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研究生: 游瑞倉
Yu, Rei-Chang
論文名稱: 大台北地區消費者購屋資訊搜尋管道偏好之研究
Large Taipei area consumers to buy housing information search pipe preferences study
指導教授: 陳敦基
Chen, Dun-Ji
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 139
中文關鍵詞: 房地產代銷業者房地產購買動機房地產資訊搜尋資訊搜尋管道偏好網路搜尋行為
英文關鍵詞: real estate underwriter, real estate purchase motivation, real estate information search, information search channel preference, on-line search behavior
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.EMBA.023.2018.F08
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:145下載:13
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  • 一般大眾常將不動產代銷業與仲介業聯想在一起,事實上,代銷業與仲介業區別是代銷業者以賣預售屋及新成屋為主,仲介業則是賣中古屋為主。而代銷業一年大約承攬1兆金額案量,如以廣告媒體預算費用2%計算,要花掉近200億廣告預算。如此龐大費用支出,就為了吸引大量的購屋消費者到接待中心看屋並且完成締結,所以如何在最短時間創造最大來人量,是代銷業者努力經營的方針。
    本研究依據文獻將購屋大眾接觸的媒體管道區分為(1)個人來源, 包括親友推薦、口碑建議及自我購買經驗;(2)商業來源之傳統媒體,包含電視、報紙、雜誌等;(3)商業來源之網際網路智慧型手機,包含關鍵字搜尋、入口網站、影音平台等。在研究對象方面,則區分為有經驗及無購屋經驗者,投資及自住的購屋動機,以及首購與換屋的購屋目的,分別探討不同購屋族群對於媒體管道偏好之差異。 研究問卷設計主要項目包括: (1)購屋經驗和購屋意願、購屋動機、購屋目的;(2)購屋資訊管道搜尋行為;(3)在不同狀況下的管道選擇及使用經驗與信賴程度;(4).家庭基本資料人口變數包括年齡、性別等。問卷調查對象設定在20歲以上,居住在大台北地區未購屋、已購屋及欲購屋的消費者;調查過程主要透過北北基桃的在地代銷業者針對該區域之看屋消費者名單,以及已購買房屋的客群進行發放;本調查係以google表單做問卷設計,並利用LINE即時通訊軟體為工具發送;回收的有效問卷則以SPSS統計套裝軟體進行相關統計分析。
    本研究發現三大資訊來源偏好顯示,在個人來源偏好上,以市場口碑建議最為優先;在傳統媒體偏好上,以DM傳單最為優先;在網路手機偏好上,則以關鍵字搜尋廣告google、 yahoo最為優先。在與購屋動機有關的交叉分析顯示無差異,而在與購屋目的與性別的交叉分析則顯示有差異;本研究同時亦加入人口變數的年齡,教育程度進行交叉分析,其結果亦顯示有差異。

