研究生: |
論文名稱: |
「無」與「空」:以嵇康與大乘佛教的音樂觀為討論中心 Wu and Kong: A Discussion on Ji Kang and Mahayana Buddhism’s Musical Thoughts |
指導教授: |
Wang, Chi-Lun |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
國文學系 Department of Chinese |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 148 |
中文關鍵詞: | 王弼 、嵇康 、無 、大乘佛教 、空 、音樂觀 、比較美學 |
英文關鍵詞: | Wang Bi, Ji Kang, Wu, Nothingness, Mahayana Buddhism, Kong, Sunyata, Emptiness, musical thoughts, comparative aesthetics |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:302 下載:22 |
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筆者把嵇康所提出來的「和」解釋當作一種體性 (svabhāva) 之說,而且這個體性之說互文於王弼的無論,音樂的和諧狀態屬於形上的體性,作爲一種先天的存在物,我在此引用佛學的術語——體性解釋魏晉玄學,以佛解玄使王弼的無論歸根到底成爲了一種有論,這個有論使湯用彤的歸類——漢為宇宙論,魏晉為本體論,無法成爲可能,因爲宇宙論在希臘哲學文化上其目的就是尋找萬象背後的第一因或原動力,因此原子論(萬象不過是最爲基本的原子的運作)屬於宇宙論的一種考察,漢代的五行、氣象之說無法相比於原子論,因原子之說本來就含有本體的説法了(本體作爲最爲基本的原子),按照希拉哲學,宇宙論就是本體論的萌芽,所以我建議與其說魏晉為本體論,不如說魏晉作爲一種一元論(Monism)或絕對論(Absolutism),因王弼把所有的現象上的存在物解釋當作無論的化身,王弼的方法就是把「無」在形上絕對化,這個「無」中生有,這個「無」還是存在的,作爲一種先天的存在物,越非常有體性,所以無論就是體性論。
嵇康推論音樂的和諧狀態也呼喚了王弼的聲音,樂聲優先存在,跟我們的後天感受互不相干,音樂以平和為體,其功能就是感物無常,嵇康的方法論就是王弼的體用之說。因音樂以宇宙的和諧作爲自己的體性,所以嵇康的樂論比較偏向重視旋律 (melody),因旋律可以反照大自然的形上的和諧。這個和諧狀態跟我們的語義也毫無關係,這些語義,比如:喜、怒、哀、樂、孔子聞韶等等,都是我們的後天感受,而且各有各的文化領域,無法跨越文化的疆域。我們的這些感受在聽音樂前本來早就已經形成了,而後被和聲引發出來。嵇康還說不同的樂器可以引發不同的感受,比如:琵琶容易引發快感,琴容易引發舒緩的感覺,這是因爲每種樂器各有各的傾向性,琵琶有傾向彈快節奏是因爲綫的部位放得比較近,琴有傾向彈慢節奏是因爲綫的部位放得比較遠,這不是說琵琶不能彈慢節奏或琴不能彈快節奏,那不過是一個樂器的趨向性而已。
相比於樂聲的體性之說,佛教反而疑問樂聲是從哪裏來的?音聲不是形而上學的存在物,而是從我們的唯心來的,因出於我們的唯心,樂聲是唯心作也,它彷佛一種幻影或雲煙,無體性,這個幻影是般若而來的現象,它生起、維持、變質、消滅,一旦我們擺脫掉心的相應染(虛擬二元對立的思辨,比如:動/靜、明/暗等等),這個聲音的存在就站不住了。樂聲不過是我們的唯心作也,沒有體性。因音聲本無體性,佛樂才偏向重視所有現象的音質 (acoutics),這個音質範圍很廣,從心裏念經、念佛的節奏拉到普薩本願的維持狀況(如:阿毘跋致 (Avivartin) 的嚮往、修身與他們的能聞性),還包含天樂、梵唄、聲唄、咒,沉思現象上的音質成爲達空、完成佛性的一個重要手段。
This thesis attempts to explore the origin of music, and its function in Medieval China, which were represented by Ji Kang, and Mahayana Buddhism, by means of locating them into two aesthetic traditions——Wu (Nothingness), and Kong (Emptiness). Wu in my discussion refers to Wang Bi’s guiwu (Nothing-ism) of Wei-Jin Dynasties, and kong refers to Theory of Sunyata in Mahayana Buddhism.
