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研究生: 李佩恩
Li, Pei-En
論文名稱: 以校園室內空氣品質預測呼吸道疾病的發生
Predicting the occurrence of respiratory diseases based on campus indoor air quality
指導教授: 賀耀華
Ho, Yao-Hua
口試委員: 劉宇倫
Liu, Yu-Lun
Chen, Ling-Jyh
Ho, Yao-Hua
口試日期: 2023/12/11
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 59
中文關鍵詞: 室內空氣品質呼吸道疾病疾病預測時間序列分類SMOTE
英文關鍵詞: indoor air quality, respiratory disease, disease prediction, time series classification, SMOTE
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400110
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:65下載:16
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  • 人們長時間待在室內環境中,室內空氣品質對人體的影響更直接,已經有相當多的研究證實空氣品質與呼吸道疾病之間存在著關聯性,尤其是學校教室這類長時間人群聚集且互動頻繁的密閉空間,對於學生的健康以及學習力都會受到影響。在高度工業化發展的環境下,容易有空氣品質不佳的問題產生,而大多數的學校屬於較老舊的建築,很難有適當的通風設備讓教室維持在標準通風率下,使得校園群聚感染的風險上升。
    本研究使用MAPS V6.0空氣盒子佈建於國立臺灣師範大學林口校區教室內,蒐集室內的溫濕度、PM10、PM2.5、PM1.0、二氧化碳、TVOC和光度等數據,以各班級學生防疫假的日期標記可能有疾病影響的空氣品質資料,透過神經網路模型建構的分類器,預測疾病發生的可能性,並提供示警。CROP-IAQ的示警可以讓校園及早針對高風險教室做通風或隔離等措施,以減少校園群聚感染發生的風險。
    研究中所使用的數據加入了以SMOTE生成的相似資料,做為模型訓練時的輸入資料,模型共有四種包含Basic CNN model、Inception model、ResNet model及ResNeXt model,四種模型也再加入Squeeze-and-Excitation module提高模型預測能力。根據實驗結果,最終是Inception-SE model有最好的正確率,F1score為0.72、靈敏度為0.76。

    People staying indoors for long periods are more directly affected by indoor air quality. Numerous studies have already confirmed the correlation between air quality and respiratory diseases. Particularly in the case of spaces like school classrooms, where people gather for long durations and interact frequently, students' health is significantly impacted. Especially in most modernized environments, the issue of poor air quality is prone to arise. In addition, most schools are in relatively old buildings; it is challenging to implement adequate ventilation systems to maintain classrooms at the standard ventilation rate, thereby increasing the risk of cluster infections in classrooms.
    In this paper, we proposed a Classroom Respiratory disease Occurrence Prediction method with Indoor Air Quality data (CROP-IAQ) using Neural Networks.
    This study used MAPS V6.0 Airbox deployed in classrooms to collect data on indoor temperature, relative humidity, PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10, CO2, TVOC, and luminosity. The data, combined with the records of student epidemic prevention leave in each class, were used to mark the air quality data potentially affected by diseases. A classifier is constructed using a neural network model to predict the possibility of disease occurrence and to provide alerts for classrooms with a risk of clustered infection. CROP-IAQ can reduce the risk of clustered infections on campus with early warnings for authorities to implement measures such as ventilation and isolation.
    In addition to the data collected, the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling TEchnique (SMOTE) method was employed to generate similar data for input into the models during training. The models included the Basic Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) model, the Inception model, the Residual Network (ResNet) model, and the ResNeXt model. These four models were enhanced with a Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) module to improve the predictive capabilities. Based on the experimental results, the Inception model with the SE module achieved the highest accuracy, with an F1-score of 0.72 and a Sensitivity of 0.76.

    誌謝 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii Contents v List of Tables vii List of Figures viii I.Introduction 1 II.Related Work 5 A. Respiratory Disease 5 B. Research on indoor air quality and disease 8 C. Time Series Data Classification 12 1. Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) 13 2. GoogLeNet 14 3. ResNet 16 4. Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks (SENet) 18 III. Methodology 19 A. Data Collection 20 B. Data Preprocessing 20 C. Data Splitting 21 D. Synthetic Data Generation 22 E. Classification Model 23 1. Basic CNN model 23 2. Inception model (GoogLeNet) 24 3. ResNet 25 4. ResNeXt 25 5. Squeeze-and-Excitation module (SE module) 26 IV. Experiment Results 28 A. Experimental Environment and Settings 28 B. Evaluation 29 1. F1-score 30 2. Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) 30 3. Precision-Recall curve (PR curve) 31 4. Sensitivity and Specificity 32 C. Dataset 33 D. Model Parameter Analysis 37 1. CNN model layer number 37 2. Threshold 38 E. Model Comparison 42 1. Results of Four models 42 1.1 Accuracy 42 1.2 F1-score 43 1.3 PRAUC 44 1.4 MCC 45 1.5 Sensitivity 46 1.6 Specificity 47 2. Model with SE module 49 V. Conclusion and Future Work 51 References 54

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