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研究生: 林上瑄
Shang-Hsuan LIN
論文名稱: 文字型標誌再詮釋設計之創作研究
Creation Research of The Applications of Logotype Reinterpretation Design
指導教授: 許和捷
Hsu, Ho-Chieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 107
中文關鍵詞: 標誌設計文字型標誌企業識別塗鴉
英文關鍵詞: Logo Design, Logotype, CIS(Corporate Identity System), Doodle
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:516下載:30
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過去的研究對標誌概念、企業識別設計、企業形象與塗鴉藝術等皆有著墨,在標誌塗鴉設計則較少。本創作研究主要聚焦於標誌意義的再詮釋,目的在探討「文字型標誌塗鴨」之變化,進而提出一套視覺傳達延伸設計方法。首先透過探討標誌塗鴉延伸設計之相關學理,重新整理定義文字型標誌塗鴉。再者,於第三章進行案例分析,以「Google Doodles」作為主要研究對象,就其塗鴉媒材、圖文結合方式、塗鴉使用元素與手法方面進行歸納比較;試圖建構文字型標誌塗鴉之設計脈絡,提供企業與設計師在執行識別設計與經營品牌形象上一個不同的思考方向,將文化氣息與內部精神以豐富多變的標誌塗鴉手法予以外顯,體現本創作研究之精神與目的。最後,將此應用於「HTC Doodles」實驗創作中。

Logo do not only visually represent the spirit of a brand but declare the principles of an enterprise, by which the images of the enterprise can be introduced in a simple way. Of all the presented types of logos, the “logo doodles” could convert the conventional images of the subject to another kind of visual identity distinct from the original one. By using this type of logo, the efficiency of advertising could be enhanced by combining the logo with the present situations without losing its service durability.
Previous studies have discussed the concepts of the logos, the design of the visual identities of subjects, the images of the subjects, and the art of graffiti. However, the design of the “logotype doodles” was seldom emphasized. In our study, we focused on the interpretation of the logos. We intended to construct a methodology to analyze and classify the visual communication design of the “logotype doodles”. Our study was divided into three parts. First, the relating theories of the extension design of the doodles were discussed. In this part, the “logotype doodles” were redefined. In chapter III, we classified the logotype doodles from their materials, the ways of combining the images and texts, and the presentation of the existing logotype doodles. Here, we used the “Google Doodles” as our main example. We thoroughly analyzed all the elements used in their design, and we built up a methodology to classify them in details. Our analysis could provide an indication for designers to display their ideas and spirits in a wide variety of the logotype doodles. Finally, we used our methods for the design of the logos of HTC.
We found that the design and methods of presentation of the logotype doodles have become more diverse than ever thanks to the development of the technologies. By using different media, the uniqueness and artistic qualities of the designs can be enhanced. The “logotype doodles” can be classified in six major types by their colors, shapes, and readabilities: Readable logotype doodles of identity colors and modules, Readable logotype doodles of variations in colors, Readable logotype doodles of variations in modules, Readable logotype doodles of variations in both colors and modules, Non-readable logotype doodles, and Non-recognizable logotype doodles. The ideas and experiences of the designer reflect on the elements chosen for the design, and the information could also be presented through direct images or indirect metaphors.
A wide variety of logotype doodle designs can be combined using our results. In this study, the HTC logos were used for our material of design. The process containing a total of six steps: choosing the topics, choosing the elements, choosing the techniques for design, choosing the media, putting into practice, and finishing. The topic for design could even combine with the festivals, events, the campaign of the topic, and the unique cultures in Taiwan. In summary, the logotype doodles are of high potential to fit into the environment and accumulate the brand culture. It is a young and innovation design with a huge diversity.

第壹章、緒論 1 第一節、研究背景與動機 1 第二節、研究目的 2 第三節、研究範圍 3 第四節、研究方法與歷程 3 第五節、名詞釋義 4 第貳章、標誌之塗鴉創意延伸設計相關學理分析 5 第一節、標誌設計相關學理 5 (一)標誌的定義與類型 5 (二)標誌的內涵與核心價值 11 (三)企業標誌的延伸應用 12 (四)當代標誌意義的轉變與延伸發展 15 第二節、企業標誌塗鴉應用理論分析 21 (一)企業標誌塗鴉之定位與內涵 21 (二)適合標誌塗鴉之企業標誌特徵 23 (三)標誌塗鴉與企業形象之分析 26 第参章、文字型標誌創意塗鴉案例分析 28 第一節、文字型標誌塗鴉之網站個案 28 (一)Google Doodles 29 (二)Yahoo!、百度等其他網站 34 第二節、文字型標誌創意塗鴉圖形表現分析 36 (一)動態形式之塗鴉手法分析 36 1.動畫短片 36 2.攝影短片 38 3.互動遊戲 39 (二)靜態形式之塗鴉媒材分析 40 1.單色素描 40 2.色鉛筆、粉彩 41 3.水彩、油畫 42 4.水墨 42 5.電腦繪圖 43 6.複合媒材 44 第三節、文字標誌標準規範與塗鴉延伸設計之相關性 46 (一)保留文字標誌可識度,塗鴉其標準造型與色彩 46 (二)保留文字標誌標準字型與可識度,塗鴉其色彩 47 (三)保留文字標誌標準字型、色彩與可識度 47 (四)保留文字標誌標準色與可識度,塗鴉其造型 48 (五)保留文字標誌標準色,捨棄可識度,塗鴉其造型 49 (六)塗鴉其造型與色彩,捨棄可識度 49 第四節、塗鴉主題元素選擇分析 54 (一)情境式主題元素的直接使用 54 (二)線索式主題元素的間接使用 55 第肆章、文字型塗鴉標誌創作理念說明 59 第一節、創作背景與動機 59 第二節、創作方法與模式 59 (一)主題挑選與分析 59 (二)選定塗鴉手法規則 60 (三)選擇使用元素 60 (四)選擇表現媒材 60 (五)草圖嘗試 60 (六)檢視與完稿 60 第三節、創作發想類別與作品 61 (一)創作發想類別 61 (二)創作作品與說明 61 1.例行性佳節類-全球性 62 2.例行性佳節類-地域性 68 3.例行性佳節類-地方性 73 4.公司活動類 79 5.形象宣傳類 85 6.臺灣特色文化類 90 (三)實驗創作結果分析 96 (四)展覽呈現 98 第伍章、結論與建議 100 第一節、結論 100 第二節、後續研究建議 103 參考資料 105

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Google Doodles資料庫(檢索日期:2012年5月10日)
LOGO Collect標誌蒐集網(檢索日期:2011年6月23日)
FUN 4 Doodle部落格(檢索日期:2012年5月11日)
