risks – which are not addressed in past studies.
    The results show that the most frequent risks are related to the Chinese partners’ internal capabilities: quality issues, delays on agreed delivery and receding quality; and cultural differences. The most impactful risks were also related to the internal capacities of the Chinese partners. Therefore it can be argued that the most important management tool for companies to reduce sourcing risk is to pre-evaluate thoroughly all its potential partners and enhance its selection method.
    The study contributed to the literature as one of the few researches that are survey-based and indicated practical applications for real industries. The survey was limited by the low sample of respondents, which affects the generalization of the findings.

    摘要 iii Abstract iv Table of Contents v List of Tables and Figures vii CHAPTERS 1. Introduction and Objectives 1 1.1. Research Questions 3 2. Literature Review 4 2.1. Sourcing 4 2.2. Sourcing Strategies 6 2.3. Sourcing Industry In China 9 2.4. Risks 12 2.5. Risks Of Sourcing 13 2.6. Risk Management Of Sourcing Risk 15 3. Research Methodology 20 3.1. Most frequent Risks: Online survey 20 3.2. The most Important Risks Of Sourcing In China And The Management Tools To Mitigate it 23 4. Research Results 25 4.1. Risks of Sourcing In China 25 4.1.1. Comparison of the risk frequency by different industries 28 4.1.2. Type of sourcing 31 4.1.3. Size of the company 33 4.1.4. Suppliers from Inner China vs. Suppliers from the Coast 34 4.1.4. Multiple locations vs. single location. 36 4.2. The Most Important Risks of Sourcing from China 38 4.3. Managing The Risks Of Sourcing From China 41 4.4. Risk Importance Vs. Risk Frequency – For Direct Purchasing Sourcing 42 5. Results Discussion And Conclusion 45 5.1. The Most Frequent Risks 45 5.2. The Most Important Risks 46 5.3. How To Manage The Sourcing Risks Of China 48 5.4. Risk Importance V.s. Risk Frequency – For Direct Purchasing Sourcing 48 5.5 Contribution 50 5.6. Limitation and Future Research 51 REFERENCES 54 APPENDIX 62

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