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研究生: 薛博帆
Syue, Bo-Fan
論文名稱: 論西班牙文第一連接詞之一致關係
On First Conjunct Agreement in Spanish
指導教授: 颯楊
Gerardo Fernández-Salgueiro
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 第一連接詞之一致關係西班牙文一致階段晚附加
英文關鍵詞: first conjunct agreement, Spanish, agree, phase, late adjunction
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202088
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:166下載:46
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  • 本文探討西班牙文中第一連接詞之一致關係 (first conjunct agreement) 的現象,此現象在許多語言中已經被大量地研究了。然而,幾乎沒有任何研究著重在西班牙文不同句構中的第一連接詞之一致關係。此外,在最簡方案 (Minimalist Program) 中並沒有任何關於西班牙文第一連接詞之一致關係的分析有包含階段理論 (Phase Theory) (Chomsky 1998) 或談論到連接詞組 (&P) 附加的時機。本研究採納了Soltan (2007) 的晚附加 (late adjunction) 分析方式,也納入了階段 (phase) 的概念來檢視西班牙文中五種不同的句構,包括存在句、及物句、非限定句、被動句及反身被動句。另外,我提出以下的看法 — 和一致投射 (agreement projection) 有關連的動詞與第一連接詞之間的完整標記一致 (ϕ-complete Agree) 阻饒了第一連接詞之一致關係;然而,分詞和第一連接詞之間的缺陷標記一致 (ϕ-defective Agree) 顯示了第一連接詞之一致關係。透過了三個成分 (晚附加、一致和階段),本文可以成功地解釋在本研究中五種句構的第一連接詞之一致關係的不同可能性;另外,連接詞組的附加時機也被展示出來。我預期本研究的分析可以被運用到西班牙文中的任何句構。

    This thesis investigates the first conjunct agreement (FCA) phenomenon in Spanish. This phenomenon has been widely studied in many languages. However, there are few studies, if any, that focus on FCA in different constructions in Spanish. Besides, there is no analysis on Spanish FCA in the Minimalist Program that incorporates the phase theory (Chomsky 1998) or deals with the timing of the adjunction. In this study, I adopt the late adjunction approach in Soltan (2007) and take into account the phase concept to look into five different constructions, including existential, transitive, non-finite, passive, and reflexive passive, in Spanish. In addition, I propose that ϕ-complete Agree between the verb associated with the agreement projection and the first conjunct blocks FCA; ϕ-defective Agree between the participle and the first conjunct, however, displays FCA. Through the three ingredients, i.e. late adjunction, agreement, and phase, the different possibilities of FCA among the five constructions in this study can be successfully accounted for; besides, the timing of the adjunction of the &P is also demonstrated. It is expected that the analysis of this study can be applied to any constructions in Spanish.

    Chinese Abstract i English Abstract ii Acknowledgements iii Glossary vii Chapter One – Introduction 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Motivation 8 1.3 Data Concerned in This Study 9 1.4 Purpose of the Study 11 1.5 Organization of the Thesis 12 Chapter Two – Previous Studies 13 2.1 Munn (1999) 13 2.2 Camacho (2003) 16 2.3 Soltan (2007) 17 2.4 Bošković (2009) 20 2.5 Demonte and Pérez-Jiménez (2012) 21 2.6 Aljović and Begović (2016) 24 2.7 Implications for FCA in Spanish 26 Chapter Three – FCA in Various Types of Constructions in Spanish 28 3.1 Basic Structure in Spanish 28 3.2 Existentials 30 3.3 Transitives 37 3.4 Non-finites 43 3.5 Passives 48 3.6 Reflexive Passives 52 3.7 Summary of the Five Construction Types Concerning FCA 56 Chapter Four – Analysis: Timing of Adjunction, Agreement, and Phases 58 4.1 Completeness and Defectiveness of ϕ-Features 60 4.2 The Phase Theory – Chomsky (1998) 62 4.3 Deriving FCA with Late Adjunction, Agreement, and Phase 63 4.3.1 One Phase – Existentials, Passives & Reflexive Passives 63 4.3.2 Two Phases – Transitives & Non-finites 68 Chapter Five – Conclusion 73 References 75

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