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研究生: 黃琦如
論文名稱: 從環境識覺觀點探討都市居民的犯罪被害恐懼感─以桃園市龍岡社區為例
Urban residents' fear of crime from the viewpoint of environmental perception-case study of Longong community,Taoyuan City
指導教授: 李素馨
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 200
中文關鍵詞: 社區環境安全認知警政信心夜晚情境受害經驗環境設計預防犯罪空間分析
英文關鍵詞: Safety awareness of community environment, policing confidence, night situations, victims experience, crime prevention through environmental design, spatial analysis
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:890下載:12
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  • 犯罪被害恐懼感是人們在環境中面對犯罪侵害可能性時所產生的畏懼或焦慮的知覺反應,過去的研究大多認為犯罪被害恐懼感除了可能導致心理緊張及對生理產生影響之外,甚至會削弱人們的生活品質,所以對犯罪被害恐懼感形成原因的了解有其重要性。本研究以地理學環境識覺的觀點,藉由質性、量化並配合空間分析來了解都市社區居民的犯罪被害恐懼感,研究主要目的包含:(1)探討社區居民個人變數、受害經驗、社區環境安全認知與犯罪被害恐懼感間的關係;(2)探討社區居民所認知的犯罪被害恐懼感地點與暴力及竊盜犯罪地點的相關性;(3)了解社區居民所認知的犯罪被害恐懼感地點之環境特徵;(4)提出社區實質規劃及改善建議。
    研究結果如下:(1)女性在情感、認知及行為層面上,其犯罪被害恐懼感都顯著高於男性;(2)家長對於孩子的「非自身性害怕」高於自身的犯罪被害恐懼;(3)居民採取避免受害的行為能降低情感層面的犯罪被害恐懼;(4)經由因素分析,萃取出龍岡社區居民社區環境安全認知八構念,包含:「社區凝聚力」、「社區治安顧慮」、「警政信心」、「實質環境規劃」、「失序活動」、「夜晚情境」、「可視性」、「環境老舊髒亂」;(5)環境熟悉度、年齡、職業、子女年齡、居住時間對社區環境安全認知中的警政信心及夜晚情境有所影響,而社區治安顧慮、環境老舊髒亂、可視性、警政信心及夜晚情境與犯罪被害恐懼感呈現相關的關係;(6)由訪談所得之造成每個人犯罪被害恐懼的原因都有所不同,但由迴歸分析結果可看出:性別、環境老舊髒亂、社區治安顧慮及直接受害經驗會影響犯罪被害恐懼感;(7)性別及直接受害經驗對犯罪被害恐懼感產生直接影響,而間接受害經驗則透過社區治安顧慮產生完全中介效果對犯罪被害恐懼感產生間接影響; (8)社區的犯罪地點大多位於主要道路、交叉路口、商業區、高架橋下空間。而居民所認知的犯罪被害恐懼地點則與個人所感受的夜晚情境、環境現況較有關係,多位於社區邊區、公園或是夜晚陰暗人少的道路,因此居民的犯罪被害恐懼地點與實際犯罪地點有差異。

    Fear of crime is the perception of fear or anxious response when people face the possibility of crimes in the environment. According to previous studies, fear of crime may lead to psychological stress and physiological impact, and even affect the quality of life. Therefore, to understand the formation of fear of crime is important. From the perspective of environmental perception of geography this study combined qualitative, quantitative and spatial analysis to understand the fear of crime of urban community residents. The purposes of this study are: (1) to explore the relationships among variables of community residents, victims experience, cognition of community environmental safety and fear of crime; (2) to understand the correlation between community residents’ perceived fear of crime and the locations of violence and theft; (3) to explore the environmental characteristics of community residents perceived fear of crime locations; and (4) provide suggestions to improve the community physical space..
    In this study, we take Longong community located in Taoyuan City as case study. This community has the characteristics with rural and urban development boundary, various types of open space with three different building types which are high rising building, apartments and story properties. The population is high heterogeneity and a large number of residents active in community on weekdays. Firstly, we took an in-depth interview with 16 residents to extract the community safety awareness questions of Longong community, then designed a structured questionnaire and collected 392 valid samples. Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, T-test, ANOVA, correlation, and hierarchical regression are used to test hypotheses. Finally, the location of the crime and the location of public fear of crime were analyzed by nearest neighbor analysis and correlation analysis with spatial analysis software ArcGIS.
    The results are as follows: (1) Regardless of the emotional, cognitive and behavioral level, women’s fear of crime are significantly higher than men. (2) The parents of the child's "altruistic fear" higher than their own fear of crime; (3) Residents take avoid victimization acts can lower the emotional level of fear of crime. (4)Using factor analysis to extract eight community environmental safety cognitive constructs which are "community cohesion", “community policing concerns”, “policing confidence","substantial environmental planning", "disorderly activities", "night situation", "visibility", "old and dirty environment”. (5)Familiarity with the environment, age, occupation, age of the children. living time have effects on the “policing confidence” and “night situations”, then “community policing concerns”, “old and dirty environment”, “visibility”, “policing confidence” and “night situations” show the relevant relationships to fear of crime. (6)Although each person’s reason of the fear of crime are different from interview, the regression analysis shows that: “gender”, “old and dirty environment”, “community policing concerns” and “direct victims experience” affect fear of crime. (7) “Gender” and “direct victims experience” have a direct impact on fear of crime, while “community policing concerns” has the mediating effect of “indirect victimization experience” on fear of crime. (8)Community actual crime locations mostly in the major roads, intersections, commercial areas, and the space under the viaduct, but residents perceived fear of crime locations are related to personal feelings of the night situation and environment status mostly at the border area of the community, parks or night dark road, so there is difference between residents’ fear of crime location and actual location of the crime.
    Based upon the findings, we provide the Longong community improvement suggestions, which include: strengthening the lighting at night, reducing the hidden space, enhancing maintenance and management, installing more surveillance systems, and increasing mutuality of police and the community. Hope to reduce community residents’ fear of crime and community crime incidents.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與問題………………………………………………………1 第二節 研究目的………………………………………………………………3 第三節 研究範圍與限制………………………………………………………3 第四節 研究方法與流程………………………………………………………5 第五節 研究名詞定義…………………………………………………………7 第二章 文獻回顧 第一節 犯罪被害恐懼感………………………………………………………8 第二節 環境識覺…………………………………………………………… 19 第三節 犯罪與環境………………………………………………………… 28 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究社區之環境…………………………………………………… 40 第二節 質化研究方法……………………………………………………… 44 第三節 量化研究方法與設計……………………………………………… 46 第四節 空間分析方法……………………………………………………… 60 第四章 研究結果與分析 第一節 訪談結果討論…………………………………………………………62 第二節 問卷調查結果與分析…………………………………………………76 第三節 空間分析…………………………………………………………… 119 第五章 討論與建議 第一節 研究結果討論……………………………………………………… 134 第二節 社區環境改善建議………………………………………………… 142 第三節 研究過程檢討與後續研究建議…………………………………… 143 參考文獻…………………………………………………………………………145 附錄一 龍岡社區女性居民訪談大綱………………………………………… 152 附錄二 龍岡社區男性居民訪談大綱………………………………………… 154 附錄三 正式施測問卷………………………………………………………… 155 附錄四 訪談紀錄……………………………………………………………… 160

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