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研究生: 江進富
Jing-fu Jiang
論文名稱: 遊客對關渡自然公園親蟹觀察區戶外解說牌成效之評估
Exploring the Effectiveness of Outdoor Interpretive Signs In Crab-Watching Area of Guan-Du Nature Park: A Summative Evaluation
指導教授: 周儒
Chou, Ju
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 環境教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Environmental Education
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 168
中文關鍵詞: 戶外解說牌解說效果評估
英文關鍵詞: outdoor interpretive signs, interpretive effectiveness, evaluation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:267下載:70
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  • 關渡自然公園為台灣北部民眾休閒活動與濕地環境教育之重要場所,第一年入園人數即高達十五萬人次,然而許多民眾參觀關渡自然公園時,解說牌為其接受環境教育的唯一管道,因此解說牌的遊客使用狀況與解說效果值得進一步探索。本研究選定關渡自然公園主要設施區內新設親蟹觀察區的四面解說牌,透過觀察1,449位遊客以及40次遊客訪談,以瞭解這些解說牌的遊客使用狀況、解說牌的解說效果以及改進建議。其中,遊客的解說牌使用狀況主要區分為未受解說牌吸引、受到解說牌吸引但未深入觀看解說牌、深入觀看解說牌但中途放棄以及完成解說牌閱讀等四種使用狀況;解說效果方面則透過解說牌內容是否有趣、遊客的學習效果以及遊客是否產生預期行為等三方面加以討論。

    The purpose of this study is to explore the interpretive effectiveness of the four outdoor interpretive signs in the Crab-watching Area, and how they have been used by visitors in Guan-Du Nature Park. Researcher observed 1,449 visitors, and 40 interviews were conducted to gather data from visitors who come to Crab-watching Area.
    On how the four outdoor interpretive signs have been used by visitors in the Crab-watching Area, over 50% of the visitors were not attracted by the signs. Approximately 20% of the visitors were attracted by the sign but didn’t read it (1 to 3 seconds). Approximately 10% of the visitors did read the sign but didn’t finish it (3 to 15 seconds), and only below 10% of the visitors read the sign and finish it (over 15 seconds). The average reading time of visitors who did read a sign was between 15 to 20 seconds. Research shows that visitors’ motivations, creatures in the nearby of the sign, can not compare the circumstance which signs illustrated with the context on the sign, and taking care of little children will affect the visitor’s use status of the sign.
    On interpretive effectiveness of the signs, most visitors can not tell what they feel interested in the context of the sign. A few visitors indicated the pictures on the sign, context that introduce the creatures, and the motion of “ stay low to observe crabs” are interesting to them.
    Second, on the learning of visitors, visitors’ response of “ Estuarine inter-tidal wetland” relate to some different section or block of the signs, this may be caused by the lack of focal point and visual flow. Visitors’ response of “ Recycler in wetland ” was in unanimity, so the sign has a unified theme. Visitors had two kinds of response of “ Stay low to observe crabs. ” Some visitors only remembered “ stay low to observe crabs ”, and some visitors only remembered the introduction of the crabs partially. This result shows the sign has two themes, which decrease the learning effect. “Walk into the wetland, close to the crabs” have two themes, too.
    Third, on the expected behavior of visitors, only 7.1% visitor of all visitors were attracted by the sign showed the expected behavior, and only 12.3% visitor of all visitors who did read the sign showed the expected behavior.
    Finally, the researcher makes recommendations for the future planning of overall outdoor interpretive signs. Improvement suggestions for four interpretive signs in Crab-watching Area, and recommendations for following research were also made.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與研究重要性 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 7 第三節 名詞界定 8 第四節 研究限制 9 第二章 文獻回顧 第一節 環境教育、環境解說與環境傳播 13 第二節 環境解說之重要性 20 第三節 戶外解說牌 34 第四節 環境解說的評估 49 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究場域與研究對象 63 第二節 研究流程 68 第三節 研究工具與抽樣方法 69 第四節 資料分析方法 73 第四章 資料分析與詮釋 第一節 親蟹觀察區遊客基礎資料分析 75 第二節 親蟹觀察區解說牌之遊客使用狀況 82 第三節 親蟹觀察區解說牌之遊客解說效果 95 第四節 遊客所提出之解說牌改進建議 103 第五節 綜合討論 108 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 研究結論 119 第二節 建議 125 參考文獻 139

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