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Author: 吳亞玲
Wu, Ya-Ling
Thesis Title: ESG概念與實踐:以中小企業運動贊助為例
ESG Concepts and Practices: Taking Sports Sponsorship by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises as An Example
Advisor: 張育愷
Chang, Yu-Kai
Committee: 張育愷
Chang, Yu-Kai
Chou, Chien-Chih
Lin, Mei-Chun
Approval Date: 2024/06/29
Degree: 碩士
Department: 樂活產業高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班
Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability
Thesis Publication Year: 2024
Academic Year: 113
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 53
Keywords (in Chinese): 永續發展企業社會責任品牌價值購買意願氣候變遷
Keywords (in English): Sustainable Development, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Brand Value, Purchase Intention, Climate Change
Research Methods: 深度訪談法半結構式訪談法
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 近幾年,全世界遭遇氣候變遷、疫情、烏俄戰爭以及通膨事件的影響,威脅人類生命財產安全,增加經濟停滯風險。全球企業開始重新思考經濟發展模式,營運策略也產生了變化。在這樣的背景之下,ESG成為全球企業永續發展的重要指標。中小企業對於台灣經濟發展佔有重要地位,因此本研究主要探討中小企業如何透過運動贊助實踐ESG (環境保護、社會責任及公司治理) 策略,以達到永續發展的目標。本研究採用質性研究方法,研究結果發現,中小企業善用自身資源和優勢,選擇贊助運動賽事或運動員,不僅能提升品牌知名度和企業形象,還能促進企業與當地社區的情感連結,進一步實現社會責任和永續發展的目標。研究結果顯示,中小企業對於ESG的概念有基本認知,但在具體實施細節上仍有提升空間。運動贊助可以作為實踐ESG的有效途徑,但也面臨資源有限和缺乏專業知識的挑戰。本研究建議,中小企業應加強對ESG概念的認知和理解,並對內部員工進行ESG的教育和培訓,提前佈局以因應未來需求;將運動贊助效果作數據分析,選擇適合的運動贊助模式和對象,以達最大贊助效益,並尋求理念相同夥伴做策略聯盟,共同推動ESG目標的實現。

    In recent years, the world has faced the impacts of climate change, pandemics, the Russia-Ukraine war, and inflation, all of which threaten human life and property safety and increase the risk of economic stagnation. In response, global enterprises are rethinking economic development models and altering operational strategies. In this context, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) has become a crucial indicator for the sustainable development of global enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a significant role in Taiwan's economic development. Therefore, this study primarily explores how SMEs can implement ESG strategies through sports sponsorship to achieve sustainable development goals. Employing qualitative research methods, the findings reveal that SMEs, by leveraging their resources and advantages to sponsor sports events or athletes, not only enhance brand awareness and corporate image but also foster emotional connections with local communities, thereby further realizing social responsibility and sustainable development goals. The research results indicate that while SMEs have a basic understanding of the concept of ESG, there is still room for improvement in the specifics of implementation. Sports sponsorship can serve as an effective means of practicing ESG, yet challenges such as limited resources and lack of professional knowledge persist. This study recommends that SMEs strengthen their understanding and awareness of ESG concepts, provide internal education and training on ESG, and plan ahead to meet future needs. Furthermore, they should analyze the effectiveness of sports sponsorship using data, select appropriate sports sponsorship models and targets to maximize sponsorship benefits, and seek strategic alliances with partners who share similar values to jointly promote the realization of ESG goals.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 名詞定義 5 第貳章 文獻探討 7 第一節 ESG的概念與發展 7 第二節 ESG之企業社會責任的理論基礎 10 第三節 企業參與運動贊助之模式與關係 14 第四節 ESG實踐與企業贊助運動的成功案例 18 第參章 研究方法 22 第一節 研究架構 22 第二節 研究流程 23 第三節 研究對象 24 第四節 研究工具 25 第五節 資料處理與分析 27 第肆章 結果與討論 28 第一節 中小企業運動贊助的模式 28 第二節 中小企業運動贊助的動機與效益 32 第三節 中小企業對ESG的概念認知與指標認知 37 第四節 中小企業運動贊助與ESG策略結合的挑戰 40 第伍章 結論與建議 44 第一節 結論 44 第二節 建議 45 參考文獻 47 中文文獻 47 英文文獻 51 附錄 52

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