簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李政學
Cheng-Hsueh Lee
論文名稱: 絨弄蝶屬之分子親緣與分類關係探討
Molecular phylogeny and systematic clarification of the genus Hasora (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae)
指導教授: 徐堉峰
Hsu, Yu-Feng
Hideyuki Chiba
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 45
中文關鍵詞: 分子系統學種群東洋區澳洲區
英文關鍵詞: molecular systematics, species group, Oriental Region, Australian Region, Awl
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:96下載:1
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  • 絨弄蝶屬 (Hasora)為鱗翅目 (Lepidoptera)弄蝶科 (Hesperiidae)大弄蝶亞科 (Coeliadinae)之中大型弄蝶,主要分布於印度至澳洲間,是大弄蝶亞科中種數最多的類群,在目前分類共有約30種,可被分為6-7個種群。本屬傳統分群與分類主要依據成蝶翅紋與交尾器特徵,然而本屬在部分物種的分類上經常缺乏共識,而過去以交尾器與翅紋相似性為依據進行之分群是否能合理反映絨弄蝶之親緣也仍未釐清。本研究以粒線體DNA之COI, COII 片段與核DNA之Ef-1a片段重建絨弄蝶屬之分子親緣關係,比較其與de Jong提出之形態親緣是否相符,並用以檢測絨弄蝶屬傳統分群架構的合理性與釐清本屬的分類問題。本研究內外群共採樣27 種與68隻個體,在分群關係方面支持 Chiba 所認定的discolor-group, celaenus-group, vitta-group與thridas-group 以及Evans所認定的 discolor-group與 thridas-group為單系群。而本研究也支持將原屬於chromus-group的 H. schoenherr獨立為 schoenherr-group。 種級關係方面, H. mavis 與 H. leucospila 為同種之假說受強烈支持,而H. vitta則可被分為三個種級分類群。

    The skipper genus Hasora (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Coeliadinae), which consists of approximately 30 species classified into 6-7 groups, is the largest genus of the subfamily Coeliadinae and is distributed throughout the Indo-Australian region. Currently recognized species groups and taxonomy of Hasora are mainly based on characteristics of the wing patterns and the male genetalia, and there have been some disagreements in taxonomical treatments. To date it has not been tested if the species groups based on morphological characters correspond to the phylogeny of Hasora. The objective of this research is to reconstruct the molecular phylogeny of Hasora using the sequences of mitochondrial COI, COII region and nuclear Ef-1a region, and to test if the morphological phylogeny proposed by de Jong is consistent with the molecular phylogeny, and if the species groups defined by Evans and Chiba are monophyletic. The relationships of some taxonomically controversial taxa are also investigated. Total of 22 ingroup species, 63 ingroup individuals and 5 outgroup genus were sampled, and the monophyly of discolor-group, celaenus-group, vitta-group and thridas-group sensu Chiba as well as discolor-group and thridas-group sensu Evans were supported respectively. The present study also suggested that H. schoenherr, a species formerly assigned to chromus-group, should be placed to a schoenherr-group proposed herein. For species-level relationships, the conspecific relationship between H. mavis and H. leucospila is strongly supported, and H. vitta may be divided into three different species level taxa.

    致謝…………………………………………………………2 中文摘要……………………………………………………3 Abstract……………………………………………………4 Introduction………………………………………………6 Materials and methods…………………………………10 Results……………………………………………………15 Discussion ………………………………………………18 Conclusion ………………………………………………26 References ………………………………………………28 Tables ……………………………………………………32 Figures……………………………………………………40

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