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研究生: 高佳薇
論文名稱: 相同範圍重疊對同化效果影響之研究:解釋範圍重疊模型之延伸
How May the Same Range Overlap Lead to Differential Assimilation Effect:The Extension of Dimensional Range Overlap Model
指導教授: 蕭中強
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 49
中文關鍵詞: 解釋範圍重疊模型促發效果重疊範圍最適值距離實質性
英文關鍵詞: DROM, context effect, overlap range, representative value, substantial
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:391下載:15
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  • 本研究受Chien (2002)所提出的「解釋範圍重疊模型」啟發,希望針對重疊範圍等變數做延伸,該模型主張,同化效果與對比效果都是經由作用在促發物與目標物之間,有無解釋範圍(range)重疊(overlap)而決定的,而解釋範圍是指該目標物或促發物在價值上的範圍,更有一中心傾向(central tendency)可作為最適值(representative value),當促發物和目標物之間的解釋範圍距離近到足以產生重疊,則同化效果產生;反觀,當促發物和目標物之間的解釋範圍距離遠到無法產生重疊,則對比效果發生。而在本研究中,將更伸入探討,影響移動程度量的變數,及其移動效果。
    本研究假設當1. 重疊範圍為固定時,促發物或目標物範圍較另一項為寬時,同化作用較強。2. 兩項各有一為寬、一為窄時,則促發物為寬者同化作用較強。3. 重疊範圍佔目標物範圍比例不同時,同化作用也會不同。
    本研究結果雖未符合所有假設,但仍顯示一些概念值得進一步研究。根據推測,我們認為不顯著支持係1. 與範圍寬窄的設定有關,需要做些調整,太寬或太窄的範圍都會使受試者難以找出適當的品牌,因而填入稍有差距的答案。2. 題目太過繁瑣漫長,透過實驗後的意見反應,不少受試者認為問卷有其難度。

    This research is inspired by DROM (Chien, 2002). The goal is to study and extend the variables such as the overlap range. The model proposed that the effect of assimilation and contrast is decided by the existence of overlap between context and target. When the distance between context and target is close enough to create overlap, assimilation takes effect; On the contrary, when the distance is too far such that no overlap exists, contrast effect takes place. In this research, we conduct further studies on variables that effect the movement and what the resulting effects are.
    This research makes the following hypothesis. First of all, when the overlap range is fixed, if either the context or the target is considerably wider than the other, assimilation is stronger. Second, under the condition that one is wide and one is narrow, the case where context is wider results in stronger assimilation. Lastly, assimilation will vary on the percentage of overlap range within the target range.
    To test hypotheses, the experiment is designed as between groups. Every testee works through a survey of 4 phases to assess the effect of assimilation. The first phase is scoring training. Second and third phase generate the target and the context, asking the testee for brands that fit the conditions listed in the survey. The last phase assesses assimilation effect. First the testee is given the context. Then they are asked to score the target range, and then the context range.
    Although the outcome of the experiment does not support all hypotheses, there are results that are candidates for future studies. From the results we predict that the factors for not statistically significant are the following. 1. The range given to the testee for scoring needs optimizing: too wide or narrow will result in the difficulties for the testee to apply a brand. 2. The length of the survey has to be reduced: Most testees complained that the survey was too lengthy and difficult to complete.
    Although the experiment does not fully support all hypotheses, from the analytic solutions in previous studies and the results of the experiment conducted in this study, a supporting result can be obtained after optimizing and re-conducting the experiment.

    摘 要 .................................................. I ABSTRACT .............................................. II 目 次 .................................................. III 表 次 .................................................. IV 圖 次 .................................................. V 第一章 緒論.............................................. 1 第一節 研究動機與研究目的 .................................. 1 第二節 研究特殊性 ........................................ 2 第二章 文獻探討........................................... 3 第一節 促發效果 Priming Effect ........................... 3 第二節 同化效果與對比效果Assimilation Effects and Contrast Effects ............................................... 5 第三節 同化效果與對比效果之理論 ............................. 6 第四節 解釋範圍重疊模型The Dimensional Range Overlap Model . 7 第三章 研究架構與假設...................................... 8 第一節 研究架構 .......................................... 8 第二節 研究假設 .......................................... 10 第四章 研究方法........................................... 26 第一節 實驗設計與實驗流程 .................................. 26 第二節 實驗樣本. ......................................... 29 第五章 實驗結果........................................... 30 第一節 操弄檢驗:重疊效果 .................................. 30 第二節 假設檢驗:促發效果 .................................. 42 第六章 結論與建議......................................... 46 第一節 理論上之貢獻 ....................................... 46 第二節 管理上之貢獻 ....................................... 46 第三節 研究限制與未來發展 .................................. 46 參考文獻 ................................................ 48

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