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研究生: 吳文龍
論文名稱: 以概念演化探討物質三態變化之教科書內容與教學對學童心智模式發展歷程之影響
Investigating the influence of textbooks and instruction about phase transitions on student’s mental model via the use of conceptual evolutionary approach
指導教授: 邱美虹
Chiu, Mei-Hung
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 342
中文關鍵詞: 教科書心智模式概念演化假說樹物質三態變化
英文關鍵詞: textbook, mental model, conceptual evolutionary tree, phase transitions
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:359下載:118
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  • 本研究綜合多重的研究資料探討學生物質三態變化之心智模式發展歷程,研究內容可分為四個不同的研究主題,據此,四個主要的研究目的分別為:(1)實施跨年級物質三態變化問卷調查,瞭解學生學習現況及檢驗物質三態變化概念演化假說樹的合適性與符合度;(2)透過相關研究文獻,建立理論的物質三態變化之心智模式及認知特徵,藉由系統發育分類學技術建構物質三態變化概念演化假說樹;(3)分析國小、國中、高中階段科學教科書之物質三態變化單元,以概念發展點探討教科書內容結構及與相關概念的銜接,建立各年級的概念教學進程表,並比較不同版本差異;(4)綜合前述三種不同的研究方法確立學生物質三態變化概念發展路徑後,在國小六年級進行「粒子本質導向之物質三態變化二階段教學」,探討不同概念內容與次序對學生學習物質三態變化的影響。
    本研究之研究工具及實驗教學包含:「粒子本質暨物質三態變化問卷」、「系統分類學統計軟體(PAUP* 4.0)」、「教科書分析編碼表」、「學習歷程記錄表」、「自然科學習動機問卷」及「粒子本質導向之物質三態變化二階段教學」。「粒子本質暨物質三態變化問卷」用於跨年級概念調查及配合實驗教學之施測,主要在瞭解學生對於物質三態變化概念的理解程度;PAUP* 4.0常用於系統分類學上,主要用來判斷物種親源遠近的統計工具,本研究用以分析物質三態變化心智模式及認知特徵,透過此軟體計算出可能的概念演化樹;「教科書分析編碼表」為分析不同版本教科書相關單元之編碼工具;「學習歷程記錄表」及「自然科學習動機問卷」為教學期間及教學後收集學生對課程內容的反應,以輔助研究結果的詮釋。

    This study adopted multiple research methods to investigate the mental model of phase transitions and developmental processes. There were three different methods and one teaching study in the study, including the cross-year survey, the construction of conceptual evolutionary tree and the analysis of current textbook in Taiwan. Two-stage teaching module was designed by integrating the results of above-mentioned three methods.
    Therefore, there are four purposes of research: (1) to investigate student’s conceptual development of phase transitions via the cross-year survey; (2) to construct the conceptual evolutionary tree with Phylogenetic technique; (3) to analyze the contents and sequences of phase transitions in the textbooks from primary school to high school; (4) to sum up the results to develop the teaching module and applied to primary school students.
    The textbook sampling was currently implemented in Taiwan. The units of textbook included (1) “Transform of Water” , “Weather” in primary school; (2) “Transform of Matter” , “Heat Effect on Matter” in junior high school; (3)”Basic Physics”, “Chemistry” , “Physics” in senior high school. The participants were chosen for cross-year conceptual survey (n=832) and teaching study (n=110).
    The instruments included “Questionnaire of Particle Nature and Phase Transitions (QPP)”, “Coding schema of Textbook (CST)”, “Questionnaire of motivation to learn”, ” Particle-Oriented and Two-Step Teaching Module of Phase Transitions, PTTM”. QPP was designed to investigate student’s understanding of phase transitions and applied to cross-year conceptual survey and pretest, post-test, retention test in teaching study. According to evolutionary pathways, PTTM was two-step designed. And, the first step which focused on particle nature was the conceptual background of next step. The teaching arrangement lasted five to six classes in the sixth grade.
    The results of this study were shown as below: (1) high percentage of primary school students held the correct macroscopic concepts of phase transitions. But even junior high school students did not construct the comprehensive concepts of particle nature until senior high school. Most of related concepts in condensation phenomena were developed earlier then in evaporation phenomena. Students cannot explain phase transition with consistent scientific principles; (2) the evolutionary tree 22 could be divided into A, B, C, D area. At B and D area, there were mixed view and particle view of matter. Because of the different view of matter, there were the specific cognitive characters and states in the pathways of evolutionary tree; (3) according to analysis of textbook, microscopic particle was taught in junior high school, but the comprehensive concepts were few until senior high school. In junior high school, the textbook content focused on the particulate structure of three states. The particle movement and attraction between particles were mentioned until senior high school; (4) according to results of four group designed experiment, PTTM significantly improve student’s learning of phase transition in primary school after two-step teaching. And, all students who accepted the teaching of particle nature in the first step could also have the same effect even though they did not be taught by role-play in the second step.
    Finally, this study suggested that conceptual developmental research should approach comprehensive analysis via multiple methods and teaching experiments. Then, the results would make appropriate suggestions for future curriculum.

    摘要 I Abstract III 目錄 V 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 XII 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與重要性 2 第二節 研究目的與問題 8 第三節 名詞定義 11 第四節 研究範圍與限制 13 第貳章 文獻探討 15 第一節 概念改變與概念演化 15 第二節 系統發育分類學與科學教育 27 第三節 教科書研究與分析 43 第四節 心智模式 47 第五節 粒子本質之相關內容與研究 58 第六節 總結 78 第參章 研究方法 83 第一節 研究架構 83 第二節 研究設計 85 第三節 教科書選樣及研究對象 90 第四節 教材及概念發展之設計 91 第五節 研究工具 93 第六節 研究流程 104 第七節 資料處理與分析 107 第肆章 研究結果 111 第一節 物質三態變化問卷調查 111 第二節 物質三態變化概念演化樹 172 第三節 粒子本質與物質三態變化之教科書分析 190 第四節 粒子本質導向之物質三態變化二階段教學之分析 244 第五節 綜合討論 273 第伍章 研究結論與建議 279 第一節 研究成果概述 279 第二節 研究結論 282 第三節 研究建議 284 參考文獻 287 附錄 301

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