簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 吳昭玫
Chao-mei Wu
論文名稱: 輸入式教學法與輸出式教學法對英語假設語氣習得比較效應之研究
A Study of the Comparative Effect of Input-based Grammar Instruction and Output-based Instruction on the Acquisition of the English Subjunctive Mood
指導教授: 謝國平
Tse, Kwock-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 輸入式教學法輸入處理教學法英語假設語氣
英文關鍵詞: Input-based Instruction, Processing Instruction, Grammar Instruction
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:161下載:21
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  • 傳統的文法教學都是以輸出式練習為主。 最近幾年來有些學者提出一種新式的輸入式文法
    教學, 這種教學法目的在藉由教導學生策略性的處理輸入來引導學習者建立一個特定句型


    The present study aims to investigate the comparative effect of the traditional
    out-based instruction and the innovative input-based instruction. Processing
    instruction, proposed by Bill VanPatten, aims to direct learners’ processing
    of the input containing the target structure. Vanpatten and other proponents
    claim that it has better effect than traditional instruction on comprehension
    and almost equally good effect on production. However, some researchers argue
    that the effect might be affected by the complexity of the target structure
    and the difficulty of the tasks.
    The target structure of the present study was the English Subjunctive Mood,
    which is regarded as difficult both for comprehension and for production by
    most Chinese students. The subjects were two intact classes of the first
    graders of Yangming Senior High School. One class received tradition
    instruction and the other received processing instruction. An immediate
    posttest and a delayed posttest were used as means for assessing the effect of
    instruction. Both posttests consisted of two types of comprehension tasks and
    two types of production tasks.
    The results show that the processing group did do better than the traditional
    group in all of the comprehension tasks, suggesting better effects for
    processing instruction on comprehension. For the production task, the
    processing group did almost equally well in the blank-filling task, but their
    performance in the sentence-combining task was not satisfactory, suggesting
    that the effect really has something to do with the difficulty of the tasks.
    When the production task is difficult, output practice is still necessary for
    accurate production.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 General Introduction 1 1.2 Motivation 4 1.3 Research Questions 6 1.4 Organization of the Thesis 6 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 The Role of Formal Instruction in SLA 7 2.2 Models of Second Language Acquisition 10 2.2.1 Behaviorism 11 2.2.2 Cognitive Theory 12 2.2.3 Ellis’ Model of L2 Acquisition 14 2.2.4 Vanpatten’s Input Processing Model 17 2.2.5 Swain’s Output Theory 18 2.3 Traditional Output-based Instruction 21 2.4 Input-based Processing Instruction 23 2.5 The Rationale of Processing Instruction 24 2.6 Studies on Processing Instruction 26 2.6.1 Studies Favoring Processing Instruction 27 2.6.2 Studies with Other Results 32 2.7 The English Subjunctive Mood 36 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 38 3.1 The Target Pattern 38 3.2 Subjects 40 3.3 Instructional Packets 41 3.3.1 Traditional output-based Instruction 42 3.3.2 Processing Input-based Instruction 44 3.4 Instructional Procedures 46 3.5 Posttests 48 3.6 Scoring Procedures and Data Collection 50 CHAPTER FOUR FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 52 4.1 Results 52 4.1.1 The comprehension Task 52 4.1.2 The Production Task 55 4.2 Discussion 58 4.2.1 The Comprehension Task 58 4.2.2 The Production Task 60 4.2.3 The Goal of Grammar Instruction 66 4.2.4 Summary of the Findings 68 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION AND TEACHING IMPLICATIONS 69 5.1 Conclusion 69 5.2 Pedagogical Implications 70 5.3 Suggestions for Future Research 72 Bibliography 74 Appendix A A Lesson Plan for the Traditional Group 79 Appendix B A Lesson Plan for the Processing Instruction Group 81 Appendix C Samples of Activities for the Processing Instruction Group 83 Appendix D Samples of Activities for the traditional Instruction Group 85 Appendix E Samples of the Posttests 86

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