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研究生: 張令恬
論文名稱: 原生家庭經驗對大學女生愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之分析研究
A Qualitative Research of the Influences Received From Family-of Origin on Female College Students' Love relationship and Their Changing Process
指導教授: 陳秉華
Chen, Ping-Wha
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 370
中文關鍵詞: 原生家庭愛情關係現象學分析方法
英文關鍵詞: family-of-origin, love relationship, phenomenological analysis method
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:562下載:0
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  • 本研究欲瞭解原生家庭經驗對大學女生愛情關係的影響為何?以及當原生家庭經驗的影響阻礙了愛情關係的發展時,促發改變動機的原因是什麼?促發改變的內外在資源是什麼?改變的結果又是什麼?
    受訪者的改變歷程分為三部份:1.改變動機促發原因:分為(1)內在自發原因,包含A.負面的情緒、B.自覺、C.維繫關係的意願;(2)外在刺激原因,包含A.男友的回饋、B. 父親的喜惡、C.愛情危機事件。2.促發改變發生的資源:分為(1)環境資源,包含A.信仰的支持、B.心理諮商的協助、C.輔導課程與相關書籍的涉獵、D.男友與同學的配合與提醒;(2)個人資源,包含A.自省與自制、B.勇氣與負責、C.堅持與執著、D.新的反應行為。3.改變的結果:(1)自信心、自我接納程度增加,(2)彈性與韌性增加,(3)愛情觀更踏實、愛情關係更穩定,(4)人際關係更好,(5)修通原生家庭經驗,(6)與父母心理分離。

    The purposes of this research were to explore how female college students‘ love relationships were influenced by the experiences resulted from their family-of-origin, and how they made changes in the love relationships of their own.
    Six female college students were interviewed individually in this study. Hycner‘s (1985) phenomenological analysis methods were adopted in this study to analyze data collected from interviewes.
    The findings of this research indicates that the parents‘ marital relationships influence female college students on the development of marriage ideation, the selecting of their partners, the establishing of the sense of trust in their love relationship, the belief of never repeating the false patterns of their parents’ marriage, the unavoidable repeating patterns of their mothers‘ style of expression, the distribution of power in their love relationship, and the expectation to the interacting patterns in the love relationship and to their boyfriends.
    The influences from the parent-child relationship on the love relationships of female college students were exhibited on the three following dimensions.1)Their expectation to the interacting patterns in their love relationship and to their boyfriends. Those were resulted from the experiences of the fully protection and care provided by their parents, the image of a reliable and guiding father, and the enmeshed relationship between mothers and daughters; 2)It forms a blockage in the development of their love relationships, which came from the over enmeshed mother-daughter relationships, and the disturbed parent-child function caused by unresolved marital problems, and ;3) it is helpful to express the support to each other for the development of their intimate relationships.
    The changing process of the interviewes were categorized into three dimensions. First, the reason of their motivation to change includes spontaneous factors, which include a) the nagative feelings, b)self awareness, and c)their willingness to keep a relationship, and also their fathers, and the critical incidents in their relationships. Secondly, the resource of the stimlants to their change include 1)environmental resources, such as the faith form thier religion, the help from psychological counseling, the studying of counseling related books, and the cooperation and reminder from their boyfiriends or classmateds;2)individual resources which include self-contemplation and self-retrain, their courage and responsibility, their persistence, and the establishing of their new interacting behaviors. The last one is the results of their change, which include10the increase of the degree of their self-confidence and self-acceptance,2)the increase of their flexibility and durability, 3)a more realistic ideation of love, and a firmer love relationship, 4)the increase of their interpersonal relationships, 5)working through their experiences of their family-of-origin, and the psychological separation with their parents.
    According to the reluts and findings in this research, the author discussed 1) the procedural influence from the family-of-orign to female college students, 2) the profound impact of an extramarital affair, 3) the influence of an enmeshed mother-daughter relationship to the daughter‘s love relationship, 4) fathers as their reference object for daughters selecting their patterns, and 5) the meaning of changing process and so on in this study. Some suggestions were also provided at the end of this article.

    誌謝 中文摘要 英文摘要 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 4 第二章 理論基礎與文獻探討 第一節 結構學派的家庭治療理論 6 第二節 原生家庭經驗之相關研究文獻 11 第三章 研究方法與分析步驟 第一節 研究方法 22 第二節 研究參與者 23 第三節 研究工具 26 第四節 本研究的倫理課題 32 第五節 研究程序 34 第六節 資料分析步驟37 第七節 受訪者A資料分析過程46 第八節 資料的信度與效度56 第四章 研究結果 第一節 原生家庭經驗對六位受訪者愛情關係的影響及受訪者改變歷程 的描述分析結果62 第二節 原生家庭經驗對六位受訪者愛情關係的影響及受訪者改變歷程 的詮釋分析結果195 第三節 父母婚姻關係對大學女生愛情關係的影響整體分析結果245 第四節 親子關係對大學女生愛情關係的影響整體分析結果 254 第五節 大學女生覺察原生家庭經驗對愛情關係的影響而決定改變歷程 整體分析結果260 第五章 討論與建議 第一節 研究發現與討論 271 第二節 結論 292 第三節 研究限制 297 第三節 建議 298 參考文獻 附錄 附錄一 訪談導引 312 附錄二 調查問卷 316 附錄三 邀請函 319 附錄四 訪談同意書 321 附錄五 受訪者A的主題與群聚命名稿 322 附錄六 青青之原生家庭經驗對其愛情關係影響及決定改變歷程詮釋文 329 附表目錄 表3-2-1 研究參與者個人基本資料 25 表4-1-1 原生家庭經驗對受訪者愛情關係的影響一覽表 242 表4-1-2 受訪者在愛情關係中改變原生家庭經驗影響的歷程一覽表 244 附圖目錄 圖4-1-1 父母婚姻關係對青青愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 78 圖4-1-2 親子關係對青青愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 79 圖4-1-3 父女係對青青愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 80 圖4-1-4 母女關係對青青愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 81 圖4-1-5父母婚姻關係對阿綠愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 99 圖4-1-6 親子關係對阿綠愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 100 圖4-1-7 父女關係對阿綠愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 101 圖4-1-8 母女關係對阿綠愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 102 圖4-1-9 父母婚姻關係對小藍愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 118 圖4-1-10 親子關係對小藍愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 119 圖4-1-11 父女關係對小藍愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 120 圖4-1-12 母女關係對小藍愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 121 圖4-1-13 父母婚姻關係對橘子愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 142 圖4-1-14 親子關係對橘子愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 143 圖4-1-15 父女關係對橘子愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 144 圖4-1-16 母女關係對橘子愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 145 圖4-1-17 親子關係對橘子愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程總圖 146 圖4-1-18 父母婚姻關係對阿丹愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 167 圖4-1-19 親子關係對阿丹愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 168 圖4-1-20 父女關係對阿丹愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 169 圖4-1-21 母女關係對阿丹愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 170 圖4-1-22 父母婚姻關係對阿紫愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 191 圖4-1-23 親子關係對阿紫愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 192 圖4-1-24 父女關係對阿紫愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 193 圖4-1-25 母女關係對阿紫愛情關係的影響及其改變歷程之脈絡歷程圖 194

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