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研究生: 黃任宏
論文名稱: 蓮霧農業的跨縣市連結與產銷調適:從嘉義縣梅山鄉擴散到南投縣信義鄉的個案
The Cross-jurisdictional Link and Buyer-Supplier Adaptation of Wax Apple Industry:a Case Study of the Transplantation from Meishan Township (Chiayi County) to Xinyi Township (Nantou County)
指導教授: 林聖欽
Lin, Sheng-Chin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 138
中文關鍵詞: 梅山鄉蓮霧信義鄉蓮霧農業糧食鏈在地調適
英文關鍵詞: Meishan wax apple, Xinyi wax apple, agro- food chain, local adaptation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:137下載:17
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  • 南投縣信義鄉生產的蓮霧,在果菜拍賣市場屢創佳績,其中許多果農來自於嘉義縣梅山鄉,呈現跨縣市兩地栽培。本文利用Bowler的「農糧鏈」概念來論述信義鄉和梅山鄉蓮霧的產銷運作,並解釋蓮霧從梅山鄉擴散至信義鄉的過程與調適。

    The wax apples from Xinyi Township, Nantou, have continuously made remarkable achievement at the fruit and vegetable auction market. While there are many fruit farmers who come from Meishan Township, Chiayi, the wax apples are cross-county cultivated by the two counties. In this paper, Bowler’s “agriculture food chain” is used to discuss the production and marketing operation of wax apples of Xinyi Township and Meishan Township, and to explain the transplanting process and adaptation of wax apples from Meishan to Xinyi Township
    The principal methods of this paper are literature collection and field interview. The result shows that the fruit farmers of Meishan Township mainly learned the cultivation techniques for wax apples from Kaohsiung-Pingtung area during the 1980s. The techniques include shade culture and girdling in order to conduct regular production, delaying the production season to summer and autumn. It is considered the first technical adjustment. During the 1990s, Lin, Chun-Ping and his son, who become the pioneers of wax apples in Xinyi Township afterwards, brought the seedling from Meishan back to Xinyi and. However, the fruit farmers who followed the transplantation at the early stage had the orchard abandoned due to imbalanced management. In the 2000s, while the wax apples in Meishan had died massively and the quality become worse, the high-quality wax apples yielded by Xinyi’s fine natural environment had made farmers of Meishan move to Xinyi, renting land to cultivate wax apples.
    There are three aspects of the local adaptation of transplanting wax apples from Meishan to Xinyi. From the aspect of the production structure, there is a second technical adjustment. However, as there are shortages of labor and production material, the Meishan workers with high wages are introduced to Xinyi. By adjusting the production season, the fruit farmers are able to conduct cross-county cultivation. From the aspect of the production and marketing structure, there would be no risk of unsalable fruit thanks to Xinyi’s channel of distribution, and the co-operative marketing by Xinyi Farmer’s Association. As for the aspect of external factors, the program of production and marketing in Xinyi and the promotion and guidance of the farmer’s association are notably praised by the fruit farmers. Nevertheless, since there is issue of the property right of the land in Xinyi, the Meishan fruit farmers would need to solve the problem of land acquisition before plunging in. The aborigines in Xinyi seldom work in the industry of wax apples.
    In conclusion, the fruit farmers would reduce pressure from production and marketing as far as possible during the process of investment, production, manufacturing, distribution, and consumption which are the internal factors in the agriculture food chain. Besides, local adaptation could be conducted earlier in the new environment. As for the external factor of the agriculture food chain, with excellent natural environment and the cooperation between the program of production and marketing in Xinyi and Xinyi Farmer’s Association, the fruit farmers from Meishan have gained more flexibility and confidence in cultivating in Xinyi.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的........................1 第二節 文獻回顧.............................2 第三節 研究概念.............................8 第四節 研究方法............................11 第五節 研究區概況...........................12 第二章 梅山鄉蓮霧的產銷運作 第一節 梅山鄉蓮霧耕種技術的傳入...............16 第二節 梅山鄉蓮霧的生產結構..................23 第三節 梅山鄉蓮霧的運銷結構..................34 第四節 影響梅山鄉蓮霧的發展因素...............41 第五節 小結...............................56 第三章 信義鄉蓮霧的產銷運作 第一節 信義鄉蓮霧耕種技術的傳入...............60 第二節 信義鄉蓮霧的生產結構..................66 第三節 信義鄉蓮霧的運銷結構..................75 第四節 影響信義鄉蓮霧的發展因素...............85 第五節 小結...............................97 第四章 梅山鄉蓮霧產業擴散至信義鄉的在地調適 第一節 生產結構的調適.......................100 第二節 運銷結構的調適.......................111 第三節 外部因素的調適.......................113 第四節 未來展望............................125 第五節 小結...............................129 第五章 結論................................131 參考文獻...................................135 附錄......................................138

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