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研究生: 洪亞君
Ya-chung Hung
論文名稱: 有效的衝突控制以台灣半導體製造公司之個案研究
Managing Effect of Conflict Control on Taiwan IT industry of case study in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company
指導教授: 施正屏
Shih, Cheng-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 136
中文關鍵詞: 衝突衝突處理任務衝突關係衝突程序衝突組織績效
英文關鍵詞: conflict, conflict-handling intension, task conflict, relationship conflict, process conflict, organization performance
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:84下載:7
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  • 因應全球化競爭越來越激烈,在有限的資源下,衝突成為無可避免的情況。有鑑於此,如何有效的處理衝突成為熱門的課題。

    Due to the globalization economics, the competitive situations have been increasing in numbers nowadays. Under competitive environment, integration, and management of the limited resource always give rise to serious strategic conflict which occur in every organization; each of them may have their certain benefit or objective need to sustain. Since conflict tends to be unavoidable, thesis research aim
    to find out the importance heads of department attached to conflict processes and the
    extent to which conflict management behaviors shown by heads of department contributed to or reduced the amounts of conflict that arose in TSMC Taiwan IT industry.
    Thus, what conflict management processes did the heads exhibit and how well
    did they manage conflict in order to improve its performance of work in the TSMC organization. Information was obtained from 214 respondents made up of staff from
    the TSMC organization in different areas include, Taoyuan, Xinzhu, Taichung and Tainan.Data analysis results indicated that functional conflicts (task conflict and
    process conflict) did exist in the TSMC organization which leads positive performance, Dysfunctional conflict (relationship conflict) also exists in TSMC organization, and however, it tends to bring some positive responses for
    Therefore, the main finding are summarized the conflict-handing strategies
    which used widely in organizations, the influences of different types conflict in
    organizations finally the research brings the results to show its performance after

    Abstract...................................................I Table of Contents ...................................... III List of Tables.............................................V List of Figures ......................................... IX CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................. 1 Chapter Overview...........................................1 Background of the Study....................................1 Purpose of the Study...................................... 2 Research Questions.........................................5 Significance of the Study..................................6 Definition of Terms........................................7 Limitations ........................................................................................................... 11 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................... 13 Chapter Overview ................................................................................................ 13 Literature of Conflict and How It Affects Performance in The Organization ..... 13 Installing Types of Conflict into Conflict Process ............................................... 17 Applicability of Conflict Process and Its Management ....................................... 23 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ........................................................ 28 Chapter Overview ................................................................................................ 28 Research Framework ........................................................................................... 28 Research Hypotheses ........................................................................................... 30 Research Procedure .............................................................................................. 32 Data Collection .................................................................................................... 33 Instrument ............................................................................................................ 33 Validity and Reliability ........................................................................................ 35 CHAPTER IV DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS, PLS FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ........................................................................................... 47 Chapter Overview ................................................................................................ 47 Sample Characteristics ......................................................................................... 47 PLS Findings ........................................................................................................ 94 CHAPTER V FINDINGS & DISCUSSIONS .................................... 117 Chapter Overview .............................................................................................. 117 Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 117 IV Implication ......................................................................................................... 121 Future Research ................................................................................................. 122 REFERANCES ....................................................................................... 124 APPENDIX ............................................................................................. 130

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