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研究生: 夏艾雯
Hsia, Ai-Wen
論文名稱: 訓練非聲調語言學習者對國語雙音節詞的聲調之聽辨與發聲
Training Non-tonal Speakers in the Perception and Production of Mandarin Tones in Disyllabic Words
指導教授: 謝國平
Tse, Kwock-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 242
中文關鍵詞: 聽覺訓練視聽訓練第二語言習得國語聲調聲調範疇感知
英文關鍵詞: Audio-only training, Audio-Visual training, second language acquisition, Taiwan Mandarin tones, categorical perception of tones
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:212下載:27
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  • 本研究針對第二語言聲調習得在理論、方法和教學上的議題做探討,透過三種訓練方法,探索非聲調語言初學者學習國語的四個聲調之聽辨與發聲的表現。本研究在探討聲調的可訓練性,特別做了兩次後測,以瞭解訓練成效是否可擴及至新的刺激字(由新的說話者發聲)。十五位在台灣學中文的非聲調語言學習者參與為期兩週的課外訓練課程。受試者可自由選擇訓練組別,過程中需完成四選一的辨識測驗。第一組(A組,人數 = 5)接受聽辨訓練,僅獲得即時的聽覺反饋;第二組(AM組,人數 = 5)也接受聽辨訓練,獲得即時的聽覺和語意反饋(相對應的圖片和英文釋義);第三組(AV組,人數 = 5)接受聽辨和發聲訓練,並獲得即時的聽覺和視覺反饋(聲調的基頻曲線),受試者得以比對自己和範例曲線的異同。三組訓練採用相同的刺激字(國語雙音節詞)。聲調訓練為期二~三週,共做三次測驗(前測,第一次後測和第二次後測),前測和第一次後測內容完全相同,第二次後測採用新的刺激字(由新的說話者發聲)。組間的比較分析顯示,相對於無接受訓練的對照組,有接受訓練的三個組別在國語聲調的聽辨和發聲上均有顯著的進步,結果也同時顯示電腦輔助聲調學習可作為課外訓練課程。進一步探究各組別的表現,則發現僅接受聽辨訓練的受試者(即A和AM組)比同時接受聽辨和發聲訓練的受試者(AV組)有更顯著的進步,換言之,聽辨訓練較能提高第二語言聲調習得的成效。本研究進一步對各聲調正確聽辨和發聲的平均百分比,以及聲調偏誤做一比較分析。最後,根據實驗結果本研究建議:僅接受聽辨訓練足以改善學習者的國語聲調之聽辨與發聲。

    This thesis aims to address the theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical issues of tonal acquisition in a second language (L2). The present study investigated the effects of three training approaches on the perceptual and production learning of the four Mandarin lexical tones by groups of non-tonal beginning learners.
    The experiment employed a pretest-posttest paradigm. Fifteen non-tonal learners of Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan received two weeks of training as extracurricular activities. Based on learners’ choices, one group (the A Group, n=5) received perceptual training only with auditory feedback involving four-way forced choice identification tasks with immediate feedback. A second group (the AM Group, n=5) received perceptual training with auditory and meaning-bearing feedback (i.e., corresponding pictures and English equivalents of the stimuli) involving the same identification tasks during training. A third group (the AV Group, n=5) received perceptual and production training with auditory and visual feedback showing pitch contours with which trainees can compare their own productions. The same training stimuli were used in the three training approaches. Following training, a posttest and a generalization test were administered immediately. Pretest, post-test, and generalization test data in perception and production were collected from the three groups and were compared for effectiveness of the three training procedures. Percent correct scores, perceptual sensitivities and production accuracy to each tone, and tonal confusions were also analyzed.
    The results at post-test showed that the three training groups improved significantly in perceptual accuracy of Mandarin tones as compared with a control group (the C Group, n=6) and perceptual learning also generalized to new stimuli by a new speaker. The three training groups’ production accuracy of Mandarin tones also improved significantly at posttest. More importantly, trainees who received the auditory-only feedback (i.e., the A and AM groups) showed a greater perceptual and productive improvement in identifying Mandarin lexical tones than those who were trained with the audio-visual feedback (i.e., the AV group). The results indicated that the three training approaches are effective and laboratory based training techniques can be implemented in extracurricular activities. These findings imply that the A and AM training approaches employed in the current study facilitate the learning of Mandarin tones and promote tonal modification of listeners’ tonal properties of L2 tones. It is also suggested that training only in perception with auditory-only feedback is sufficient for improvement in both perception and production of Mandarin tones.

