研究生: |
朱朝煌 Chu, Chao-Huang |
論文名稱: |
大學生領導力影響因素之研究 Factors on Leadership Development of College Students |
指導教授: |
Chang, Hsueh-Mei |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 365 |
中文關鍵詞: | 領導力 、領導態度 、校園投入 、社會改變模式 |
英文關鍵詞: | Leadership Development, Involvement, Leadership Attitudes, Social Change Model |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:584 下載:137 |
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本研究以社會改變模式做為我國高等教育大學生領導力發展的理論基礎,進行大學生領導力與領導態度、校園投入等相關因素之探討,嘗試回答下列研究問題:一、大學生領導態度的現況為何?二、大學生校園投入的現況為何?三、大學生領導力的現況為何?四、大學生的個人背景與領導力之間的關係為何? 五、大學生的領導態度與領導力之間的關係為何? 六、大學生的校園投入與領導力之間的關係為何? 七、哪些個人背景、領導態度、校園投入最能解釋大學生的領導力發展?八、大學生的個人背景、校園投入、領導態度如何影響大學生領導力發展?以了解影響社會改變模式領導力的因素。
一、 在領導態度方面,學生認同「系統思考」高於「階層思考」。在校園投入方面,學生投入校園程度以「同儕互動」最高,「學術投入」、「課外活動」次之,而「師生互動」最低,可見師生互動是校園投入方面最需要加強的部分。領導力發展方面,團體層次(協同合作、共同目標、以禮相爭)明顯高於個人層次(自我意識、言行一致、承諾)與社區(公民素養)層次,因此公民素養與改變是大學校院領導力發展未來應該努力的方向。
二、 學生個人背景之「學業成績」、「住宿時間」、「參與社團」、「社區服務」、「領導訓練」比其他十三項個人背景變項更影響領導力發展。
三、 學生「階層思考」與「系統思考」的領導態度雖然都會影響領導力發展,但以「系統思考」最具影響。
四、 學生校園投入(含學術投入、師生互動、同儕互動、課外活動)都會影響領導力發展。
五、 經過階層迴歸分析,排除假性相關之後,個人背景、領導態度及校園投入三者影響領導力發展的情形,分述如下:
(一) 從個人背景變項:女性學生的「自我意識」領導力比男性學生好的假設獲得支持;年齡層愈高的學生其「協同合作」領導力愈好的假設獲得支持;學業成績愈高的學生其「承諾」領導力愈好的假設獲得支持;參與社團比不參與社團的學生,其「整體社會改變」、「共同目標」、「公民素養」領導力愈好的三項假設獲得支持;社區服務經驗愈多的學生,其「整體社會改變」、「言行一致」、「承諾」、「公民素養」、「改變」領導力愈好的五項假設獲得支持。
(二) 階層性思考的學生其「整體社會改變」、「自我意識」、「言行一致」領導力仍會愈好的三項假設都獲得支持;系統思考的學生其領導力仍是愈好的九項領導力之假設都獲得支持。
(三) 學術投入愈多的學生,其「整體社會改變」、「自我意識」、「言行一致」、「承諾」、「公民素養」、「改變」領導力愈好的六項假設獲得支持;師生互動愈多的學生,其「公民素養」、「改變」領導力愈好的二項假設獲得支持;同儕互動愈多的學生,其領導力仍是愈好的九項假設都獲得支持;課外活動愈多的學生,其「整體社會改變」、「自我意識」、「承諾」、「以禮相爭」領導力愈好的四項領導力假設都獲得支持。
六、 個人背景、領導態度及校園投入三者對學生領導力發展的解釋力分別為:整體社會改變62.9%、自我意識33.2%、言行一致29.3%、承諾29.3%、協同合作43.7%、共同目標47.1%、以禮相爭36.8%、公民素養35.9%、改變38.3%。因此,影響領導力發展的最主要因素是領導態度,校園投入次之,而個人背景則最少。
The purpose of this study was to use the Social Change Model to explore the leadership development of college students and related factors. The research questions included:
1. What is the current situation of leadership attitudes of college students?
2. What is the current situation of campus involvement of college students?
3. What is the current situation of leadership development of college students?
4. What is the relationship between demography of students and leadership development?
5. What is the relationship between student leadership attitudes and leadership development?
6. What is the relationship between student campus involvement and leadership development?
7. What components of demography of students, leadership attitudes, and campus involvement would be most likely to explain leadership development?
8. How do demography of students, leadership attitudes, and campus involvement affect leadership development?
Based on a mixed methods approach, the quantitative samples was selected from students of colleges and universities in Taiwan, using “The Scale of College Students’ Leadership Development” questionnaire. A total of 1200 questionnaires were sent out to 30 public and private colleges, resulting in 1068 valid samples. The qualitative research adopted purposive sampling that selected- six students from a comprehensive research university in southern Taiwan to participate in a semi-structured interview.
The results are as follows:
1. In relation to leadership attitudes, students agree system thinking higher than hierarchical thinking.
2. In relation to factors affecting students’ involvement in campus, peer interaction rated higher than academic and extracurricular activities, while interaction with faculties was the lowest.
3. With regards to leadership development, group level is significantly higher than individual level and community level.
4. Student’s individual demographic background (academic results, participation in clubs and society, community service, duration of stay in dormitory and leadership training) will impact leadership development.
5. Students’ hierarchical and systemic thinking of leadership attitude will impact leadership development.
6. Students’ level of campus involvement (academic involvement, peer interaction, teacher-student interactions and extracurricular activity) will impact leadership development.
In summary, student’s demographic background, leadership attitudes, and campus involvement can explain 33.2%, 29.3%, 29.3%, 43.7%, 47.1%, 36.8%, 35.9%, 38.3%, and 62.9% of the variance for consciousness of self, congruence, commitment, collaboration, common purpose, controversy with civility, citizenship, change, and totally social change. The researcher found that the major factor affecting leadership development was leadership attitudes and campus involvement the next.
A conclusion based on quantitative and qualitative studies summarized the findings and suggestion for higher education was presented, as well as recommendations for future research.
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