    In the point of the public, the real estate underwriter is often mixed with the real estate agency. In fact, the difference between both of them is that underwriting businesses sell the pre-sold and new properties while agencies mainly focus on pre-owned homes. The real estate underwriting sector almost contracts 1 trillion in value annually. If we calculated the media advertisement costs as 2%, it equates to around 20 billion in advertisement budgets. The purpose of this substantial expenditure is to attract vast amounts of real estate buyers to reception halls, and close in on deals. Thus, using the shortest time to attract the largest amount of buyers is the operating policy which underwriter of real estate should work toward.
    According to the literature the study separates the media channels that real estate buyers come in contact with in to (1)individual sources, including recommended by family and friends, reputation recommended and purchasing experience, (2)traditional media commercial sources, including television, newspaper and magazine etc., (3)internet based smart phone commercial sources, including SEO, Web portal, video & audio platforms. The study subjects are differentiated into experienced or inexperienced buyers, investment or residential in purchase motive, and the first buy or residence change in purchase purposes. These categorizations are used to study the differences of media channel preferences of different real estate buying groups. The main items of the study’s survey included as follows, (1) experience, willingness, motive and purpose, (2) Searching through real estate information channels, (3) choice and usage experience as well as trust of different channels under different situations, (4) basic information on the family members – including age, sex. The target of the survey are consumers who have never purchased real estate, consumers who have already purchased real estate, consumers who want to purchase real estate and are over the age of 20 that live in the Greater Taipei area. The underwriting businesses located in Keelung, Taipei City, New Taipei City and Taoyuan were asked to hand out surveys to consumers who arranged appointments to look at real estate and local clients who already purchased real estate within the aforementioned area. “Google forms” was used to design the survey, which was send via the LINE communication applications. The valid questionnaires were analyzed in statistics by using the SPSS statistic software.
    Furthermore, the study reveals that for the three main information sources, market reputation is preferred for individual sources, DM brochure is preferred for traditional media sources, keyword search on google and yahoo is preferred for smart phone internet. In addition, no differences were discovered for cross-analysis of purchase motive while significant differences were discovered for cross-analysis of purchase purpose and sexes. The study also engages in cross-analysis of population variables, including age and education level, and the significant differences were also noted.
    The analysis also reveals that in terms of the choices of keyword internet real estate information, Google have the most proportion accounted for 79.7%. For smart phone real estate advertisement channels, Google was first, followed by Facebook and Yahoo. Furthermore, the survey results reveal that 37.5% real estate buyers will not leave contact information even after being provided with incentives by advertisement businesses. However, 62.5% will leave contact information, among which purchasing discounts and providing specialized services as favored by buyers. The Study shows that 91.9% of the buyers will enter purchase price registration sites to check on the current market price. Research also shows that 57.0% of buyers will go on to blogs and forums to search for real estate information. 51.6% will download real estate category application, with differences being more significant as age rises. In terms of sexes, male buyers tend to download the real estate related apps more than female buyers.
    Through this research, underwriting businesses can seek optimal media channels to more accurately fulfill the consumer’s needs with focused efficiency in the shortest time possible and attracting the largest amount of crowd, boosting sales, in order to save the advertisement budget. This research consequences can be referred to the underwriting businesses for adopting the most efficient type of media.

    第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 3 1.3 研究對象與範圍 3 1.4 研究流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1 購屋資訊搜尋行為 5 2.1.1 資訊搜尋行為定義 5 2.1.2 過去經驗與搜尋行爲的關係之研究 9 2.1.3 首購型與換屋型資訊搜尋行為之差異 12 2.1.4 影響搜尋行爲之其他因素 12 2.2 投資型與自住型購屋者對於搜尋管道的差異 17 2.3 購屋資訊搜尋管道 19 2.3.1 搜尋管道類型 19 2.3.2 外部資訊搜尋管道類型 22 2.3.3 新興媒體資訊管道 27 2.4 研究聚焦 33 2.4.1 內政部住宅需求動向調查報告整理分析 33 2.4.2 傳統媒體通路與網路及智慧型手機通路間差異 35 第三章 研究方法 37 3.1 研究架構 37 3.2 研究假設 40 3.3 研究工具 41 3.4 資料分析方法 43 第四章 研究分析結果 45 4.1 描述性統計分析 45 4.2 信度與效度分析 48 4.3 消費者購屋相關分析 52 4.4 購屋資訊管道之相關性分析 58 4.5 資訊管道信賴度及使用經驗不同影響偏好分析 63 4.6 購屋資訊管道取得偏好情況之相關性分析 66 4.7 網際網路及智慧型手機之資訊搜尋管道分析 85 4.8 各項購屋資訊管道之變數檢測分析 97 4.9 對購屋變數及考量因素做單因子變異數分析與交叉分析 99 4.10 購買關鍵影響因素相關分析及迴歸分析 106 4.11 研究調查結果及研究發現 109 第五章 結論與管理意涵 116 5.1 結論 116 5.2 管理意涵 119 5.3 研究限制與未來研究建議 121 參考文獻 122 附錄一 128 附錄二 130 附錄三 137 附錄四 138 附錄五 139

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