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研究生: 張林康
Cheung, Lam-Hong
論文名稱: DRP1表現變異和帕金森症:啟動子多型性和轉錄調控研究
DRP1 Expression Variation and Parkinson’s Disease: Studies of Promoter Polymorphism and Transcriptional Regulation
指導教授: 李桂楨
Lee, Guey-Jen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 68
中文關鍵詞: 帕金森症DRP1啟動子核苷酸多型性轉錄調控粒線體分裂TFAP2AFOXA1CEBPB
英文關鍵詞: Parkinson’s disease, DRP1, Promoter single nucleotide polymorphism, Transcriptional regulation, Mitochondrial fission, TFAP2A, FOXA1, CEBPB
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000397
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:118下載:0
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  • 在帕金森症(PD)中,粒線體的代謝被破壞,而抑制電子傳遞鏈複合物I的神經毒素在人類和動物模型中會產生類似於帕金森氏症的症狀。遺傳性帕金森氏症的連鎖分析也顯示粒線體功能障礙與帕金森症的發病相關。粒線體在細胞中以動態管狀網絡存在,它通過裂變和融合不斷改變形狀,來適應局部的環境改變。Dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1)是控制粒線體分裂的關鍵蛋白,它會經過轉譯後修飾和移位至粒線體外膜,來調節粒線體分裂。先前60個帕金森症患者週邊血單核細胞的研究顯示,DRP1表現水平顯著較53個正常對照組上升。DRP1啟動子的遺傳變異可能調節DRP1表達。通過直接定序,發現在DRP1啟動子區域中有-556 G/A (rs565216693)、-318 -/AAT、-315 A/T (rs201231372)和-311 A/T (rs11423175)等核苷酸多型性。接著藉PCR-RFLP技術,對533個帕金森症患者和544個正常對照組的病例對照研究,確認了-556 G/A多型性與帕金森症相關。-311 A/T與連鎖的-318 -/AAT及-315 A/T多型性與帕金森症相關性,DRP1啟動子直接定序檢測了各63個帕金森症患者和正常人的樣品,但因樣品數不夠大,差異未達顯著性。經由電腦模擬搜尋上述多型性鄰近區域序列,發現-556位點的變異會影響轉錄因子TFAP2A (Transcription factor AP-2 alpha)、CEBPB (CCAAT enhancer binding protein beta)的結合,而-318、-311位點的變異會影響轉錄因子FOXA1 (Forkhead box A1)的結合。TFAP2A、CEBPB、FOXA1在人的神經組織中皆有表現。-556 G/A可能因影響TFAP2A的結合而影響DRP1表現,-318 -/AAT、-311 A/T則可能因移動FOXA1結合位置改變染色質重建(Chromatin remodeling),來影響DRP1表現。過度表現FOXA1或CEBPB於SHSY-5Y細胞,可增強內生性DRP1表現。共轉染對照組DRP1-GFP報導質體和FOXA1/CEBPB到SHSY-5Y細胞,GFP的轉錄活性增加。本研究表明了-556 G/A基因型的人患上帕金森症的風險較大,且在SHSY-5Y細胞中,轉錄因子FOXA1或CEBPB會増加DRP1的轉錄活性。

    In Parkinson’s disease (PD), mitochondrial metabolism is disrupted and neurotoxins that inhibit complex I of the electron transport chain produce PD-like symptoms in humans and animal models. Linkage analysis of hereditary PD has also suggested that mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to the pathogenesis of PD. Mitochondria in cells exist as a dynamic tubular network shaped continuously by fission and fusion events in response to local environmental changes. Dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1), a key protein controlling fission, undergoes posttranslational modifications and translocation to the mitochondrial outer membrane to regulate mitochondrial fission. Previously DRP1 expression level was significantly increased in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 60 PD patients compared with 53 normal controls. Genetic variations in the DRP1 promoter may modulate DRP1 expression. Through directing sequencing, polymorphisms -556 G/A (rs565216693), -318 -/AAT, -315 A/T (rs201231372), and -311 A/T (rs11423175) were found in the DRP1 promoter region. A case-control study (n=533 for PD and n=544 for controls) confirmed the association between -556 G/A and PD. The potential associations of -311 A/T and the linked -318 -/AAT, -315 A/T and PD were tested by direct sequencing. Due to small sample size (n=63 for both PD and normal controls), the difference was not significant. In silico searches of the regions flanking these variations revealed TFAP2A (transcription factor AP-2 alpha) and CEBPB (CCAAT enhancer binding protein beta) binding in -556 site and FOXA1 (forkhead box A1) binding in -318 and -311 sites. TFAP2A, CEBPB and FOXA1 are expressed in human nervous tissues. -556 G/A may sway TFAP2A binding and -318 -/AAT, -311 A/T may influence chromatin remodeling by shifting FOXA1 binding position to affect DRP1 expression. Overexpression of FOXA1 and CEBPB up-regulated DRP1 expression on SH-SY5Y cells. Co-transfection control DRP1-GFP reporter plasmid with FOXA1 or CEBPB could increase transcription activity of GFP. This study indicate that people with -556 G/A genotype have a higher risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. In SH-SY5Y cells FOXA1 or CEBPB could increase transcription activity of DRP1.

    壹、緒論 1 一、帕金森症 1 二、帕金森症的病理學特徵 2 三、帕金森症病因 3 四、DRP1、粒線體動態平衡與神經細胞凋亡 7 五、粒線體動態平衡 9 六、單核苷酸多型性與帕金森症 10 七、Dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1)基因 12 貳、研究架構與動機 14 參、研究材料與方法 15 一、研究樣品 15 二、細胞株培養 15 三、聚合酶連鎖反應增幅DRP1啟動子片段 16 四、啟動子片段純化及定序 16 五、-556 G/A多型性分析 17 六、統計分析 18 七、轉錄因子TFAP2A、FOXA1、CEBPB及TBP cDNA質體 18 八、轉錄因子cDNA質體對內生性DRP1轉錄調控分析 21 九、DRP1多型性啟動子驅動GFP (DRP1-GFP)報導質體的構築 24 十、轉錄因子cDNA質體對DRP1啟動子-GFP報導質體的轉錄調控分析 24 肆、結果 26 一、DRP1啟動子的多型性分析 26 二、啟動子變異與轉錄因子預測分析 27 三、TFAP2A、CEBPB、FOXA1、TBP cDNA質體 28 四、轉錄因子cDNA質體對於內生性DRP1轉錄調控 29 五、DRP1多型性啟動子重組質體 30 六、轉錄因子cDNA質體對DRP1-GFP表現的影響 31 伍、討論 33 陸、參考資料 40 柒、附錄圖表 54

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