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Author: 許常琳
Hsu, Chang-Lin
Thesis Title: 台灣家長對學齡前兒童使用不同形式繪本學習英語的觀察
A Taiwanese Parent's Observation on Early Childhood English Learning with Different Types of Picture Books
Advisor: 張晏榕
Chang, Yen-Jung
Committee: 林玲遠
Lin, Ling-Yuan
Lin, Tsung-Chin
Chang, Yen-Jung
Approval Date: 2024/01/24
Degree: 碩士
Department: 圖文傳播學系碩士在職專班
Department of Graphic Arts and Communications_Continuing Education Master's Program of Graphic Arts and Communications
Thesis Publication Year: 2024
Academic Year: 112
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 68
Keywords (in Chinese): 自我民族誌不同形式互動繪本幼兒學習英語
Keywords (in English): Autoethnography, Different Types of Picture Books, Early Childhood English Learning
Research Methods: 參與觀察法
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 233Downloads: 14
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本研究旨在探討台灣家長對幼兒使用不同形式的繪本學習英文的觀察與看法。不同形式的互動繪本是一種結合文字、圖片、聲音和互動元素的多媒體教材,被認為對幼兒語言發展和英語學習有正面影響,而參有數位感官體驗的互動繪本並不普及於台灣家庭,多數家庭並不支持幼兒使用數位學習,另更有經濟能力的家庭會直接選擇雙語或全美幼兒園來幫幼童的英文打底,想要孩子英文底子好又不想要數位危害的家長該何去何從呢?本研究採用質性研究方法,以自我民族誌(Autoethnography, AE)的方式,針對我與我三名兒女使用不同形式繪本親子共讀學英文的日子做觀察紀錄。

This study aims to explore Taiwanese parents' observations and opinions on preschoolers learning English through different forms of picture books. Different forms of interactive picture books are multimedia materials combining text, images, sounds, and interactive elements, believed to have a positive impact on preschoolers' language development and English learning. However, interactive picture books with digital sensory experiences are not widely used in Taiwanese families, as most families do not support preschoolers using digital learning. Moreover, more financially capable families may choose to directly enroll their children in bilingual or American preschools to lay a good foundation in English, without exposing them to potential digital harm. What should parents who want their children to have a good English foundation but also want to avoid digital risks do? This study adopts a qualitative research method, using autoethnography to observe and record the days when I and my three children engage in parent-child reading with different forms of picture books to learn English.

Autoethnography explores my attitudes towards preschoolers learning English through different forms of picture books. During the observation process, I recognized that different forms of interactive picture books provide preschoolers with rich and enjoyable learning experiences, attracting their attention and stimulating their interest in learning. However, some concerns and reflections were also mentioned. I worry that excessive use of electronic interactive picture books may not only affect vision health but also lead preschoolers to rely too much on electronic devices, affecting their actual ability to read physical books and their concentration. Additionally, I also pay attention to whether the content of different forms of picture books meets educational and moral professional standards, fearing that inappropriate language may affect preschoolers' physical and mental development. These concerns affect the frequency of using different forms of interactive picture books to ensure their positive impact on preschoolers' English learning.

謝辭 i 摘要 ii ABSTRACT iii 目次 v 圖目錄 vii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 2 第二節 問題意識 7 第二章 文獻探討 10 第一節 繪本對幼兒的影響 10 第二節 互動繪本的性質 12 第三節 以繪本誘發學齡前兒童英語學習興趣 17 第三章 研究方法 23 第一節 自我民族誌 23 第二節 自我民族誌研究紀錄規劃 24 第三節 研究信實度及研究倫理 27 第四章 英語繪本之學習探索記趣 28 第一節 從新生命開始 28 第二節 學習英語從閱讀繪本開始 30 第五章 發現與反思 58 第一節 不同形式英語繪本與學齡前兒童共讀觀察結果 58 第二節 學齡前幼兒使用互動繪本學習英文建議 60 第三節 結論與反思 63 參考文獻-中文 65 參考文獻-英文 67

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