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研究生: 黃騰寬
Huang, Teng-Kuan
論文名稱: 通過對比式學習改進半監督物件偵測
Enhancing Semi-Supervised Object Detection with Contrastive Learning
指導教授: 葉梅珍
Yeh, Mei-Chen
口試委員: 王鈺強
Wang, Yu-Chiang
Kang, Li-Wei
Yeh, Mei-Chen
口試日期: 2023/07/24
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 19
中文關鍵詞: 半監督物件偵測對比式學習
英文關鍵詞: Semi-supervised Object Detection, Contrastive Learning
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301516
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:58下載:4
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  • 本篇論文中,我們研究了如何使用對比式學習幫助半監督物件偵測模型更好的學習。在半監督物件偵測中,使用無標注資料的流程相當於自監督學習的概念,因此我們參考自監督學習常用的對比式學習架構,提出了一種表徵等級的對比式學習。

    In this paper, we investigate how to use contrastive learning to enhance semi-supervised object detection. In semi-supervised object detection, the process of utilizing unlabeled data is similar to the concept of self-supervised learning. Hence, we refer to the commonly used contrastive learning framework in self-supervised learning and propose a representation-level contrastive learning method.
    In semi-supervised object detection, pseudo-labeling is commonly used for self-learning. The core concept is that strongly and weakly augmented images should have consistent predictions. Contrastive learning has a similar assumption, except that there is no strong or weak requirement for image augmentation. Therefore, based on the semi-supervised object detection model with pseudo-labeling, we apply a contrastive learning framework to aid model learning with more feature-level information. This method improves the performance of semi-supervised object detection by computing the similarity of features generated by two different augmentations of unlabeled images. The experimental results show that our method improves the mAPs results by 2.92%, 1.88%, and 0.99% when using 1%, 5%, and 10% of the labeled data from MS-COCO, respectively.
    This demonstrates that contrastive learning can learn additional information at the feature level in semi-supervised object detection, and adding a contrastive learning process to the original semi-supervised object process does not require much additional computation. We hope that this research can provide new insights and directions for future research in semi-supervised learning and object detection.

    第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 研究架構 3 第二章 相關研究 5 2.1 半監督學習 5 2.2 半監督物件偵測 5 2.3 對比式學習在自監督領域的應用 6 第三章 方法 8 3.1 問題定義 8 3.2 監督式訓練 8 3.3 交互學習階段 9 3.3.1 RoI-based Contrastive Learning 9 3.3.2 Dense Contrastive Learning 10 3.4 網路架構 11 第四章 實驗 12 4.1 資料集 12 4.2 實驗結果 12 4.3 消融實驗 14 4.3.1 Effect of the AvgPool 14 4.3.2 Effect of the RoIs 14 4.3.3 Number of RPN proposals 16 第五章 結論 17 參考文獻 18

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