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研究生: 曾威掌
Wei-chang Tzeng
論文名稱: 結合決策實驗室流程法、結構方程模式及約略集合之科技產品品牌消費者偏好程度預測模式
Consumer Preference Predictions for Technology Brands by Using the DNP, SEM and RST
指導教授: 黃啟祐
Huang, Chi-Yo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 84
中文關鍵詞: 決策實驗室流程法結構方程模式約略集合消費者偏好高科技行銷
英文關鍵詞: DEMATELbased Network Process (DNP), Structural Equation Model (SEM), Rough Set Theory (RST), Consumer Preference, High-technology Marketing
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:357下載:0
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  • 品牌已經成為高科技產品消費者選購產品時所考慮的重要因素,對部份科技產品(如智慧型手機、平板電腦等)而言,品牌更成為影響消費者購買的關鍵要素,故高科技產品供應商若是能掌握影響消費者對品牌偏好的重要因素,即可進一步成功滲透市場。雖然掌握消費者之品牌偏好為高科技行銷的關鍵成功要素之一,但少有學者研究相關議題。故本研究擬訂定決策模式,找出影響消費者科技品牌偏好的重要因素,並進一步訂定決策規則,作為供應商預測消費者行為與訂定品牌策略的基礎。故本研究可劃分為兩大步驟,首先,本研究將先進行文獻回顧,找出影響消費者接受高科技產品品牌的可能因素,再透過專家問卷,推衍影響消費者決定採用高科技產品品牌的因素,並結合基於決策實驗室之網路流程法(DEMATEL Based Network Process; DNP),找出各要素間的影響程度並求出對應於各要素的權重,再以結構方程模型(Structural Equation Model; SEM)去驗證那些要素影響消費者的適合度(fitness)。其次,本研究將以約略集合理論(Rough Set Theory; RST)調查影響消費者對高科技品牌偏好之因素,並以約略集合理論所歸納之決策規則推衍消費者行為模式、預測消費者行為。本研究以台灣智慧型手機市場實證分析架構,依據實證之結果影響消費者接受品牌之關鍵要素,研究結果可作為為來智慧型手機供應商訂定行銷策略之依據。

    Brands have already become important factors influencing customers’ selection of high technology products. For some high technology products (e.g. smart phones, tablet PCs, etc.), brands have even become the critical factors for customers’ purchase decisions. So, if high technology product firms can control the factors influencing consumers’ preferences toward high technology brands, the firms can further penetrate the market. However, very few scholars studied related issues. So, this research aims to define a decision framework for uncovering factors influencing consumers’ preferences toward high technology brands. Decision rules for vendors’ predictions of consumer behaviors and branding strategy definitions will be derived further. So, this research can be divided into two stages. At first, possible factors for influencing consumers’ adoption of high technology brands will first be derived by using literature review. The factors will then be confirmed by experts as critical ones.The DEMATEL Based Network Process (DNP) will be introduced for deriving the influences between the factors as well as the weight being associated with each factor. Then, the SEM will be introduced for verifying the fitness of the relationship the factor as well as consumers‘ preferences. Finally, the Rough Set Theory (RST) will be introduced for d between eriving the prediction rules for high technoloy consumer behaviors toward brands. Based on the empirical study results, are the major factors influencing consumers‘ behaviors toward brands. The empirical study results can serve as the basis for smart phone vendors‘ branding strategy definitions.

    中文摘要........................................i Abstract........................................ii 誌謝............................................iii List of Figures.................................vi List of Tables..................................vii Chapter 1 Introduction..........................1 1.1 Research Background.....................1 1.2 Research Motivations and Problem........3 1.3 Research Purpose........................4 1.4 Research Limitations....................4 1.5 Research Framework......................4 1.6 Research Process........................6 1.7 Thesis Structure.......................7 Chapter 2 Literature Review....................9 2.1 Definition of Brand....................9 2.2 The Value Relevance of in High-Technology Markets.9 2.3 Definition of Branding Straegies........12 2.4 Brand Value.............................14 2.5 Consumer Preference......................16 2.6 Consumer Involvement.....................18 2.7 Branding Royalty.........................20 Chapter 3 Analytical Framework and Methods......22 3.1 DNP......................................22 3.2 Structural Equation Medeling (SEM).......27 3.3 Besics of Rough Set Theory...............30 3.4 Reductions and Core......................33 3.5 Decision Rule............................34 3.6 Flow Graphs..............................35 Chapter 4 Empirical Study of Smart Phone........38 4.1 Background of Smart Phone................38 4.2 Empirical Study on Modified Delphi Method.......42 4.3 NRM Derivations by DNP..................43 4.4 Relationship confirmations by the SEM...49 4.5 Prediction Rules Derivations by Using the RST...52 Chapter 5 Discussion............................59 5.1 The Differencess between the DNPand the SEM....59 5.2 The Rules Being Derived by the RST......61 5.3 Advances in Research Methods............62 5.4 Managerial Implications.................63 Chapter 6 Conclusions...........................65 References......................................66 Appendix A Questionnaire for Mass Users.........78 Appendix B Questionnaire for Lead Users.........81 List of Figures Figure 1-1 Research Framework...................6 Figure 1-2 Research Process.....................7 Figure 2-1 Consumer Brand Preference............16 Figure 2-2 Consumer Brand Preference (continued).......17 Figure 3-1 The Procedure of SEM.................30 Figure 4-1 Casual Relationship Structure........46 Figure 4-2 The Casual Graph versus Each Criterion......48 Figure 4-3 The Casual Graph versus Each Criterion (continued)......48 Figure 4-4 The Analytic Result of the Unstandardized SEM..51 Figure 4-5 The Analytic Result of the Standardized SEM....52 List of Tables Table 2-1 Summary of Aaker’s Brand Personality Framework 19 Table 2-1 Model of Loyalty 20 Table 4-1 Smart Phone Market Shares by Vendors 41 Table 4-2 The Result of Modified Delphi Method 43 Table 4-3 r+c and r-c vs. Each Criteria 47 Table 4-4 The Fitness Values before Variable Reductions 50 Table 4-5 The Fitness Values after Variable Reductions 50 Table 4-6 The Variance of Significant P-Value 50 Table 4-7 Attribute Value Definitions 54 Table 4-8 Decision Table 54 Table 4-9 The Lower and Upper Approximations 54 Table 4-10 Original Rules Generated from ROSE 2 55 Table 4-11 Original Rules Generated from ROSE 2 (continue) 56 Table 4-12 The Decision Rules 57

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