簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李芝安
Chih-Ann Li
論文名稱: 英國學校視導制度之研究--以教育標準署之學校視導為例
A Study of the British School Inspection System--Focusing on the Office for Standards in Education
指導教授: 謝文全
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2001
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 253
中文關鍵詞: 學校視導教育視導英國教育標準署英國皇家督學學校評鑑
英文關鍵詞: school inspection, education inspection, the Office for Standards in Education, Her Majesty's Inspector, school evaluation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:708下載:102
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  • 英國學校視導制度之研究
    (1) 英國學校視導制度的基本設計理念在檢核政府設立或補助之中小學校的績效責任。以前由皇家督學處專門負責學校視導工作的執行,皇家督學皆由女王直接任命,地位相當崇高,享有進入校園執行學校視導工作的權責。
    (2) 1992年教育(學校)法案生效以來,皇家督學處由教育標準署取代,不同於皇家督學處附設在中央教育行政機關之下,教育標準署由教育部的組織中獨立出來,成為非內閣的部會級組織,擁有人事與經費的自主權,主導全國性定期學校視導的工作。
    (3) 英國的國會法案賦予首席皇家督學執行全國性定期學校視導工作的職權,任何阻撓學校視導人員或團隊進行學校視導工作的人,均將依法懲處。
    (4) 教育標準署由首席皇家督學所領導,組織架構相當完備,由全職的皇家督學組成。為達成全國性定期學校視導的任務,教育標準署提供系列培訓課程,儲訓民間視導的人力,並將合格視導人員名冊分類登錄列管,包括註冊督學、小組督學與外行督學,以確保學校視導工作的執行擁有充足的人力。學校視導工作經公開競標的過程,由得標之註冊督學籌組視導團隊負責執行。首席皇家督學對由註冊督學領導之視導團隊的工作品質,負有監督與控管之職責。
    (5) 教育標準署所採取的執行策略中,最值得參考的包括:(i)視導前與家長座談,膫解學校表現的全貌,視導後分送學校視導結果報告給每一位家長,以示對家長的尊重;(ii)視導人員先檢視相關文件,並與學校相關人員會談,形成對學校表現的初步判斷,再進行實際視導,蒐集佐證資料;(iii)公開印行學校視導報告,導引社會大眾共同監督學校的表現;(iv)視導後要求學校提出學校改革方案;(v)採取必要的措施協助表現欠佳的學校脫離困境,恢復該校應有之教育品質;(vi)強調與學校教育所有的夥伴包括學生、家長、學校管理委員與教師,維繫良好的關係。
    (1) 制定學校視導法。
    (2) 成立學校視導專責機構或單位。
    (3) 實施全國性定期學校視導。
    (4) 擴大學校視導機構或單位之人員編制。
    (5) 建立視導人員專業證照制度。
    (6) 視導前編製學校視導實施架構與手冊。
    (7) 視導結束後公開印行學校視導的結果報告。

    A Study of the British School Inspection System
    --Focusing on the Office for Standards in Education
    The main purpose of this study was to explore the school inspection system in Britain, especially the work of the Office for Standards in Education, known as OFSTED. In order to attain this purpose, it reviewed the literature concerned:(1)the history of the British school inspection system since 1839;(2) the main acts on which the British school inspection system is based;(3)the website data of OFSTED;(4)research papers on OFSTED. This study also made a comparison between OFSTED and the school inspection system in Taiwan with a view to providing some improvement suggestions for the latter.
    This study found:
    (1) The school inspection system in Britain is designed to examine the accountability of each state-funded school. The institute previously responsible for the work of school inspection was Her Majesty’s Inspectorate. Her Majesty’s Inspectors were appointed by the Queen, enjoyed very high status, and had the right to go into school premises and exercise her/his duty of inspection.
    (2) Her Majesty’s Inspectorate has been substituted by OFSTED since the Education (Schools)Act 1992 was implemented. Independent from the Department of Education as a non-ministerial government department, OFSTED has autonomy in finance and staffing to run the national school inspection system.
    (3) The law gives Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector the rights to arrange registered inspectors to inspect all schools regularly. Any obstruction caused to an inspector or inspection team while inspecting schools shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine.
    (4) OFSTED, with the leadership of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, is a well-organized department, comprised by full time professional inspectors. In order to fulfill the function of inspecting all schools regularly, OFSTED provides courses to train private inspectors and maintains an inspector registration system to make sure the number of qualified private inspectors is enough for school inspections. Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector is responsible to keep the standard of school inspections made by registered inspectors under close review.
    (5) The recommendable strategies adopted by OFSTED include: (i)Meet the parents before inspection in order to get an overall impression of a school and send the inspection report to the parents after the inspection;(ii)Review a school’s performances by analysing relevant documents before going into the school to collect hard evidence ;(iii)Publish the school inspection report to encourage the public to monitor schools’ performance;(iv)After inspection, request the school authority to make and carry out an action plan for improvement;(v) Take necessary steps to help schools with difficulties to improve their education quality;(vi)Emphasize the partnership among the stakeholders of school education, which includes pupils, parents, school governors and teachers.
    Based on the above findings, this research suggests the Taiwanese government to:
    (1) Create a school inspection act.
    (2) Establish a special institute responsible for school inspection.
    (3) Inspect all schools regularly.
    (4) Enlarge the number of staffing in existing institutes of school inspection.
    (5) Set an accredited system for school inspectors and keep their performance under review.
    (6) Publish the framework and handbook for school inspection before conducting the inspection.
    (7) Make public the school inspection report after inspection.
    For further research, the author recommends ongoing field study in Britain to collect and monitor first hand materials as the inspection system evolves. A thorough study of the British schools’ after-inspection action plan is also suggested.

    英國學校視導制度之研究 --以教育標準署之學校視導為例 目 錄 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………………………1 第二節 研究範圍與名詞釋義………………………………………3 第三節 研究方法與步驟……………………………………………5 第四節 研究架構與限制……………………………………………6 第二章 英國學校視導制度之背景與演進 第一節 英國學校視導制度的形成背景……………………………9 第二節 英國學校視導制度的演進歷程1839-1991 ...........15 第三章 英國學校視導制度之法源基礎 第一節 一九八八年教育改革法案…………………………………39 第二節 一九九二年教育(學校)法案……………………………50 第三節 一九九六年學校視導法……………………………………58 第四章 英國學校視導制度之實施現況 第一節 視導組織與架構……………………………………………64 第二節 視導人員與任用……………………………………………75 第三節 視導方式與流程……………………………………………87 第四節 視導結果與運用………………………………………….115 第五章 英國學校視導制度之特色、趨勢與評析 第一節 英國學校視導制度的特色…………. ……………………139 第二節 英國學校視導制度的趨勢.……………………………….144 第三節 英國學校視導制度的評析…………………….………….149 第六章 我國學校視導制度之演進、特色與評析 第一節 我國學校視導制度的演進………………………………..156 第二節 我國學校視導制度的特色………………………………..160 第三節 我國學校視導制度的評析………………………………..166 第七章 結論與建議 第一節 結論………………………………………….…………….173 第二節 建議………………………………………………………..181 參考書目 中文部分………………………………………………………….185 英文部分………………………………………………………….187

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