研究生: |
林冠瑜 Lin, Kuan-Yu |
論文名稱: |
餐飲服務業領導部屬交換關係對員工工作負荷量與離職傾向影響之研究 - 以W餐飲公司為例 The Influence of Employees’ Workload and Turnover Intention by Leader-Member Exchange Relationships within Catering Service Industry - Take W Restaurant as a Sample |
指導教授: |
Chu, Yih-Hsien |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 86 |
中文關鍵詞: | 領導部屬交換關係 、工作負荷量 、離職傾向 |
英文關鍵詞: | Leader-member exchange relationship(LMX), Turnover intention, Workload |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:404 下載:8 |
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台灣工作型態以服務業為主,但近年服務業離職率卻持續攀升。許多原因會影響離職傾向,常被探討的因素為領導方式,而過去研究多著重於單向式的領導,但隨著觀念的演進,領導者必須開始重視員工的感受,雙方才會有更良好的互動,故Graen & Cashman(1976)提出了領導部屬交換關係理論。
本研究以W餐飲公司台中以北9間店面共146位員工進行問卷調查,研究結果發現:(1) 良好的領導部屬交換關係能有效降低員工的離職傾向;(2) 良好的領導部屬交換關係會產生較多的工作負荷量;(3) 較多的工作負荷量不會影響員工的離職傾向;(4) 工作負荷量不會影響良好的領導部屬交換關係所降低的離職傾向效果。
In the past, most of researches focused on traditional leadership. As the idea evolved, employer needs to take a more serious view concerning employee’ s feelings, so both employee and employer can have better interactions. Hence, this lead to the development of the Leader-member exchange theory (LMX).
Documents and researches point out that the use of the LMX can reduce employee turnover and increase retention. However, in recent years, scholars also found out that LMX may increase workloads, which can affect the willingness of employee’s quitting. For this reason, this study aims to investigate whether or not the LMX can reduce higher turnover intention while observing the effect of workload.
This study found that: (1) The higher quality of LMX will reduce the turnover intentions. (2) The higher quality of LMX will increase workloads. (3) The higher amount of workloads will not influence the turnover intentions. (4) The amount of workloads will not influence lower turnover intentions which are affected by a higher quality of LMX.
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