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研究生: 劉彥珈
Liu, Yen-Chia
論文名稱: 華語及英語二語教材架構與練習比較研究—以《American Headway》及《中文聽說讀寫》為例
A Comparative Study on Structures and Exercises in CSL and ESL textbooks: Using Integrated Chinese and American Headway as a Reference
指導教授: 曾金金
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 170
中文關鍵詞: 華語教材二語教材練習教材架構話題
英文關鍵詞: CSL textbooks, Exercises, Structures, Exercise types, The titles of the units
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001127
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:69下載:4
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  • 一部教材的練習對課堂教學品質有直接的影響。語言教材練習的作用在於檢測學習者的輸入、輸出,以及學習者是否有效習得,其重要性不言而喻。綜觀諸多華語教材相關文獻,都提到華語教材練習有許多待改進之處,例如:練習拘泥於語法操練,機械性練習較多,交際性的練習相對少,練習不足等問題。此外,教材整體編輯架構會影響練習的分布及類型,因此在探討教材練習時,不能將教材架構排除在外。故教材架構以及教材練習為本研究兩大分析方向。

    The quality of textbooks has a significant impact on the quality of teaching. Exercises in textbooks give L2 learners opportunities to be exposed to comprehensible input and to produce output. Exercises can also be used to check effective learner language acquisition. Recent research shows that exercises in CSL textbooks tend to focus on grammar, mainly mechanical drills, while there are relatively fewer communicative drills. Furthermore, studies also show that exercises in CSL textbooks are often inadequate, irrelevant to the topic, etc. The structure of the whole textbook has great influence on the exercise types and the layout of the exercises. Therefore, the structures are taken into consideration while analyzing exercises. This research includes the structure and the exercises of the textbooks.
    The research methodology used in this study is content analysis. Firstly, the study reviews literature on second language acquisition and language teaching materials, analyzing the structure, contents and practical exercises in an attempt to find key principles of structure and exercise design in textbooks to base further comparative analysis of CSL and ESL on. Secondly, the analysis compares the structure as a whole, the contents, the titles of the units and practical exercises in the textbooks. In comparing the exercises, a review is made of the level of control, four skills’ percentage, the relationship between exercises and text, types of participation, and the layout. Finally, this study sums up the key differences, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of both textbooks with the aim of providing recommendations for the future design of exercises in Mandarin teaching materials.
    The study found that the structure of CSL textbooks can be divided into two parts: (1) a main text part and (2) accompanying exercises; while the structure of ESL textbooks is not dichotomous. CSL textbook exercises are based on the main text parts. The titles and the order of the units are fixed in each lesson. However, the connections between exercises in CSL textbooks are weak and the content is usually form-focused. ESL textbook exercises are topic-based. One lesson topic can develop numerous texts and exercises. The titles and the order of the units are different in each lesson, but the connections between exercises are strong and in accordance with the lesson topic. The topics of CSL textbooks are confined to campus life. On the other hand, ESL textbooks cover a variety of topics, which can trigger conversation easily. CSL textbook page layouts are uniform and clear, though can appear lacklustre. ESL textbook page layouts are different in each lesson and the designs are lively and appealing. As far as language skills are concerned, CSL textbooks primarily focus on one skill in an exercise while ESL textbooks tend to combine two or more skills in an exercise. The number of exercises and exercise types in ESL textbooks are higher than those in CSL textbooks. Both CSL and ESL textbooks are teacher-centered teaching materials. Based on the research findings, the researcher designs a few exercises at the end of the study.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究問題 2 第四節 研究範圍 3 第五節 名詞釋義 3 一、 中級 3 二、 華語 4 三、 練習 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 練習相關文獻 7 一、練習的功用 7 二、目前華語教材的缺失 8 第二節 華語教材與練習編寫原則 9 一、教材編寫原則與練習 9 二、教材練習設計原則 11 三、教材練習評估工具 11 第三節 練習分類 12 一、機械型、有意義的、溝通型練習 12 二、練習的控制程度 13 第四節 練習設置 14 一、練習在總體架構中的設置 14 二、練習內部的組合方式 15 三、教材內容 21 第五節 小結 25 第三章 研究方法 27 第一節 研究材料 27 一、《中文聽說讀寫Level 2 Part 1》 27 二、《American Headway 3》 28 第二節 教材架構分析 29 一、全冊架構分析 29 二、各課架構分析 29 三、教材內容分析 30 第三節 教材練習分析 30 第四章 研究結果 31 第一節 教材架構分析 31 一、全冊架構分析 31 二、各課架構分析 36 三、教材內容分析 52 第二節 教材練習分析 72 一、練習類型 72 二、練習類別總數 77 三、練習控制程度 78 四、練習聽、說、讀、寫的設計及比例 80 五、練習與主題相關性 91 六、練習的活動參與形式 95 七、 小結 99 第五章 結論與建議 101 第一節 研究結論 101 一、教材練習評估面向 101 二、教材編寫原則 106 第二節 對華語教材練習編寫的建議範例 110 一、練習說明 110 二、聽力練習 111 三、版面設計 113 四、參與形式合併與技能合併 116 第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 118 .一、研究範圍 118 二、沒有提到的面向 118 參考文獻 120 附錄一 American Headway 3練習題型 128 附錄二 Integrated Chinese Level 2 Part 1 練習題型 139 附錄三 American Headway 3 Unit 1 內容 144 附錄四 Integrated Chinese Level 2 Part 1 Lesson 1 內容 147 附錄五 American Headway 3 架構內容 152 附錄六 Integrated Chinese Level 2 Part 1架構內容 156 附錄七 《AH》第一課 機械型、有意義的、溝通型題型比例 163 附錄八 《IC》第一課 機械型、有意義的、溝通型題型比例 167

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