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研究生: 張力仁
Chang, Li-Jen
論文名稱: 轉換型領導、組織自尊對組織公民行為影響之研究-以敬業貢獻度為中介變項
A Study of the Impact of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Based Self-Esteem on Organizational Citizenship Behavior - The Mediating Effect is Work Engagement
指導教授: 余鑑
Yu, Chien
Yu, Chin-Cheh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科技應用與人力資源發展學系
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 186
中文關鍵詞: 轉換型領導組織自尊敬業貢獻度組織公民行為
英文關鍵詞: Transformational Leadership, Organization Based Self-Esteem, Work Engagement, Organizational Citizenship Behavior
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:184下載:22
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  • 全球化的時代,金融業為了保有競爭優勢,除了不斷的創新,內部管理的關鍵在於如何透過有效的領導行為以及提升員工自我尊榮感,以激勵員工對工作上的專注與熱忱,進而對組織產生奉獻與忠誠之行為。

    With the development of globalization, the external environment has been rapidly changing. Organizations have faced the big challenge to organizational revolution and organizational transformation. Organizations in order to survive under the turbulent environment, except the innovation, in the inner management, it should be more focus on how to make employee feel valuable and important to the organization, and encourage employees benefit the organization in heart, which is become a important issue to the modern Human Resources management within whole organization.
    The purpose of this study will identify the impact Transformational Leadership and Organization Based Self-Esteem on employee’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Financial Service Industry. Work Engagement between Transformational Leadership, Organization Based Self-Esteem and Organizational Citizenship Behavior would be the major mediating effect. Therefore, regression would be used to analysis data and proof the conclusion.
    A questionnaire was used to conduct empirical research. The samples were collected from the staffs within the Financial Service Industry. Further, the 372 effective questionnaires would be delivered from 400 questionnaires. The conclusion will point out: (1)Transformational Leadership has a significant positive influence on Work Engagement. (2)Organization Based Self-Esteem has a significant positive influence on Work Engagement. (3)Transformational Leadership has a partial significant positive influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. (4)Organization Based Self-Esteem has a significant positive influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. (5)Work Engagement has a significant positive influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. (6)Work Engagement has a significant positive mediating effect between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. (7)Work Engagement has a partial mediating effect between Organization Based Self-Esteem and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
    According to the result of the study, if the Transformational Leadership and Organization Based Self-Esteem could be more possessed from staffs, the Work Engagement would be promoted into staffs which would induct the employees to behave more Organizational Citizenship Behavior.

    中文摘要 i ABSTRACT iii 目  錄 v 表  次 vii 圖  次 xi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 6 第三節 研究範圍與限制 7 第四節 重要名詞釋義 9 第二章 文獻探討 13 第一節 轉換型領導 13 第二節 組織自尊 27 第三節 敬業貢獻度 38 第四節 組織公民行為 47 第五節 各變項間之相關性 62 第三章 研究設計與實施 71 第一節 研究架構與假設 71 第二節 研究方法 73 第三節 研究步驟 73 第四節 研究對象 76 第五節 研究工具 76 第六節 資料分析 84 第七節 預試問卷信效度分析 86 第四章 資料分析 95 第一節 問卷回收與統計 95 第二節 敘述性統計分析 97 第三節 信效度分析 103 第四節 相關分析 109 第五節 迴歸分析 116 第六節 運用層級迴歸分析驗證敬業貢獻度的中介效果 121 第七節 徑路分析 125 第八節 研究結果假設摘要表 129 第五章 結論與建議 131 第一節 研究發現與討論 131 第二節 管理意涵 137 第三節 研究貢獻 143 第四節 研究限制與後續方向建議 146 參考文獻 149 一、中文部分 149 二、外文部分 155 附  錄 175 附錄一 國內金融產業人員敬業貢獻度之預試問卷 177 附錄二 國內金融產業人員敬業貢獻度之問卷邀請函 181 附錄三 國內金融產業人員敬業貢獻度之正式問卷 182

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