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研究生: 林尹星
Lin, Yin-hsin
論文名稱: 想像空間中的地方意識:烏托邦、反烏托邦與網路空間的空間認知
A Sense of Place in Imaginary Space: Cognition of Utopia, Dystopia, and Cyberspace
指導教授: 史文生
Frank Stevenson
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 211
中文關鍵詞: 地方意識空間比喻概念比喻區域化烏托邦網路空間
英文關鍵詞: sense of place, spatial metaphor, conceptual metaphor, territoriality, utopia, cyberspace
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:262下載:47
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  • 本論文旨於闡述地方意識(sense of place)能將現實生活中的空間經驗轉移至想像的空間與地方,影響我們對想像空間的接受與體驗,有助於主體區域身份認同(subjective territorial identity)的形成,進而抵擋抽象空間對這身份認同的侵蝕。本論文的理論基礎建為喬治‧雷可夫(George Lakoff)的慨念比喻(conceptual metaphor)與亨利‧拉佛維(Henry Lefebvre)的三層次空間生產理論,說明空間比喻為地方意識的轉載工具,影響我們對烏托邦、反烏托邦與網路空間等想像空間的接受與體驗。

    This thesis argues that in our spatial cognition of utopias, dystopias, and cyberspace, sense of place transfers our spatial experience of the lived world to the imaginary spaces and places, influences the way we receive and perceive their spatial representations, and contributes to forming a subjective territorial identity that stands in confrontation with the encroachment of conceived, abstract space. By applying George Lakoff’s theory of conceptual metaphor and Henry Lefebvre’s three-fold spatial concepts, this thesis shows how sense of place is facilitated by spatial metaphors and how it works behind our reception and perception of the representations of imaginary space that sustain literary utopias, dystopias, and cyberspace.
    The first chapter introduces the concept of place, discusses sense of place in terms of the relationship between people and place, and indicates that metaphors can convert social experience of sense of place into a literary one. The second chapter deals with utopia as a spatial metaphor capable of mapping onto the imaginary space the reader’s spatial experiences. Sense of place derives from one’s spatial experience with the lived world and influences the way he/she experiences the imaginary place of utopia. The third chapter argues that security and identity are two major factors of territoriality that bear special relevance to the problem of utopian/dystopian boundaries. Considerations of security and identity justify the territorialization of people and place, which works behind the spatial formation of major utopias and dystopian novels. The fourth chapter shows how the media represent another form of power’s interpolation into people’s lives in dystopia. This forceful insertion breaks into the relationship between people and place and breaks down the integrity of people’s territory. The reader of dystopia experiences no sense of place. The last chapter demonstrates that the extensive use of spatial metaphors in computer networks focuses on three major categories: architectural, territorial, and global metaphors. It also argues that the traveler metaphor foregrounds the importance of sense of place in our spatial cognition that it carries transfers spatial experience of the lived world to the imaginary space of computer networks.

    Introduction ………………………………………………. 1 Chapter One: Sense of Place and Metaphor ……….………………………… 16 A. The Concept of Place …………….……………………….… 20 B. Sense of Place ………………………………………………. 28 C. Henry Lefebrve and the Production of Space ………………. 33 D. George Lakoff and Conceptual Metaphor ……..…………… 39 Chapter Two: A Sense of Place in Utopia ……………………………………. 54 A. The Reader’s Choice as Partial Mapping …………………… 57 B. Utopia as a Place ……………………………………………. 64 C. Utopia as a Spatial Metaphor ……………………………..… 72 D. Utopia as a Product of Its Own History …………………….. 83 Chapter Three: A Sense of Place and Territoriality …………………………... 92 A. Imaginary Territory and Security …………………………… 96 B. Imaginary Territory and Identity ……………………………. 101 C. The Theory of Panopticon …………………………………... 105 D. Panopticism and Utopia 109 Chapter Four: No Sense of Place in Dystopia ………………………………... 125 A. Telescreen and the Eye in Ninteen Eighty-Four…………….. 130 B. The Feelies in Brave New World ……………………………. 141 C. Two Tales of A City 150 Chapter Five: A Sense of Place in Cyberspace ………………………………. 156 A. Spatial Metaphors are Architectural 162 B. Spatial Metaphors are Territorial 166 C. Spatial Metaphors are Global 170 D. Traveler Metaphor and the Formation of A Sense of Place 174 E. Journey in an Imaginary Space 182 Conclusion 189 Works Cited 202

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