簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳奕伶
Chen, Yi-Ling
論文名稱: 不同高爾夫揮桿速度的軀幹旋轉與重心轉移模式之差異
Differences of trunk rotation and weight transfer patterns when swinging at difference club head speed
指導教授: 李恆儒
Lee, Heng-Ju
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: X因子壓力中心桿頭速度
英文關鍵詞: X factor, center of pressure, club head speed
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:137下載:9
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  • 目的:本研究主要透過不同揮桿速度擊球來觀察軀幹旋轉及重心轉移模 式的差異,藉以探討桿頭速度與揮桿動作的關係。方法:本實驗招募 10 名高 爾夫選手 (男性:7 人,女性:3 人) 為受試者,受試者接受口令以兩種速度揮 桿擊球。本實驗以 Vicon Motion Capture System (250Hz) 收集軀幹的運動學參 數,2 塊 Kistler 測力板 (1000Hz) 截取動力學參數。統計以相依樣本 t 檢 定,α=.05。結果:桿頭速度增加後,軀幹旋轉模式發現顯著差異:上半身在 上桿時的旋轉角度顯著較大;髖關節則在準備與上桿時,便發現前傾角較大, 而在上桿頂點時發現側彎角度較小,接著在下桿時,旋轉角度顯著較小,擊球 瞬間的旋轉角度較小、前傾角度較大,最後在送桿的時候,發現較小的旋轉角 度;X因子則在下桿的時候,發現顯著的增加,以及擊球瞬間顯著增加;重心 轉移模式亦發現顯著差異:跟隨腳 (右腳) 的地面反作用力在上桿頂點時顯著 較小;領導腳 (左腳) 的地面反作用力在下桿時顯著較大,其峰值也較大;重 心轉移時間顯著較短;而壓力中心的前後移動範圍顯著較大,在準備與下桿期 間,發現壓力中心往腳尖的部份偏移。結論:桿頭速度增加時,軀幹會在準 備、上桿、上桿頂點時髖關節產生較大的前傾動作,在下桿、擊球瞬間增加X 因子,最後在髖關節在收桿時呈現較上仰的動作;桿頭速度增加亦與重心轉移 的時間減少、領導腳地面反作用力峰值增加、壓力中心位移增加有關。對於追 求提升距離的高爾夫球友或練習生而言,提供值得參考的動作模式。

    Purpose: This study investigated the relationship between club head speed and swing movement pattern which included trunk rotation and weight transfer pattern. Methods: Ten golfers (7 males, 3 females, age: 16.9±3.5 years, handicap: 4.5 ±3.17) were recruited to perform two velocity of club head speed: normal club head speed (NS) and accelerated club head speed (AS). The kinematics variables were collected by 3D Vicon Motion Capture System (250Hz), and the kinetic variables were collected by two Kistler foreplates (1000Hz). Paried t test was employed to compare the differences of trunk rotation and weight transfer patterns between normal club head speed and accelerated club head speed. Significant level was set at 0.05. Results: There were several significant differences between AS and NS been found. First of all, AS was found a greater pelvic tilt angle toward anterior at address phase. A greater upper trunk rotation angle and pelvic tilt angle at backswing phase as follow. Next, AS showed larger pelvic side bending angle at top of the backswing phase, smaller pelvic rotation angle and larger X Factor at downswing phase. After that, AS was found greater pelvic rotation angle and greater X Factor at the ball impact phase. Ultimately, AS was found greater pelvic tilt angle at the follow through phase. On the other hand, with the respect of weight transfer pattern, AS were found significant greater VRGF maximum, and were found greater VGRF at the downswing phase. Moreover, there were found greater displacement range of COP with AS, and significantly shift toward toe at the address and downswing phase. Conclusions: We concluded that golfer would adjust their trunk rotation and weight transfer pattern to accelerate the club head speed.

    目次 第壹章 緒論 ................................................................................................................ 1 第一節 問題背景...........................................................................................................................1 第二節 研究目的...........................................................................................................................3 第三節 研究假設...........................................................................................................................3 第四節 研究限制...........................................................................................................................3 第五節 操作性名詞定義解釋.......................................................................................................4 第貳章 文獻探討 ........................................................................................................ 5 第一節 桿頭速度與高爾夫運動表現的關係...............................................................................5 第二節 不同桿頭速度對軀幹旋轉模式的影響...........................................................................7 第三節 不同桿頭速度對重心轉移模式的影響...........................................................................9 第四節 文獻總結.........................................................................................................................11 第參章 研究方法 ...................................................................................................... 12 第一節 研究對象.........................................................................................................................12 第二節 實驗儀器、工具.............................................................................................................12 第三節 實驗方法與步驟設計.....................................................................................................18 第四節 資料處理.........................................................................................................................20 第五節 統計分析.........................................................................................................................28 第肆章 結果 .............................................................................................................. 29 第一節 受試者基本資料與桿頭速度.........................................................................................29 第二節軀幹旋轉模式 ................................................................................................................... 30 第三節 重心轉移模式.................................................................................................................34 第伍章 討論與結論 .................................................................................................. 37 第一節不同桿頭速度與軀幹旋轉模式的差異分析 ................................................................... 37 第二節 不同桿頭速度與重心轉移模式的差異分析.................................................................40 第三節 結論與建議.....................................................................................................................42 參考文獻 ................................................................... 43

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