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研究生: 何宗穎
論文名稱: 磁性薄膜之表面形貌與磁性行為
Correlation between surface morphology and Magnetic behavior of Magnetic thin films
指導教授: 林文欽
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 物理學系
Department of Physics
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 58
中文關鍵詞: 歐節電子能譜儀掃描穿隧式電子顯微鏡磁光科爾效應基板表面缺陷斜角鍍膜合金介面矯頑磁力磁異向性高定向熱解石墨基板藍寶石基板矽(111)基板
英文關鍵詞: AES, STM, MOKE, surface defects, oblique deposition, alloy interface, coercivity, magnetic anisotropy, HOPG, Al2O3(0001), Si(111)
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:346下載:56
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  矽(111)基板系統中,我們再一次做了斜角鍍磁性薄膜的實驗,結果與在藍寶石基板中的結果相符。透過改變不同的合金介面層材料(鐵、鎳、鈀),可以觀察到不同的磁性行為,鐵薄膜在鐵-矽合金介面上的矯頑磁力(Hc=130 Oe)大於在鈀-矽合金介面(Hc=50 Oe)與鐵/矽(111)(Hc=50 Oe)。

  We studied the correlation between surface morphology and magnetic behavior of magnetic thin films.The experiment was divided into three parts. (1) HOPG system. (2) Al2O3(0001) system,and (3) Si(111) system.
  In HOPG system, we used Ar+ sputtering to create surface defects. Co atom nucleation size in planar-HOPG was larger than in sputtered-HOPG. In planar-HOPG, Co films prefer a magnetizeation direction. In the surface plane, In Co/sputteredp-HOPG, we measured Kerr hysteresis loops in both the polar and longitudinal directions. The easy axis is confirmed in an oblique direction, even at the Co thickness of 60 ML.
  In Al2O3(0001) system, we used oblique deposition to induce an uniaxial MAE in Fe films. For 0°-Fe/Al2O3(0001), the Pd capping layer can still preserve the 3-fold symmetry. However, in Pd/45°-Fe/Al2O3(0001) and Pd/65°-Fe/Al2O3(0001), the Pd capping layers were composed of nanoclusters. For Pd/0°-Fe/Al2O3(0001), the hystersis loops were always of a square shape,
which is invariant with the azimuthal measurement angle ∅.For Pd/45°-Fe/Al2O3(0001) and Pd/65°-Fe/Al2O3(0001), an uniaxial anisotropic magnetic behavior was observed. The easy axis is along the ∅=0 deg and The hard axis is along the ∅=90 deg.
  In Si(111) system, we masured obliquely depositied films again.The results are consistant with the Al2O3(0001) system. By choosing different alloy interface materials(Fe、Pd、Ni), we can see different magnetic behavior. The coercivity field(Hc) of Fe/Fe-silicide/Si(111)(Hc=130 Oe) was much larger than Fe/Pd-silicide/Si(111)(Hc=50 Oe) and Fe/Si(111)(Hc=50 Oe).

第一章 引言 1 第二章 基本原理與概念 2 2.1基板的結構與特性 2 2.1.1 高定向熱解石墨(Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite) 2 2.1.2 矽(Silicon) 3 2.1.3 三氧化二鋁(Sapphire)(藍寶石基板) 4 2.2 磁性材料 5 2.2.1 磁性物質的種類 5 2.2.2 鐵磁性材料介紹 7 2.3 磁異向性理論 9 2.4 磁滯曲線 10 2.5 薄膜成長理論 12 2.7 量子穿隧效應 14 第三章 實驗儀器 16 3.1 掃描穿隧式電子顯微鏡系統(STM system) 16 3.1.1 掃描原理 17 3.1.2 儀器構造 18 3.1.3 操作流程 20 3.1.4 實驗步驟 21 3.2 鍍膜系統(Depostion system) 23 3.3 磁光柯爾效應系統(MOKE System) 24 3.3.1 磁光柯爾效應理論 24 3.3.2 磁光柯爾效應儀器裝置 27 3.4 光反射率系統(XRR System) 28 3.4.1 X光繞射基本原理 28 3.4.2 X光反射率裝置 29 第四章 實驗與成果 30 4.1 高定向熱解石墨系統(HOPG System) 30 4.1.1 實驗動機 30 4.1.2 實驗流程 32 4.1.3 實驗結果   歐節電子能譜 33   掃描穿隧式電子顯微鏡(表面形貌) 34   磁光科爾效應(磁性行為) 35 4.2 三氧化二鋁(Sapphire)系統(Al2O3(0001) System) 37 4.1.1 實驗動機 37 4.1.2 實驗流程 39 4.1.3 實驗結果   掃描穿隧式電子顯微鏡(表面形貌) 40   磁光科爾效應(磁性行為) 41 4.3 矽(Silicon)系統(Si(111) System) 42 4.1.1 實驗動機 42 4.1.2 實驗流程 43 4.1.3 實驗結果  斜角鍍膜   磁光科爾效應(磁性行為) 44  合金介面層(磁性材料:鐵)   磁光科爾效應(磁性行為) 45   掃描穿隧式電子顯微鏡(表面形貌) 46   外加磁場-X光反射率(晶格結構) 47  合金介面層(磁性材料:鎳)   磁光科爾效應(磁性行為) 48 第五章 成果與討論 49 第六章 結論 51 5.1 高定向熱解石墨系統(HOPG System) 51 5.2 三氧化二鋁(Sapphire)系統(Al2O3(0001) System) 51 5.3矽(Silicon)系統 (Si(111) System) 52 圖片所引 53 文獻 55 致謝 58

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