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研究生: 陳妍妤
論文名稱: 原住民幼兒與非原住民幼兒想像敘說之敘說評論研究
指導教授: 賴文鳳
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 原住民幼兒敘說想像敘說敘說評論
英文關鍵詞: aboriginal children, narrative, fictional narrative, narrative evaluation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:283下載:41
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  • 本論文旨在瞭解不同性別之原住民與非原住民幼兒在不同想像敘說類型的評論使用類別之差異情形。以20位五歲原住民幼兒與20位五歲非原住民幼兒為研究對象。本研究以個別訪談法蒐集兩則想像敘說,包含卡通故事和無字圖畫書重述各一則,訪談過程予以錄音,並以兒童語料交換系統(Child Language Exchange System, CHILDES)進行轉譯分析,接著以Peterson與McCabe (1983)的評論編碼系統為基礎,依照蒐集來的敘說樣本內容做調整,進而發展出14種評論類別,進行編碼。最後以描述統計、卡方檢定、無母數統計考驗進行資料分析。研究結果如下:
    一、 卡通故事重述方面(一)女幼兒較常使用「生理」、「引述」之評論類別;(二)原住民幼兒較常使用「感知」、「重複」,非原住民較常使用「意圖」、「引述」、「不需要的語詞」、「強調」之評論類別;(三)原住民男幼兒較常使用「重複」之評論類別,非原住民女幼兒較常使用「意圖」、「引述」、「強調」之評論類別。
    二、 無字圖畫書方面(一)女幼兒較常使用「因果」之評論類別;(二)非原住民較常使用「生理」、「引述」、「擬聲詞」之評論類別;(三)原住民男幼兒較常使用「重複」之評論類別,非原住民女幼兒較常使用「因果」、「引述」、「擬聲詞」之評論類別。

    This study aimed to understand how five-year-old aboriginal and non-aboriginal children of different genders used narrative evaluations in narrating two types of fictional narratives: cartoon story and wordless picture book retelling. Participants included 20 aboriginal children and 20 non-aboriginal children with similar parents’educational levels and household monthly income. Interviews were conducted individually and audio-recorded. Transcripts were transcribed verbatim according to the rules of Child Language Exchange System (CHILDES). 14 codes for analyzing narrative evaluations were adopted Peterson and McCabe(1983) and based on actual data for the present study. The results of the present study were as follows:
    1. For cartoon story retelling: (1) female children were more likely to used physiology, speech terms than were male children; (2) Aboriginal children were more likely to used sensory, repetition terms than were non-aboriginal children; Non-aboriginal children were more likely to used intention, speech, gratuitous, intensifier terms than were aboriginal children; (3) Aboriginal male children were more likely to used repetition terms than were other three groups; Non-aboriginal female children were more likely to used intention, speech, intensifier terms than were other three groups.
    2. For wordless picture book retelling: (1) female children were more likely to used causal terms than were male children; (2) Non-aboriginal children were more likely to used physiology, speech, onomatopoeia terms than were aboriginal children; (3) Aboriginal male children were more likely to used repetition terms than were other three groups; Non-aboriginal female children were more likely to used causal, speech, onomatopoeia terms than were other three groups.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 研究問題 5 第四節 名詞釋義 6 第二章 文獻探討 8 第一節 敘說與敘說評論 8 第二節 想像敘說 12 第三節 想像敘說之敘說評論 15 第四節 不同性別幼兒想像敘說之敘說評論相關研究 21 第五節 不同文化幼兒想像敘說之敘說評論相關研究 23 第三章 研究方法 30 第一節 研究架構 30 第二節 研究對象 32 第三節 研究工具 33 第四節 資料蒐集程序及方法 35 第五節 資料整理與分析方法 40 第四章 研究結果與分析 48 第一節 幼兒之背景資料 48 第二節 整體幼兒之評論使用類別 53 第三節 不同性別與文化的幼兒之評論使用類別 54 第五章 討論與建議 65 第一節 研究結果討論 65 第二節 結論 81 第三節 研究限制與建議 82 參考文獻 85 附錄 【附錄一】家長同意書 91 【附錄二】收視卡通與家庭閱讀活動問卷 92 【附錄三】編碼系統增減歷程 94

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