研究生: |
莊雪芳 Hsueh-Fang Chuang |
論文名稱: |
高三學生後設認知、生物科自我概念與生物能力之研究 A Study of Meta-cognition, Self-Concept of Biology, and Biology Ability of 12th Grade Students |
指導教授: |
Cheng, Yeong-Jing |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
生命科學系 Department of Life Science |
論文出版年: | 2003 |
畢業學年度: | 91 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 174 |
中文關鍵詞: | 後設認知 、生物科自我概念 、生物能力 |
英文關鍵詞: | Meta-cognition, Self-Concept of Biology, Biology Ability |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:272 下載:42 |
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本研究應用自編之「後設認知調查表(Inventory of Metacognition, IM)」、「生物科自我概念調查表(Inventory of Self-Concept of Biology, ISCB)」以及「生物能力測驗(Test of Biology Ability ,TBA)」三項工具,探討台北地區高三學生所持之後設認知、生物科自我概念和生物能力之現況及其相互間之關係。IM、ISCB以及TBA三項工具的內部一致性信度,以Cronbach α係數表示,分別為0.92、0.92以及0.85,且構念效化考驗的結果顯示這三項工具之內容效度與構念效度均稱滿意,故這三項工具是可信且可靠之科學教育屬性評測工具。
本研究以分層隨機取樣與集群取樣之方式進行抽樣,資料分析之樣本數為840位學生,結果顯示三類組學生的後設認知顯著優於一類組學生(p<0.01);惟高三學生的後設認知並不因性別的不同而異。三類組學生的生物科自我概念顯著優於一類組學生(p<0.01),然而同一類組學生的生物科自我概念,並不因其性別之不同而異。三類組學生的生物能力顯著優於一類組學生(p<0.01);而男女學生的TBA-U(了解)和TBA-A(應用)兩個認知階層之差異主要與其選修類組有密切之相關,至於TBA-A n(分析)和TBA-I(統整)兩認知階層並不因其性別之不同而異。
The present study employed the Inventory of Meta-cognition (IM), Inventory of Self-Concept of Biology (ISCB), and Test of Biology Ability (TBA) to investigate meta-cognition, self-concept of biology and biology ability of 12th grade students in Taipei area. In addition, the relationships among students’ meta-cognition, self-concept of biology and biology ability were also explored. The results of validation study showed that the internal-consistency reliability (Cronbach α coefficient) of the IM, the ISCB and the TBA were 0.92, 0.92 and 0.85 respectively. The results also showed that the content validity and construct validity of the three instruments were satisfactory.
The subjects of this study were selected using stratified random sampling and cluster sampling. A total of 840 students was used for data analysis. The results of the study showed that subjects of the science major scored significantly higher on the IM than those of non-science major (p<0.01). However, no significant differences were found between male and female subjects on the scores of IM. Subjects of the science major scored significantly higher on the ISCB than those of non-science major (p<0.01). No significant differences were found between male and female subjects on the scores of ISCB. Subjects of the science major scored significantly higher on the TBA than those of non-science major (p<0.01). Significant differences on the TBA-U and TBA-A scores were found between male and female subjects. No significant differences were found between male and female subjects on the scores of the TBA-An and TBA-I.
The correlations between meta-cognition and biology ability were low but significant (p<0.01). When the subjects were further categorized into high, medium, and low groups according to the IM measures, data analysis showed that students scored higher in the IM performed significantly better on biology ability (TBA scores) than those who scored medium and lower (p<0.01). Students scored medium in the IM performed significantly better on biology ability (TBA scores) than those who scored lower (p<0.01). The results further showed that positive correlations were found between self-concept of biology and biology ability (p<0.01). This indicated that a close association existed between self-concept of biology and biology ability. A positive correlation was also found between meta-cognition and self-concept of biology (p<0.01). This indicated that meta-cognition was closely associated with self-concept of biology.
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