I argue that Ji Kang’s notion on he (harmony) in music essentially is a kind of a svabhāva (a substantial being), and its ontological elaboration has an intertextual connection to Nothing-ism of Wang Bi, that is, a musical harmony is attributed to a state of svabhāva as a priori being in Metaphysics. I here apply Mahayana term——svabhāva to reinterpret Xuanxue (Mysterious Learning) of Wei-Jin Dynasties. By reinterpreting Wei-Jin Xuanxue under the lens of Mahayana Buddhism, Wang Bi’s wulun (Nothing-ism) cannot escape from youlun (Thing-ism), and meanwhile it makes Tang Yongtong’s philosophical categorization——Han wei yuzhoulun (Han as Cosmology), Wei-Jin wei bentilun (Wei-Jin as Ontology) theoretically impossible for the reason that Cosmology in Greek culture is to find out a universal ground, or First Cause, or Prime Mover behind all phenomena, so Atomism in Greek thought originally belongs to a cosmological speculation. Wuxing (Five Agents), and qixiang (Vital Force) in Han thought cannot be compared to Atomism, because Atomism initially includes an ontological speculation to explore in depth the Prime Mover. According to Greek philosophy, Atomism is considered as an inception of a science in modern sense. For this reason, I propose that Nothing-ism should be considered as a kind of Monism, or Absolutism more than Ontology, for Wang Bi tries to absolutize Wu in terms of metaphysics, that is to say, wu gives birth to you, or wu zhong sheng you, wu remains an ontological ground as a priori existence, that firmly occupies a state of svabhāva, so Nothing-ism is a kind of Thing-ism.
When Ji Kang elaborated his notion on musical harmony, it evokes Wang Bi’s ontological voice, that is, music is a state of a priori being in metaphysics which does not concern a posteriori sentiments, for music takes a harmony as its self-entity, and effects listeners variably. Ji Kang’s methodology echoes Wang Bi’s concept of tiyong (Substance and Function). Because music takes a cosmological harmony as its svabhāva, Ji Kang’s musical thought is prone to emphasize on a melodious quality, for it is able to represent a metaphysical harmony in Nature. Its melodious quality transcends our a posteriori sentimentalism, such as, sorrow, and joy, or even in any auditory rendition by Kongzi. Musical effect has its own cultural boundary which is not universal. Ji Kang argues that our sentiment has been already formed in our mind before it is triggered, and transmitted outwardly by a harmonious sound. Ji Kang discusses that each musical instrument can trigger different sentiments, such as, lute (pipa) is likely to trigger an exciting sentiment, zither (qin) is tend to trigger a relaxing emotion, for each musical instrument has its own innate tendency. Due to its own characteristics, lute is tend to produce a fast melody, for its strings is close to each other, and zither is tend to perform a slow melody, for its strings is rather far to each other, but it cannot be said that lute cannot produce a slow melody, and vice versa. Thus, lute is easy to trigger an arousing sentiment, and zither is easy to trigger a cozy feeling, but it does not mean that lute cannot trigger a cozy feeling, and zither cannot trigger an arousing sentiment. It is merely an intrinsic tendency of each instrument. Moreover, its tendency is just a combination of rhythms, beats, and pitch which does not concern our a posteriori affection, varying to time, space, and each person. Music can trigger our affection, but music itself transcends our affection, and its psychological effect is inconstant, or wuchang. Young people feel high-spirited when they listen to a piece of joyful melody, but old people maybe feel tearful. This is the so-called a relativism of psychological effect by music, discussed by Ji Kang.
The idealistic realm of music for Ji Kang is a kind of mysticism in listening to zither. This mystical feeling can be classified into (1) a flat taste, or danwei, and (2) an absence of sentiments in music, or sheng wu aile, Ji Kang called the latter as “pure,” or xuanzhen, the latter signification makes an instrumental melody transcend our sentiments, and meanwhile it makes his musical thought outdistance Ruan Ji’s musical notion.
Compare to the concept of svabhāva in Ji Kang’s musical thought, Mahayana Buddhism questions, and discusses critically its illusory origin. Musical sound is not svabhāva in metaphysics, but it derives from our Mind-only, or weixin. Because it comes from our Mind-only, music is a fabrication of Mind-only, or weixin zuo as asvabhāva, as though an illusion, or maya. Our ideation is tathata, or a suchness as a cognitive process in phenomenology, namely, it is created, maintained (under some conditions), transient, and annihilated, whenever we go beyond a defilement associated with binary discrimination, or xiangyingran of mind, such as movement/non-movement, darkness/brightness, etc., the so-called an entity of sound is deconstructed. Because music is a construction of Mind-only as asvabhāva without any content in itself, Buddhist’s music tends to focus upon acoustics in all auditory phenomena. Acoustics can be extended from one’s mental rhythm, nianfo (Mindfulness of Buddha), to Bodhisattva Vows, or fa putixin, Avivartin’s listening ability, Celestial Sound, or Tianyue, liturgical chant, or fanbai, and dharani, or zhou as skillful means, or upaya to attain Sunyatabhava, and to complete his or her Buddhahood.
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