研究生: |
張釧哲 Chaun-che Chang |
論文名稱: |
網路教學作業平台在化學教育應用之研究 暨 樟腦衍生物之單晶結構解析 |
指導教授: |
Ueng, Chuen-Her |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
化學系 Department of Chemistry |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 91 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 151 |
中文關鍵詞: | 網路作業 、超文件 、超媒體 、單晶結構解析 、電腦輔助教學 |
英文關鍵詞: | Internet instructional system, Hypertext, Hypermedia, single crystal structure, Computer-Managed Instruction |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:176 下載:12 |
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在教育上,用電腦來輔助教學有愈來愈廣泛的趨勢,而所謂「電腦化教學」(Computerized Instruction),涵括兩個層面,一為「電腦輔助教學」(Computer-Assisted Instruction,CAI),另一為電腦管理教學(Computer-Managed Instruction,CMI)。CAI係指利用電腦輔助教學來進行學習活動的一種教學法;而CMI指的是以電腦作為教學管理,其功能主要有診斷學習進度、指定教學內容、監督學習進度、評估學習成果、蒐集並儲存資料,以及提出報告、管理教學資源、支援人際溝通等。換言之,電腦化教學的目的是在教學過程中,使電腦成為適當的教具,透過有效的管理工具,提供多元化的教材,而非可以完全取代教師的替代物。一套完整電腦化教學系統應該同時具有CAI和CMI兩種特性,兩系統的整合才能呈現完整的教學平台。
第二部分: X-ray單晶繞射的操作與樟腦衍生物之晶體結構解析
主要是以樟腦的衍生物進行X-ray結構解析,樟腦的衍生物用來作為對掌螯合劑(chiral ligands)時需具有特定的立體效應,透過X-ray的ORTEP圖來解析可能具有的立體效應。並將已合成的S-(+)-樟腦菘酮醯胺化合物(camphyl -10-amides)及2-exo-羥基樟腦-10-醯胺化合物(2-exo-hydroxy camphyl-10- amides)之結構特徵予以比較討論。
This dissertation can be divided into two parts. The first part is to probe into the application of the Internet instructional system in chemical education; the second part is to understand the operation of the single crystal diffraction X-ray and obtain the crystal structure of the camphor derivatives utilizing such instrumentation.
The first part: The application of the Internet instructional system in the chemical education
In the area of education, the trend of using computer to assist education is becoming more popular. For Computerized Instruction, it consists of two aspects, the Computer-Assister Instruction (CAI), and the Computer-Managed Instruction (CMI). CAI system is a method of teaching using computer to assist the activities learning in education, and CMI is using computer to manage teaching, where functions are to monitor the progress of learning, to assign the content of teaching, to supervise the learning progress, to evaluate the learning result, to collect and store information, to bring up report, to manage teaching resource, and to support interpersonal communication. In an other word, the purpose of Computerized Instruction is to utilize computer as tool during the process of teaching utilize. Through it’s management function, computer can provide the diversity in its instructional material, yet it cannot completely become the substitute of the instructor. A complete Computerized Instructional System should consist of both characteristics of CAI and CMI, and only through the combination of the two systems the computer can be utilized as a complete teaching platform.
Our research would first probe into the structure and theory of Internet instructional platform, using the spirit of “Action research” as the guide line. Utilizing the designing tool of multi-media, to combine the software of web page program design with the informational storage system, to construct the Internet instructional platform, then using computer assisting software to write the instructional material for chemistry, in order to combine the usage of the platform, to complete the totality of the Computerized Instruction.
In addition, we also probe through the Computerized Instruction to understand the problem that the students must face during the learning process, such as how the students acknowledge the responsibility, the loss of the direction for learning, and the quality of the Internet instruction…etc. The results of the research show the majority of students hold an affirming attitude for our combination system of teaching. Through the design of the computerized Internet platform, the content of the instruction has become even livelier, and also through the relationship of mutual interaction, the instructor can become more in control of the learning condition of the students. Although the entire high-school courses in using Computerized Instruction have not yet being developed completely, and the design on the screen still need to wait for better improvement, we can assume that the combining system of CAI and CMI would become the trend for the Internet instruction for the future.
The second part: To understand the operation of the single crystal diffraction X-ray and determine the crystal structure of the camphor derivatives.
The main objective of this study is to precede the derivatives of the camphor with the analysis of the X-ray structure, and to use the derivatives of the camphor to meet the need of having the special effect of the three-dimensional for the chiral ligands, through the Ortep picture of the X-ray to analyze the possible effect of the three-dimensional. Moreover, to compare the already combine of the S-(+) -camphyl-10-amides structure with special character of 2-exo-hydroxy- camphyl-10-amides, in order to discuss their comparison.
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