    CHINESE ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT III ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS V TABLE OF CONTENTS VI LIST OF TABLES IX LIST OF FIGURES XII CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Learning Mandarin Tones 1 1.1.1 Difficulties in Learning Mandarin Tones 4 1.1.2 Some Concerns about Learning Mandarin Tones 5 1.2 The Present Study 9 1.2.1 Research Questions 9 1.2.2 The Outline of the Present Study 11 1.2.3 Hypotheses 12 Hypothesis 1: The Effect of Three Training Approaches on Perceptual Learning of Mandarin tones 12 Hypothesis 2: The Effect of Perceptual and Production Learning on Production 14 1.2.4 The Organization of This Thesis 15 CHAPTER 2 Literature Review 18 2.1 Current Trends and Research on Adult L2 Speech Perception 18 2.1.1 Introduction 18 2.1.2 The Nature of Developmental Change: From Infants to Adults 19 2.1.3 The Effect of L1 Experience on Adult L2 Learners’ Speech Perception 22 2.2 Speech Perception Models 25 2.2.1 The Perceptual Assimilation Model 26 2.2.2 The Speech Learning Model 30 2.3 The Relationship between Perception and Production 33 2.4 Review of Perceptual and Production Training on Non-native Tonal Contrasts 36 2.4.1 Methodologies and Assessment of Training 37 Discrimination vs. Identification Tasks 37 Stimuli 40 Duration of Training 42 Assessment 43 2.4.2 The Role of Feedback in Training 44 2.5 Two Main Languages in the Present Study 52 2.5.1 Mandarin 53 2.5.2 Taiwan Mandarin 55 2.5.3 English 57 2.6 Perception and Production of Mandarin Tone Categories by Native English Listeners 59 2.6.1 L2 Perception of Mandarin Tones 59 2.6.2 L2 Production of Mandarin Tones 63 2.7 Training Studies 66 2.7.1 Perceptual Training 66 Training Segmental Contrasts 68 Training Surprasegmental Contrasts 74 2.7.2 Effect of Perceptual Training on Production 80 2.7.3 Production Training 83 2.8 Summary of Previous Studies and Problems for Future Studies 84 CHAPTER 3 Three Training Paradigms and Effect on Perceptual Learning 87 3.1 Introduction 87 3.2 Participants 89 3.3 Materials 93 3.4 Pretest 94 3.4.1 Procedure 94 3.4.2 Participants for Training: The Preliminary Analysis of the Pretest 96 3.5 Perceptual Training (Audio-only Feedback & Audio-Meaning Feedback) 97 3.5.1 Training Stimuli Organization 97 3.5.2 Training Procedures 101 3.6 Perception and Production Training (Audio-Visual Feedback) 104 3.6.1 Training Stimuli Organization 104 3.6.2 Training Procedures 106 3.7 Training Logs 108 3.8 Post-test and Test of Generalization 109 3.9 Results 110 3.9.1 Overall Improvement and Generalization 110 3.9.2 Individual Tones and Tone Pairs 114 3.9.3 Performance during Training 124 3.9.4 Individual Participants 132 CHAPTER 4 Effect of Perceptual and Production Learning on Production 137 4.1 Introduction 137 4.2 Three Types of Production Tasks at Post-test 139 4.3 Method 141 4.3.1 Participants 141 4.3.2 Content and Administration of Production Tasks 141 The Reading Aloud Task (RDGT) 143 The Repetition Task (REPT) 144 The Oral Translation Task (TRAT) 144 4.4 Mandarin Listeners’ Perceptual Judgments 145 4.5 Results 146 4.5.1 Overall Improvement and Generalization 147 4.5.2 Production Results of Three Types of Tasks at Post test 151 4.5.3 Individual Tones and Tone Pairs 155 4.5.4 Individual Participants 165 4.5.5 Relation between Perception and Production 167 CHAPTER 5 General Discussion and Conclusions 176 5.1 An Overview of the Current Study 176 5.2 On the Effect of Training and the Effect of Learning 178 5.2.1 The Effect of the Three Training Approaches on Perceptual Learning of Mandarin tones 178 The Effects of Feedback Type in the Three Phases 178 Perceived Category Differences and L2 Perception Models 181 5.2.2 The Relationship between Perceptual and Production Learning 185 5.3 Other Issues 188 5.3.1 Asymmetrical Patterns in Tonal Perception 188 5.3.2 Asymmetrical Patterns in Tonal Production 191 5.3.3 The Effect of Short-term Training on Tonal Modification 193 5.4 Contributions, Limitations, and Future Research 194 5.5 Conclusion 199 References 202 Appendices Appendix 1. Consent Form 219 Appendix 2. General Questionnaire 220 Appendix 3. Subjects’ Reponses to Selected Items on General Questionnaire 222 Appendix 4. Stimulus Words 230 Appendix 5. Tone Identification Task 233 Appendix 6. Tone Productions in Post-test 237

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