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研究生: 梁峻瑋
Liang, Chun-Wei
論文名稱: 臺灣遊戲實境節目的性別再現研究
A Study of Gender Representation in Taiwan's Reality TV Game Shows
指導教授: 劉立行
Liu, Li-Sing
口試委員: 劉立行
Liu, Li-Sing
Wu, Homer C.
Wu, Li-Hsueh
口試日期: 2023/01/09
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖文傳播學系
Department of Graphic Arts and Communications
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 綜藝節目遊戲節目實境節目性別刻板印象性化內容分析
英文關鍵詞: Variety Show, Game Show, Reality TV, Gender Serotype, Sexualization, Content Analysis
研究方法: 內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300367
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:130下載:26
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  • 基於涵化理論與社會認知理論的觀點,人們對於性別的看法深受電視媒體的影響,特別是涉世未深的年輕觀眾。但著重商業利益的綜藝節目,可能會為了迎合主流社會的價值觀,從而遵循性別刻板印象再現節目內容。目前,學術界對遊戲節目中的性別再現仍然知之甚少,遊戲節目卻可能已在無形中影響著年輕觀眾性別刻板印象的形成。有鑑於此,本研究便以2010年代流行至今,亦受年輕觀眾歡迎的新興遊戲節目類型:「遊戲實境節目」作為研究文本。並以2021年的臺灣遊戲實境節目作為研究範圍,從中取樣21集進行內容分析,比較其中的226個男性與女性藝人之間的「人口統計變項」、「活動與能力」、「性化」,以及「支配行為」的差異,藉此檢視這些節目是否遵循性別刻板印象再現節目內容。

    Based on the viewpoints of cultivation theory and social cognitive theory, the perspective of people towards gender has been deeply affected by TV media, especially the younger viewers. However, variety shows that value commercial interests may represent program content in accordance with gender stereotypes in order to cater to the values of mainstream society. At present, the academic community still knows little about gender representation in game shows. But it may have influenced the gender stereotype of the younger viewers. In view of this, this study takes " Reality TV Game Show “, which has been a new game show genre and popular with young audiences since the 2010s, as the research text. Taking Taiwan’s reality TV game shows in 2021 as the research scope, 21 episodes were sampled for content analysis to compare the differences of “demographics”, “activities and abilities”, “sexualization” and “dominance behaviors” between 226 male and female artists. This study could reveal whether these programs allow gender stereotype to represent its content.
    Demographics include gender ratio, program position, and chronological age. Activities and abilities include abilities (physical abilities, intelligence, competitiveness) and game participation (physical games, puzzle games, games of chance, talent contests, and life experiences). Sexualization includes physical attractiveness (face, body, and apparent age), exposure of body parts, and sexual alluring. Dominance behavior includes sexual harassment and physical aggression. This study discusses and summarizes the analysis results of quantitative data which has significant differences. It shows that Taiwan’s reality TV game shows have represented the following four main gender stereotypes to the audiences: "Men’s social status is higher than women’s", "Men are more athletic than women", "Women are more sexualized than men", "Men tend to dominate others more than women". In addition, the qualitative data of this study also indicates that gender stereotype of "masculinity that prefer the wen to the wu " and "men go out to work and women stay at home" exist in the text. These findings suggest that gender representations in Taiwan’s reality TV game shows still follows some outdated gender stereotypes. It remains several risks for the younger viewers.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 6 第二章 文獻探討 8 第一節 綜藝、遊戲與實境節目 8 第二節 綜藝節目對觀眾的影響 12 第三節 電視上的性別與活動參與 15 第四節 電視上的性化與支配行為 20 第三章 研究方法 26 第一節 內容分析法 26 第二節 研究流程與架構 28 第三節 抽樣 30 第四節 類目建構 33 第五節 編碼員訓練與信度檢測 39 第六節 資料處理 40 第四章 資料分析結果 42 第一節 人口統計變項 42 第二節 活動與能力 44 第三節 性化 47 第四節 支配行為 50 第五章 討論 52 第一節 人口統計變項 52 第二節 活動與能力 54 第三節 性化 57 第四節 支配行為 62 第六章 結論與建議 65 第一節 結論 65 第二節 研究限制與建議 68 參考文獻 70 附錄 編碼表 78

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